Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2247781 times)


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Re: The Visitor
« Reply #2360 on: October 16, 2007, 03:01:05 am »
The Visitor by Susiebell

He woke with a start.  It was a warm Summer's night and yet there was an icy chill in the air, a strange vibration that tingled against his clammy flesh.  Glancing down at his wife sleeping peacefully, then towards the window, lace curtains billowing in the moonlight, a figure suddenly appeared from out of the shadows.  Just the outline was visible at first, then as the curtains moved and swayed, his features became clearer; desperate sad eyes, grey chipped teeth, lips mouthing the word "....why?" over and over.

His eyes were drawn down over the man's torso to a stain, the deepest red, spreading from his groin, over the front of his jeans, and dripping down his leg onto the floor.

The figure moved towards him in a single smooth motion, hovering for a moment, his voice getting louder and louder, the pitch higher and higher, "... why? .... WHY? ........WHY?"

He felt a sudden searing pain in his own groin, and looking down, saw to his horror that where his dick should be, was a gaping hole slowly oozing blood.  The thick hot fluid spread over the surface of his pajama and onto the bed sheets.  Screaming, he grabbed the nearest object, a glass vase, and hurled it towards the floating figure, crashing it into the wall.

"Willard Del Mar!!  What on earth is going on?"  Mrs Del Mar, hands shaking violently, pulled the lamp switch, flooding the room with light.

"You can't keep on like this every night."  she cried, her voice trembling with fear, "Please tell me what's goin' on.  What's happened to make you like this?"

Mr Del Mar, rolled over, pulling the blanket high over his shivering sweaty body and screwed his eyes shut tight.  "Go back to sleep Minnie..... " he muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks, his hand clasped protectively around his sticky erect member.


Why on earth did you think you aren´t good at writing scary stories? Give us more! Yeeehaaaw, Bastard DelMar getting his punishment! Well done, honey bun. ;D



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2361 on: October 16, 2007, 03:03:05 am »
I just checked my stats Gary .. nearly  1,000 of those posts are MINE!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  I have got to learn to keep my big gob shut!!   


Why´s that I´m not surprised?  :laugh:

Just found this on a thread (Funny expressions): She could talk underwater, with a mouth full of marbles!

 ;) Dagi


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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2362 on: October 16, 2007, 03:18:41 am »
One Night on the Trail by Littlewing1957

....... the spirit may get trapped on Earth, sometimes in the form of an inanimate object.”  Ennis looked at his lover.

“Why are you telling me this, Jack?”  Ennis asked, a bit irritated now.

“No reason,” Jack stated.  “Just seemed appropriate under the circumstances.  C’mon, I’ll race you back to camp!”

Good one, Littlewing! And Jack and Ennis forgetting about time because of their passion -  ;D...



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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2363 on: October 16, 2007, 03:21:34 am »
Hi Littlewing.  Another great spooky story.  Thanks so much for keeping the series going.  You know I'm loving it. 

You also know that I love to camp.  But after having read your story, I have to admit something.  Being out in the woods at night can be creepy.  Some might be afarid of bears, or afraid of getting lost, etc.  But being out in nature, and seeing how large it is, and how small I am, I'm always reminded of how much I don't see or understand.  So when I'm out in a tent late at night it's not the obvious dangers of the wilderness that gets to me, it's the unknown and the unknowable.


Reading this, I almost hope we come across a bear, rather than something unknown or unknowable:o



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2364 on: October 16, 2007, 07:20:18 am »
Hey! ... yeah you're right, who am I kidding!!  ... but you wouldn't want me any other way!!  

Love Susie

No we wouldn´t.  ;D Love you, and your smilies!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2365 on: October 16, 2007, 09:53:16 am »
Hi Littlewing.  Another great spooky story.  Thanks so much for keeping the series going.  You know I'm loving it. 

You also know that I love to camp.  But after having read your story, I have to admit something.  Being out in the woods at night can be creepy.  Some might be afarid of bears, or afraid of getting lost, etc.  But being out in nature, and seeing how large it is, and how small I am, I'm always reminded of how much I don't see or understand.  So when I'm out in a tent late at night it's not the obvious dangers of the wilderness that gets to me, it's the unknown and the unknowable.


I know what you mean, Gary.  I'm sure that Ennis and Jack saw a lot of creepy things up on Brokeback at night.  I think they had to?  Anyway, I love camping as well, even though I've only camped at public sites where one does not have to be an expert camper.  Now places like Yosemite..well..that is a place for experienced campers, IMHO.  The closest I've come to being afraid at night in camp?  Well, we were camping at a lake where racoons ran wild at night, rummaging through trash, even climbing into trucks and cars, stealing food.  It was kind of creepy seeing all those racoon shadows outside the tent, running around, making all that noise in the dead of night.  And think how mad we were the next morning to find that the little buggers took half of our eggs and sausages!

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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2366 on: October 16, 2007, 09:54:26 am »
Good one, Littlewing! And Jack and Ennis forgetting about time because of their passion -  ;D...


Thanks, Dagi!  Good lovin' takes awhile, I guess!  ::)

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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2367 on: October 16, 2007, 09:55:31 am »
Reading this, I almost hope we come across a bear, rather than something unknown or unknowable:o


I just hope you guys don't come upon a bear!  Be careful!  :)

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Re: The Visitor
« Reply #2368 on: October 16, 2007, 09:57:20 am »
(I presume you mean OMDM ;D )  Thanks for the compliment Littlewing honey!  :-* Who knew that I could write gay porn AND horror ... now if I could just incorporate the two into one story, I could write myself a novel!! 


Sorry, Susie.  I'm so used to writing about OMT.  I'll edit it when I get a chance.  :)  Yes, you're good at gay porn and horror!  Always good to discover a new talent, eh?

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Re: One Night on the Trail
« Reply #2369 on: October 16, 2007, 09:58:46 am »
Ooooh littlewing, superb story in so many ways  :-*

...... First you got me all hot and bothered with Jack's yummy bum straining in his jeans and their sexy romp up on the trail

.... then you reminded me of "His Hand in Mine" and made me feel all soppy and romantic

.... then you scared the whatsits out of me with those eerie ghosts

.... then you've intriged me with that reference to the inanimate object.  Hmmmmmmm  maybe there's more to come .......

Brilliant littlewing!


Thanks, SusieBaby!  There is definitely more to come.  I'm working on a scary tale as we speak!