Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830741 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Alone at Last
« Reply #2540 on: November 05, 2007, 11:26:04 pm »
Alone at Last by Littlewing1957

Dagi, this one is for you.  Hope you feel better soon. 

Extreme AU, a BBM slice of Life

Ennis walked around his clean kitchen floor putting the finishing touches to the evening meal.  Jack was due back from the ranch at any time, and Ennis had a small surprise for him.  Jenny and Emma were by earlier that afternoon to collect Baby Indigo and keep her for the weekend.  Ennis was quite excited when Jenny offered to watch Indigo and give her 2 guys a weekend to reconnect.  Since little Indigo’s birth some 6 months ago, Ennis and Jack rarely had a few minutes alone together.  Ennis was looking forward to a few days of rest, relaxation, conversation and love.

When Ennis heard Jack’s keys turning in the lock, he walked to the living area to greet him.  Jack walked into their home, hands in pockets, whistling a happy tune.  And when he saw his husband, his handsome features broke into a smile.  Ennis couldn’t help but marvel at Jack’s smile!  His entire face was transformed; seemed to glow when he flashed those pearly whites.  Ennis spread his arms in anticipation of a bear hug, and Jack walked right into his embrace.  Ennis kissed his lover, gentled him.  Jack returned the kiss, blue eyes boring into Ennis’ hazel ones.

“Where is the baby?”  Jack asked, as he looked around the spacious living area.  “She down for a nap?”  Ennis smiled and favored Jack with a quick peck on the cheek.

“She’s not here!”  Ennis stated matter-of-factly.  When he saw a trace of fear begin to materialize in Jack’s eyes, Ennis didn’t want to prolong the matter. 

“I got a surprise for you, Bud!”  Ennis started as he helped Jack peel away his gloves, and shrug out of his parka.

“Yeah, but where is our girl?”  Jack persisted as he placed his things on the couch.

“Oh alright!”  Ennis laughed.  “Jenny and Emma picked her up a little while ago.  My girls are keeping our girl for the entire weekend.  We got the entire weekend to ourselves, Rodeo!”  Ennis exclaimed.  But when Jack failed to share his enthusiasm,  Ennis frowned.

“What’s the matter, Bud?”  Ennis asked, a bit crestfallen, as he ran his fingers through Jack’s thick hair.  “I thought you would be happy to spend a few days alone with me!”  Ennis stated in mock disappointment.  Jack faced his husband.

“That all sounds good, Cowboy!”   Jack said.  “But I don’t ever remember a time when Indigo didn’t greet me when I got home.  I’m so used to her being here, is all.  She’s never been away from us, En.  I don’t know how to act!”  Jack exclaimed, rubbing his cold hands.  Ennis didn’t anticipate this.

“Don’t worry, Baby!”  Ennis soothed.  Jenny and Emma will take real good care of our daughter!”  Ennis felt a bit better as he noticed Jack’s countenance was starting to brighten.

“Just go get cleaned up for supper.  I’m going to take real good care of you.”  Jack’s blue eyes twinkled as he turned on a dime and shot into the bathroom to prepare for supper.  After he had showered, Jack wandered into the dining room and was greeted with a table filled with all his favorite foods.  Ennis had prepared meat loaf, mashed potatoes, summer squash, collard greens and biscuits.   He ordered a cheesecake from the bakery in town, and a red wine was chilled and poured.  Jack was almost dizzy with it all.  Ennis motioned for him to sit down.  Ennis served the meal as Jack watched, rather amused.  It was rare that Ennis prepared such an elaborate feast.

“So what do you want to do now that we’re alone?"  Ennis asked his husband as he ate his meat loaf.  “I’m content just to sit here on my butt and do nothing!”

“I got a lot of things I can do to your butt!”  Jack whispered huskily.  “You know I want to fuck, don’t you?”  Jack exclaimed, feeling his penis already straining his jeans.  Ennis nodded.

“We haven’t had near enough of that!”  Ennis stated as he watched Jack’s sensuous mouth working on his food.  They tried to finish and save some room for dessert, but they couldn’t wait to get to the real sweets.  The cheesecake could wait for another day.

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2541 on: November 06, 2007, 07:31:35 am »

"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"



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Re: Admiring the View
« Reply #2542 on: November 06, 2007, 09:31:12 am »
I have GOT to learn to shut up!!   :-X ;D



Aaah, Susie, come on, admit it: You couldn´t even if you tried! ;D And please don´t try, you hear me?

Dagi :-*


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Re: You gotta teach me that one!
« Reply #2543 on: November 06, 2007, 09:33:26 am »
Thanks, Toycoon!  I'm just glad you had the vision to encourage our creative sides.  Who knows?  One day I may write something for profit.  And if I do, I'll have you and the others here to thank!  You guys are the greatest!  :-*

Marie, please do it! It can only be good! And I´d be so proud, I´d tell everyone I know you! ;D



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Re: The Hunter
« Reply #2544 on: November 06, 2007, 09:41:04 am »
Hey Dagi dear, How about a porn-with-no-plot story just for you?  I miss them  ;D  and I miss you  :-*


The Hunter by Susiebell

Ennis searched through the forest for Jack, visions of the previous night racing across his mind; kneeling over Jack’s sweaty naked body, grasping his slim firm hips, spreading his smooth white buttocks wide apart.  Jack was around here somewhere, he’d seen him head off in this direction, and he needed him now.   He spotted him just a short distance ahead, collecting firewood, whistling absentmindedly to himself.

Ennis was on him like a wolf attacking its prey.  Jack didn’t know what had hit him, flung against the trunk of a tree, lips pressed hard on him, tongue prising his mouth open.  Ennis’ hips ground painfully against his, fumbling fingers soon had his jeans open and pulled down to his ankles, Ennis falling to his knees, mouth enveloping his cock, sucking hard, devouring him hungrily.

Strong arms twisted him around and rammed him up against the tree, legs spread apart, Ennis’ angry cock throbbing against his backside.  A sharp pain as Ennis forced his way in, gave way to waves of pleasure, matching the rhythmic pumping from behind.  Jack was so close, moaning loudly, Ennis’ teeth sinking into his neck, fucking him hard.  Grunting and groaning, breath coming in heavy and ragged, two loud cries echoed through the trees and both men collapsed to the ground.



 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Wow, I´m still alive! Seems my libido hasn´t suffered from gastroenteritis! Thanks so much for this erotic piece, Susiebell, you sure know how to get my blood circulation going! ;D

(And what´s that about a wolf attacking its prey?? Has the Halloween series left some traces in your mind??)



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2545 on: November 06, 2007, 09:44:41 am »
Hurry up and get better Dagi baby!

Here's a little something to cheer you up .....


Love Susie    

Aaaw, Susie, you are so incredibly sweet, thank you so much for your wishes and for cheering me up. What would I do without you guys? Jake is a God, isn´t he?

Dagi :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2546 on: November 06, 2007, 09:47:51 am »
Oh, I'm sorry to hear this.  Dagi, please feel better soon.  We won't feel right without you here! 

Get well soon, our dear sweet Dagi!

Thank you so much, Littlewing, you´re sweet. Truth is I don´t feel right without you guys either, I just had to come here today. I´m doing better, still feeling a little weak and don´t have any appetite, but I´m over the hill I think.



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Re: Alone at Last
« Reply #2547 on: November 06, 2007, 09:56:54 am »
Alone at Last by Littlewing1957

Dagi, this one is for you.  Hope you feel better soon. 

Extreme AU, a BBM slice of Life

I´ve already spent quite some time apart from my kids, and I´ve always enjoyed it ( ;D ;D ;D), but in the beginning it does feel weird! I´m glad they found a way to make the time pass though!

I love the Indigo-series, keep it up, Littlewing, please!



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2548 on: November 06, 2007, 09:59:03 am »

Thanks so much, Shasta! And nice to know that you show up here every once in a while!

Dagi :-*


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Re: The Hunter
« Reply #2549 on: November 06, 2007, 10:05:03 am »
Thanks Dagi dear .... as Gary suggested, I'm trying to embrace my inner vampire!!  :P


If stories like that are the result of embracing your inner vampire, then go hug him a little more! :D