Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830735 times)

Offline Toycoon

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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2760 on: November 27, 2007, 01:58:55 am »
Jack watched Ennis drive away.  He looked at his bare hands and wondered how much longer he could continue on with the relationship.  He was not an old man, but 16 years of meeting secretly without hope of anything tangible, solid, was dissolving him from the inside out.  Jack thought he was looking older than his years, and for the first time in many years thought he deserved better.

Really strong, powerful words, Littlewing. For the first time in a long while, I'm a little scared.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2761 on: November 27, 2007, 02:03:15 am »
Really strong, powerful words, Littlewing. For the first time in a long while, I'm a little scared.

Thanks, Toycoon.  It is a bit scary, isn't it?


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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2762 on: November 27, 2007, 04:16:02 am »
I'm Losing Him? By Littlewing1957

 Jack listened to his favorite Willie Nelson tape to ease his journey home.  He vowed right then and there that if he survived, he would make a change.

 :( Heartbreaking. There's no way out, huh? I can't blame neither of them. Ennis for not being more courageous, Jack for wanting more... You perfectly captured both sides of the medal. Great writing, Marie, as always.


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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2763 on: November 27, 2007, 09:13:00 pm »
Oh so beautiful and so sad ... you've captured that moment by the lake perfectly  :'( :'(


Awww thanks for the beautiful pics, Susiebaby!  :-*

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Re: Right (45)
« Reply #2764 on: November 27, 2007, 09:33:04 pm »
Hello Littlewing and Toycoon,

Wow!  I am really struck by the fact that Ennis is being put down in the basement.  That's kind of the way I've been feeling lately.  It's like I've been told that I can stay, but I have to sleep down in the basement because I'm not really good enough to be around decent folk.  I wonder when Ennis, and the rest of us, will be allowed upstairs.


Awww, sugarboo, don't mind it!  We're all feeling a bit down, but everything will be okay.  If we didn't have hard times, we couldn't appreciate the good times.  Just you wait: we'll be back to normal, and will be happy again.  Until that happens, I'll post as many heartwarming, uplifting, AU stories as I can.  As Maria says, "Cheer up, chippermonkey!"  We'll get through this.

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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2765 on: November 27, 2007, 09:34:59 pm »
Very heart-rending stuff, Littlewing.  I'm wondering if your anguish over recent events is showing up in your writing.  The sadness and sense of loss in your story is something I've been feeling a lot lately.


Yeah, I'm feeling a bit blue, but I'm coming out of it. 

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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2766 on: November 27, 2007, 09:43:53 pm »
Me too honey ... but that's why I'm so happy to have you guys here with me!! We'll get through this together  :-*


Thanks, Susie.  You're so very sweet!  You're my girl!  :-*

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Baby Steps
« Reply #2767 on: November 27, 2007, 10:21:13 pm »
Baby Steps by Littlewing1957

Extreme AU, a BBM Slice of Life

Ennis and Jack were both kneeling on their rose colored carpet, beckoning Baby Indigo to amble over to them. 

“Nine months already!” Jack mused as he watched his daughter move with her baby walker.

“I know!”  Ennis enthused as he held a steady hand out to the baby.  “Where did the time go?”  Jack smiled and shook his head.

“We both have older kids,” Ennis began, "But I can’t get used to how fast they grow up!” 

Jack felt his eyes stinging at the mention of the older kids.  He saw Bobby quite often, and had a good relationship with him, but Bobby lived many miles away in Texas, and only visited Wyoming once or twice a year.  Ennis was a bit more fortunate.  His girls lived nearby and were always over for a visit.  Jack shook away the gloomy thoughts.  He couldn’t be happier with his life, and cherished his new family.  Besides, Bobby was just a phone call away.

“C’mon, baby,” Ennis coaxed his child as she moved toward him.  He was so glad Alma Jr. recommended the baby walker.  Jack went right out and bought the little plastic walker when his step daughter assured him that Baby Indigo would be walking in no time if she had help.  When Ennis first placed his child behind the brightly colored plastic device, she wasted no time in pulling herself up, and Ennis helped her fix her tiny hands on either side of the handles.  She pushed the walker tentatively, and allowed her small feet to move; first one, and then the other.  Jack and Ennis didn’t push her, but wanted her to use the walker on her own terms, at her own pace.  Weeks passed, and she started to use the baby walker like a little pro. 

Baby Indigo was moving closer, and just when she was about a foot away from her daddies, Indigo pushed the walker away and ran the remaining few steps to Jack.

“C’mon Indigo!”  Jack laughed as he caught his daughter in his arms.  She giggled and wrapped her chubby arms around daddy Jack's shoulders and kissed his cheek.  Baby Indigo was beaming: obviously proud of her accomplishment!  Ennis laughed with delight, and refused to hide his tears as he rubbed his child's thick brown hair. 

“Her first steps!”  Jack whispered as he placed a tender kiss on his daughter’s cheek.  “Aww Ennis, I’m so glad you were here to see it!”  Jack looked into his husband's eyes, and noticed the tears forming there, threatening to fall.

“Yes!”  Ennis whispered, too moved to say anything else.  He pulled his family close and held them both. 

“Baby steps!”  Jack stated as he snuggled with those he loved.  “Just you wait, En!” Jack began.  “Soon she’ll be running around here destroying everything in her path.”  Ennis laughed and kissed his daughter on her rosy cheek. 

"You may be right Jack.  I think you're right."


Offline Toycoon

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Re: I'm Losing Him?
« Reply #2768 on: November 28, 2007, 02:16:56 am »
Yeah, I'm feeling a bit blue, but I'm coming out of it. 

Hey there gang,
I'm feeling a little sad as of late, too. Maybe it's the approaching holidays. Perhaps, it's just the weather. Oh well...

I have more up my sleeve, you'll see. Gary, please don't feel bad or singled out. We had a crazy run both here and on IMDb, remember. Somehow, everything will work out, it always does. Life is funny that way. Trust me, it could be far worse.

Dagi, Susiebell, don't you dare go anywhere.
Littlewing1957, I have more to add to our saga, "Right" but I'm too tired to write tonight.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Right (45)
« Reply #2769 on: November 28, 2007, 05:55:30 am »
Hello Littlewing and Toycoon,

Wow!  I am really struck by the fact that Ennis is being put down in the basement.  That's kind of the way I've been feeling lately.  It's like I've been told that I can stay, but I have to sleep down in the basement because I'm not really good enough to be around decent folk.  I wonder when Ennis, and the rest of us, will be allowed upstairs.


 :-\ I can relate. It's the second time we are involved when it's about something inappropriate...
