Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2830985 times)

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3160 on: February 05, 2008, 09:05:29 pm »
Gee whiz, cwby30, you're our best-est critic! I'm so glad you're still with us. It's been a helluva year so far, huh?

This story has taken on a life of its own. Every time I come back there's a new twist!  Even I don't know what happened inside.  ???
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3161 on: February 05, 2008, 10:59:29 pm »
Hey GC-
Did you rememebr to vote? In California, if you voted democratic, I hope you remembered to mark, "democratic' at the top of the ballot or else your vote will not count! I got f-ckked because the assh-le at my polling place didn't tell me that. I am so pissed off, I could scream!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right (74)
« Reply #3162 on: February 05, 2008, 11:21:24 pm »

Well, nice update, the only thing missing was "suddenly, a shot rang out"!!!  And I wouldn't put it past Alan to have a pistol on him.  Things are tensing up, and looking forward to finding out what happened inside.  Even if it did mess up the 'moment' the guys were having. You've left things wide open for your partner in writing, so onward into the fray.

Ennis still hasn't figured out his own worth, to himself and to Jack; he still feels like he's in the way, like he was with his father, and with KE, and with Alma.  He needs Jack around to find out that with Jack he's never in the way, he's Jack's one and only, and he need to work through that with Jack's help.  Hard to get him to do that, but necessary.  Again, the Dakotas are looking much better, away from Jack's parents and past and away from Ennis' siblings and past. 

Thanks again. 

I love to read your comments, Babe!  You're one of the reasons I keep writing! 

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Re: Trust
« Reply #3163 on: February 05, 2008, 11:23:58 pm »
Littlewing, this is sexy as hell.  What a great story.  You have the trust between the boys, and this allows Ennis to submit to Jack.  And there simply isn't anything more sexy than one person telling another "do what you want to me."  MMM  *evil grin*  And the way you left it up to the reader to decide exactly what was on Jack's mind is genius.


Wow, Gary, you have made my night.  I was just checking my e-mail from work after taking a day off to care for an ailing Maria.  I expected to find some things from my bosses that would upset me.  Sad to say, I wasn't "disappointed."  But when I read your sweet comments, I perked right up.  Thanks so much, Sweetheart!

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3164 on: February 05, 2008, 11:25:19 pm »

This story has taken on a life of its own. Every time I come back there's a new twist!  Even I don't know what happened inside.  ???

I don't know what's gonna happen either, but I'm working on it!  :)

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Right 75
« Reply #3165 on: February 08, 2008, 10:16:08 pm »
Right 75 By Littlewing1957

Jack and Ennis ran back into the hall in a flash, and were greeted with an unexpected silence.  Jack bolted to a halt, and pulled Ennis alongside him, as he was the first to notice the elegantly dressed party goers crowded around someone or some thing.  Jack was hesitant to check out the scene, but his curiosity got the better of him.  He released Ennis and they both crept toward the crowd.  Jack saw Katie and he advanced toward her.  She was standing alongside Raquel with her arms around Rocky’s tiny waist.  They were both looking down on the floor where Leroy lay unconscious atop a wooden table broken to kindling!  Everyone looked down at the still form of an obviously drunk Leroy Tippins.  His nose was shattered and oozing blood.  His breathing was labored and rather shallow.  "Someone call a doctor!” A comely lady cried.  “I’m a doctor,” an older man in a white tux shouted as he ran in from the back.  Dr. Miller pushed his way through the crowd and crouched at Leroy’s side.  Jack took Katie’s hand and led her to the banquet table.  Ennis tended to Rocky.  “What happened, Katie?” Jack asked.  Katie was shaking and was as white as Wyoming clouds on a summer morning.  “Well, Jack, all I heard was a scream, and when I looked over to where Rocky was dancing with Leroy, I saw Rocky clobber him something terrible.”  Katie ran a sweat soaked hand over her forehead.  “Then he went down on the table and was knocked out cold.”  Jack listened to this and shook his head.  He knew Leroy Tippins as a woman hating jerk.  Leroy was not the most popular guy in town, and Jack disliked him intently.  He was not sorry to see a woman take him down.

Ennis sat Rocky down at one of the decorated tables and heard her side of the story.  It seemed that Leroy always had a "crush" on Rocky, and this night he was stinking drunk when he cut in on Rocky and Ennis.  “He asked me to go home and smoke a joint with him, Ennis!” Rocky sobbed as she wiped her eyes with a napkin. “He made other suggestions, and was groping me!  He even tried to touch my breasts!”  Ennis handed Rocky a drink of water and continued listening.  “When I refused him and told him to take his grubby hands off of me, he started cursing me and even insulted you!”  Ennis flinched when he heard this.  “What did he say, Rocky?”  Ennis whispered.  “Never mind, Ennis,” Rocky soothed.  It don’t make no difference.  Leroy don’t even know you—don’t worry about him.  Anyway, he refused to leave me alone, and after I tried to get away from him and go look for you, he grabbed my arm and I screamed in pain as he tried to pull me back!”  Rocky rubbed at the nasty bruise on her upper arm. “He hurt you!”  It was Ennis, furious.  “Where were you when I was being manhandled?” Rocky wailed.  Ennis was silent.  He was sorry that Rocky was attacked, but he wasn’t about to tell her that he was out back with Jack.  “I was in the men’s room,” Ennis lied.  Rocky seemed to accept his answer and continued, “Well, my daddy taught me to throw a mean left hook, and tonight I would have made him proud!”  Ennis smiled when Rocky flexed her black-and-blue knuckles.  “I hit him so hard he was knocked back a few feet and landed on an empty table!”  Ennis gently rubbed Rocky’s arm.  “Good for you," he exclaimed.  "That jerk deserved it!”

Alan Sims looked down on his friend Leroy and shook his head.  That man would learn yet, Alan theorized as he watched the doctor examine him.  Alan walked away from the crowd and felt almost guilty about discussing Ennis and Jack with Leroy.  Alan walked out the front door of the hall and sat down on the steps.  The night was silent and cold, but Alan heard the distant, faint sounds of an ambulance approaching.  Alan thought back to the night when he invited Leroy out for a drink.  Alan’s family used to live right next door to Leroy’s grandparents.  Leroy was raised by his maternal grandparents when his own mom and dad abandoned him at 4 years old.  His folks just up and disappeared one day without a word, never to be heard from again.  Leroy’s grandma and grandpa raised him as best they could, but the boy was trouble from day one.  Alan knew what haunted Leroy.  Besides the fact that he was abandoned by his folks at an early age, he was queer, but couldn’t accept it.  He tried everything in his power to disavow his homosexuality.  He spoke homophobic nonsense, acted macho, pursued and mistreated women.  Alan liked Leroy; grew up with him; even made love with him a few times.  But he knew that Leroy was trouble.  Even so, Alan invited him out for drinks the night after Jack’s father threw him off the Twist ranch.  Alan got drunk and said things that should have remained private.  Leroy was just the type to use the information about Jack.  Alan cringed when he thought back to that night, and Leroy smirking when he heard about Ennis and Jack.  Alan headed back inside when the ambulance parked right out in front of the hall.  He needed a drink!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right 75
« Reply #3166 on: February 09, 2008, 02:06:47 pm »
Very juicy chapter, Littlewing.  It's so cool that Rocky knocked this Leroy guy out cold.  And how interesting to find out that like Alan, he's a closet case with issues.  And it's interesting to know that Alan and Leroy are connected, and that through Alan, Leroy knows things about Jack and Ennis.  I wonder where all this will go.

Thanks for the installment, Littlewing.  I'm looking forward to the next one, Toycoon.

Have a great day.   :D


Thanks, Babe!  I hope I didn't go overboard with all of this.  The installment seemed to write itself, so to speak.  But what fun!  :laugh:

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right (75)
« Reply #3167 on: February 09, 2008, 05:22:27 pm »


Well, just knew that Alan would be a problem, didn't realize just how big a one.  Leroy isn't going to let things lie [even if he himself is lying to himself].  Interesting that Alan wants Jack, but has settled for several flings with Leroy, and Leroy does it with Alan while at the same time hating himself [and Alan I bet] for doing it with Alan and being the way he is.  Sounds like a psychiatrist or psychologist would be fully employed in Lightning Flat!

Wonder how Ennis will react when Rocky finally tells him what Leroy said.  If he bolts, he better not be going alone! That would keep them apart, but more importantly leave Jack to fend for himself against Leroy and Alan, and Ennis would never forgive himself if anything happened to Jack because of him [like in OS, realizing too late that keeping Jack away eventually led to his death]. 

The Dakotas are looking better and better, though Millie might prove a problem in the short run.

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right (75)
« Reply #3168 on: February 09, 2008, 08:54:52 pm »

Well, just knew that Alan would be a problem, didn't realize just how big a one.  Leroy isn't going to let things lie [even if he himself is lying to himself].  Interesting that Alan wants Jack, but has settled for several flings with Leroy, and Leroy does it with Alan while at the same time hating himself [and Alan I bet] for doing it with Alan and being the way he is.  Sounds like a psychiatrist or psychologist would be fully employed in Lightning Flat!

Wonder how Ennis will react when Rocky finally tells him what Leroy said.  If he bolts, he better not be going alone! That would keep them apart, but more importantly leave Jack to fend for himself against Leroy and Alan, and Ennis would never forgive himself if anything happened to Jack because of him [like in OS, realizing too late that keeping Jack away eventually led to his death]. 

The Dakotas are looking better and better, though Millie might prove a problem in the short run.

Thanks again. 

Thanks for the comments, cwby30!  I'm really anxious to read your thoughts after we post an chapter.  Thank you so much for your kind feedback and your encouragement/suggestions.  Your presence here means a lot to me.  You're a sweetie!  :-*

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3169 on: February 09, 2008, 09:31:27 pm »
Oh cwby30,
You were right. That damn dance was gonna be nothin' but trouble for the boys. How did you know?

I'm just about to post "Right 76", I'm that inspired tonight. Thanks for staying with us.
We don't where this wild tale is going. As they say, There ain't no reins on this one!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero