Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2831131 times)

Offline cwby30

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Re: Aware
« Reply #3360 on: April 17, 2008, 02:44:47 pm »

Ennis could tell when Jack was preoccupied with his own thoughts, after twenty-some years he could read his man's body language from across a corral full of horses under a midnight moon. On impulse, he walked up behind Jack and put his arms around Jack’s waist, catching Jack unawares.  Jack leaned back into Ennis with a sigh, knowing he'd have to face things soon but knowing it would be easier with Ennis' strong arms backing him up.  Turning in those arms, he put his own around Ennis.  They stood there, each holding onto the best thing in his life.

[100 words;  Drabblefest prompts: aware, preoccupied, impulse] 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3361 on: April 18, 2008, 12:19:31 am »
Howdy Miss Shasta,
HK is about 15 hours ahead of the USA. 8:00 AM Monday HK time is 5 PM Sunday, California time.
I have tons of pictures to share. Of course I didn't actually get to see any of those HK landmarks. My boyfriend got to visit those places while I had to work.  :-\


I wish I was there right now!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Aware
« Reply #3362 on: April 18, 2008, 12:21:37 am »
Ennis could tell when Jack was preoccupied with his own thoughts, after twenty-some years he could read his man's body language from across a corral full of horses under a midnight moon. On impulse, he walked up behind Jack and put his arms around Jack’s waist, catching Jack unawares.  Jack leaned back into Ennis with a sigh, knowing he'd have to face things soon but knowing it would be easier with Ennis' strong arms backing him up.  Turning in those arms, he put his own around Ennis.  They stood there, each holding onto the best thing in his life.

[100 words;  Drabblefest prompts: aware, preoccupied, impulse] 

Beautiful, cwby30!  I just love the 100 word format and have to try it sometimes.  This is very lyrical, very graceful.  I love it, and I want more!  :)

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Aware
« Reply #3363 on: April 18, 2008, 02:53:33 am »
Ennis could tell when Jack was preoccupied with his own thoughts, after twenty-some years he could read his man's body language from across a corral full of horses under a midnight moon.

Gee whiz, cwby30, you are so good at this drabblefest stuff. I don't what I'm gonna do when I come back; I am so out of practice with my writin'. Good grief!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3364 on: April 18, 2008, 02:55:08 am »
Littlewing1957, yer back! Thank goodness, I never did think the name, "Spudnick" suited you much.  ;)
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3365 on: April 18, 2008, 08:21:47 pm »
Littlewing1957, yer back! Thank goodness, I never did think the name, "Spudnick" suited you much.  ;)

Yeah, I got bored with it.  Sputnik didn't stick when my grandma gave me the nickname when I was a baby.  Sorry grandma!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right 87
« Reply #3366 on: April 18, 2008, 09:34:07 pm »
Right 87 by Littlewing

Ennis looked at Jack as he walked alongside him, all excited and animated.  He was talking a blue streak about where they could go and what would happen when they got there.  Ennis shook his head as he listened to his friend go on and on about jobs and ranches and the good life.  Ennis was less optimistic.  As far as he was concerned, they were headed toward the unknown.  He was a bit frightened and, yes, worried.  As Jack babbled on about the livestock they would eventually raise and sell, Ennis looked at Jack’s head and wondered if he did the right thing.  They were both so young and inexperienced.  Ennis wondered if either one of them had the courage and fortitude to make the dream come true.  He shrugged and chased the negative thoughts from his mind.  He, too, wanted that good life – the sweet life – and realized that it would happen if he made it happen.  He would pursue the dream for his lover and himself.  They both deserved nothing less! 

The day was young and the weather was still frigid.  Ennis hoisted his duffle higher on his shoulder and prayed that the weather would stay cold, as they had a long way to go, and it would prove easier to walk in cool weather.  Jack stopped talking long enough to readjust his bag and look back over his shoulder.  “You okay, there?” Ennis stopped and asked as he noticed Jack’s silence.  Jack was looking at the road they just traversed.  Ennis followed his gaze and saw a truck closing in on them.  Jack placed his duffle on the dusty road and turned north.  “I think I see my dad’s truck, Ennis,” Jack whispered as he took a few steps back down the road.  Ennis saw the truck and recognized it instantly.  “Yeah, and he’s coming this way, Jack.  Wonder what he wants?”

Mr. Twist was happy to see his son and Ennis Del Mar stopped alongside the road.  He knew he could catch up to them.  He only hoped that they would be glad to see him, and would hear him out.  Mr. Twist pulled up alongside the pair and killed the engine.  He blew out a steadying gust of air from his lungs and tried to fortify himself for the task at hand.  By the time he felt together, Jack and Ennis were looking in at him from the driver’s side window.  John Twist gestured at them to step aside while he alighted from the vehicle.  Ennis and Jack stepped away and were silent as Mr. Twist pulled his coat tight against the cold.  “How you boys doin’, he asked, softly.  Jack looked at Ennis, wondering what was going on.  He had no idea what his father wanted with them.  “We’re fine,” they chimed in unison.  “Good, good,” Mr. Twist offered.   There was an awkward silence as Jack’s father tried to gather his thoughts.  Ennis and Jack waited patiently for him to continue.  “Where ya headed,” he asked, tentatively.  This time Ennis looked to Jack.  Neither spoke right away.  “Well, pa,” Jack began, “we don’t rightly know.  Wherever we end up, I guess.”  Ennis’ head shook his assent.  “Well, how ya gonna get there?”  It was Mr. Twist, of course, his eyes fixed on the cold ground.  “We don’t know that neither,” Ennis ventured.  Mr. Twist nodded and was silent for a bit.  “If you don’t know where you goin’ nor how you gonna git there, why don’t you hang around the ranch a spell until you have it all worked out?”  Jack sucked his teeth and looked his father square in the eyes.  “You don’t understand, dad,” Jack said, very softly.  “But Ennis and me—we gotta do this on our own, in our own time, and in our own way—right, Cowboy?”  Ennis nodded.  Mr. Twist looked from Ennis and then to Jack.  “I thought you would say that, son,” he stated, matter-of-factly.  Your ma is certain that you won’t be back for awhile.  She thinks you have your mind made up, and nothing we can say will stop you.”  Ennis and Jack were silent.  “Well, I understand what it means to have a dream, son,” John Twist said, almost tenderly.  He reached into his pocket and extracted the keys to his truck.  He placed the keys in Jack’s hand.  Jack accepted the keys and looked at his father, bewildered.  “Take the truck.”  Before Jack could object, Mr. Twist continued, “Listen, son, I don’t think I ever did right by you your whole life!  The least I can do is help provide the means for you to go find your place in this world.”  No one said a word.  “We have another truck,”  Mr. Twist announced, breaking the silence, and some of the tension.  It was true.  There was a second truck on the property: a disused vehicle, but every bit as functional as the truck Mr. Twist offered.  “All I ask is you drop me back at the ranch, and you can go on your way.  No need to even get out.  Don’t make this harder on ya ma; just let me out and keep on goin!”  Jack fought back tears.  He never imaged anything like this!  Ennis’ face registered relief and joy.  He couldn’t speak, just nodded his head when Jack looked to him.  “Okay, dad,” Jack whispered.  “We both thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’ll be glad to drop you back at the ranch.”  Nothing else was said, or needed to be said.  If things had been different, if he had been raised in some other reality, Jack would have embraced his father.  It was the first time he ever felt affection for his dad, and he felt regret at not being able to show that affection.  Jack opened the driver’s side door and popped the passenger side lock so that Ennis and his dad could climb into the cab.  He turned the engine over and drove back toward the Twist spread.

Mrs. Twist never left the window.  She didn’t know where her husband went, and she was worried.  She hoped he didn’t try to drive down the boys and convince them to stay.  She didn’t want them to leave, but she knew that every mother had to say goodbye, and face an empty nest.  Roberta Twist glanced down the road even though Ennis and Jack disappeared long ago.  She seemed riveted to the spot, helpless and afraid.  She wanted her man home, if for no other reason than to help her away from the window.  Mrs. Twist blinked a few times when she saw a truck, small in the distance.  It was getting larger all the time, the closer it came to the ranch.  She could make out her husband’s very own truck; the cab full with 1 driver and 2 passengers.  Mrs. Twist stood when the truck stopped right in front of the house and John climbed out.  He turned toward the house and looked back, just once, to wave goodbye to Ennis and Jack.  Mrs. Twist couldn’t find the power to move from the window, or even sit back down in her chair.  She watched, her mouth open, her eyes moist, as Ennis and Jack drove off down the road.

Offline cwby30

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Re:Right (87)
« Reply #3367 on: April 19, 2008, 12:07:35 am »
Evenin', Marie.

Well, mighty fine chapter.  The guys holding firm, Mr. Twist bending, Jack wanting to show affection but not knowing how, and Mrs. Twist just watching her two sons drive away.  Well done.  they're on their way.

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re:Right (87)
« Reply #3368 on: April 19, 2008, 01:09:03 am »
Evenin', Marie.

Well, mighty fine chapter.  The guys holding firm, Mr. Twist bending, Jack wanting to show affection but not knowing how, and Mrs. Twist just watching her two sons drive away.  Well done.  they're on their way.

Thanks again. 

Thanks for reading and commenting, cwby30!  I'm always pleased to see your comments and I thank you for your encouragement.  I can't wait for the next chapter.  Thanks for hanging in here with us.  :)

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No Fire, No Sign
« Reply #3369 on: April 19, 2008, 01:31:07 am »
Aguirre had his rules, and Ennis tried his best to abide by them.  Before he bedded down for the night, he let the fire die down, or poured water over it to extinguish the heat and leave no sign.  When the fire went out he was left cold.  He was often lonely.  Some nights he was scared witless, up there all by himself!

Ennis loved to steal a night or two in camp with Jack Twist.  Being with him at night was against the rules, but there were times when Ennis couldn’t stand to be huddled by himself with only a blue dog for warmth and companionship. 

One night, on past midnight, Ennis watched and shivered as the flames shrank from the wood and quickly died as the embers popped.  He rose from the ground as the heat evaporated into mist.  There was no moon that night; Ennis couldn’t see his hand in front of his face.  But he could feel, he could sense.  Ennis wasn’t frightened as he heard a rustling, and the sound of twigs snapping under feet that moved steadily toward him.  He knew his lover’s smell, could feel his heat.  Instinctively, Ennis was drawn toward his lover’s lips.  Jack’s heat was pulling him, guiding him in the dark.  No fire, no sign.  Aguirre, have it your way.  It was okay with Ennis.  He pulled Jack close and led him into the tent.