Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2831148 times)

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3450 on: July 03, 2008, 06:39:02 pm »
Boy howdy, I love me some cwby30! Yer 'one shots' are pure heaven, I tell you.
Cwby30, tell a little something about you. When did you get into "Brokeback Mountain"? I really admire your burning passion for the fellas, three years later.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3451 on: July 05, 2008, 04:02:54 pm »
Boy howdy, I love me some cwby30! Yer 'one shots' are pure heaven, I tell you.
Cwby30, tell a little something about you. When did you get into "Brokeback Mountain"? I really admire your burning passion for the fellas, three years later.

I admire his passion, which I share.  I'll have the latest installment of Right posted in a few days. 

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The 4th
« Reply #3452 on: July 05, 2008, 08:36:10 pm »
Ennis sat down to a dinner of baked beans, barbequed chicken and potato salad.  His neighbor, Franklyn Keyes, brought the “care package” over to him a few hours ago.  Ennis accepted the platter of food with a quiet smile and a grateful heart.  It was his first 4th of July alone since he divorced, and Ennis couldn’t keep ahead of the loneliness.  Franklyn invited him to drive into town with his family to see a fireworks show, but Ennis politely turned him down.  He didn’t feel up to it.

Ennis’ mind drifted back to that 4th of July when the girl’s were mere babies.  He twitched a bit as he remembered the bewilderment in Alma’s eyes after he kicked in the face of that slop mouthed biker.  Alma couldn’t begin to understand his motivation, but there was no need to dwell on it.  Ennis bit into a savory chicken leg and resigned himself to an evening alone. 

Along about 9:00pm there was a knock at the trailer door.  Ennis had fallen asleep after his meal and checked his battery powered clock for the time.  He certainly wasn’t expecting anyone, and couldn’t image who would come calling.  His girls were certainly at some park holding a barbeque with Alma and Monroe.  After all, he was invited to the park but didn’t want to go and be a sad daddy for his girls.  And what about Jack?  Ennis couldn’t bear to think about Jack.   He walked the few feet to his door and hesitated.  He couldn’t image a process server working on Independence Day, so he opened the door.  “Hey, Cowboy, ya hungry?”  Jack stood on the stoop of Ennis’ trailer wearing a smile and carrying an enormous picnic basket.  Ennis couldn’t say a word.  The shock and the dizzying joy rendered him speechless.  He couldn’t do anything but move aside and let Jack enter, no questions asked.  The hugs would come later.

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« Reply #3453 on: July 08, 2008, 09:17:15 pm »
“Okay, now, rub his back!”  Ennis did what he was told and smoothed a steady hand up and down Jack’s rigid spine.  Jack was trembling and his breath was labored.  Ennis clenched his teeth, noticed the veins throbbing along his friend's temple.  Ennis was afraid for Jack, and ashamed for the both of them.   “Now, Del Mar, kiss him on the mouth!”  Ennis tensed, but he did what he was told.  Jack accepted the kiss with closed eyes.  He whimpered as he tasted Ennis’ cold mouth.  Ennis didn’t feel good.  How could he?  A proud man like Ennis Del Mar would whither up and die under such humiliation, or he would blow his stack. 

Aguirre smirked down at the two young men, a 30-30 pointed right at them.  He arrived in camp just as Ennis and Jack were cooking supper and sharing a kiss.  Aguirre walked right up to them and told them what was on his mind.  He talked about watching them make love for days, and how he wanted a private performance.  Jack told Aguirre to go to hell, but Ennis calmed him with a hand to his shoulder, especially when the 30-30 came into view.  Aguirre knew just how he wanted it, and Ennis and Jack felt they had no choice but to oblige.  Jack thought about a sweet revenge against his employer as he returned Ennis’ kiss.  Ennis buried a murderous rage against his lover’s mouth.  There would be time for dealing with Aguirre later.

“Now move on down, between his legs,” Aguirre barked.  Ennis didn’t know how he would endure it!  How could he behave like a queer in front of his boss?  Ennis looked up into the barrel of Aguirre’s shotgun, now aimed at Jack’s sweaty forehead and moved down between his thighs.  “Now unzip him, and make it good!  Do it like you mean it!”  Aguirre licked his chops in a lewd gesture that made Ennis want to vomit.  But in the next moment, Ennis woke as he fell from his small bed.  He trembled as he found himself twisted in his wet sheets.  He sighed audibly as he realized that it was all a terrible nightmare.  But something was wrong.   Ennis was sporting a case of morning wood stronger than anything he experienced when he dreamed about being alone with Jack.  But Ennis decided to let it go.  After all, it was only a dream.

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« Reply #3454 on: July 11, 2008, 01:09:17 am »
Ennis rode his mare into camp, and expected to see Jack sitting on a log, asking about his supper.  But that Friday evening Jack was nowhere to be found.  It was just as well.  Ennis was late getting back to camp after collecting the week’s supplies from the Basque.  He figured he had a few minutes to put something on for Jack before he rode into camp, hungry as hell. 

Ennis unpacked cans of Bettermost beans, a foot long salami, cans of pears, a bag of flour and a few cans of tuna.  It was a strange mix of vittles, but Ennis thought he could use some of it to make a decent supper.  He had a few strings of dried elk in a pan, and reasoned that a can of beans and a few pears would make a hearty dinner.  Ennis placed the supplies on the ground, but first he noticed a small package at the bottom of the burlap sack.  He pulled it out, and read Jack’s name on the front.  Ennis shook his head.  Another care package from Mrs. Twist?  He remembered the last time Jack’s ma sent them something special.  He hoped it was a batch of chocolate chip cookies or a few steaks.  Ennis didn’t have long to find out, as Jack rode up just as Ennis was inspecting the package.

“What ya got there, friend?” Jack asked as he dismounted, tied up his horse, and joined Ennis at the fire.  Ennis handed Jack the package and watched as he ripped it open.  “Looks like it came from my ma,” Jack stated, excitedly.  He opened a cardboard box and frowned at the contents.  Ennis was almost frightened as he saw Jack’s countenance darken.  He walked over as Jack turned the box over and allowed the contents to fall to the cold ground.  Ennis looked down and saw a dozen or so girly magazines littering the camp.  Both men were speechless.  Ennis picked up one of the skin rags, opened it and jumped.  Ennis had never before seen such raunchy, hard core smut.  Jack stood, motionless, as he considered his father, and how he always outdid himself in the sleaze department.  “My dad sent me these,” Jack whispered through clenched teeth.  “Now you know just what kind of bastard raised me.”  Ennis shrugged and collected the skin rags from the ground.  Jack watched in silence as his lover gathered them into a stack and placed a large boulder over them to keep them from blowing away in the wind.  “Yeah, maybe he wants to make you a real man,” Ennis offered as he joined Jack by the fire.  Jack’s mouth disappeared into a cruel slit.  He looked at the smut and had an idea.  “Listen, let’s eat supper and then we can see how high the fire will go.” Jack grabbed one of the magazines and threw it into the flames.  “Or do you want to use them for something else tonight?”  “We don’t need them,” was Ennis’ answer.  Jack smiled at that. 

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Room for One more
« Reply #3455 on: July 13, 2008, 12:46:21 am »
Jack lay on a hammock in his backyard and nursed a can of Miller Beer.  He wasn’t at all happy with his life in Childress, but he had to admit to a fondness for the great expanse of a Texas night dotted with twinkling stars.

“Can I climb in with you dad?”  Little Bobby stood beside the hammock and almost scared Jack out of his wits.  He jumped a bit at the sound of his child’s voice, and quickly dropped the beer can to the ground, out of sight.  “C’mon in son,” Jack whispered as he made a bit of room for the small boy.  Bobby snuggled in close to his pa and looked up at the night sky.

The July night was muggy, but Jack didn’t mind the heat of the Texas atmosphere or of his son’s small body.  He attempted to move the hammock back and forth, in hopes of rocking his son to sleep.  Jack was ashamed of himself, but he instantly wondered what it would feel like to hold Ennis close in a hammock.  The thought was shameful, and he hated himself.  God help him, but Ennis was never far from his mind.  Jack made every effort to erase Ennis Del Mar’s face from his thoughts but it was futile.   In his mind’s eye he made room for the 3 of them on the hammock.  “Welcome in, Friend,” Jack whispered when he saw that Bobby was asleep.  “There is always room for one more.”

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The Embrace
« Reply #3456 on: July 16, 2008, 02:14:04 am »
Jack never considered himself a worldly, sophisticated man, but since his move to Childress, he did endeavor to keep abreast of current events and broaden his horizons.  Jack couldn’t think of a better way to stay on top of the news and trends than to read.   He had Lureen subscribe to Reader’s Digest, National Geographic, Time, Newsweek and Look Magazines.  Jack really liked the Readers Digest and read it every month from cover to cover.

The July issue of Reader’s Digest featured an article about the healing powers of touch.  The author suggested that hugging a loved one, cuddling up and even kissing can lower a person’s stress levels, blood pressure, and help ward off maladies like heart disease, ulcers, diabetes.  Jack knew that he wasn’t getting enough bodily contact from his family.  Bobby didn’t like to be cuddled, and Lureen never came near him.  Jack sighed and thought a month ahead to his meeting out by the Tetons with Ennis Del Mar.  He knew he would get what he needed very soon.

August, and the weather up by the big mountain range was unseasonably chilly.  Jack knew to bring warm blankets, and he even brought a few packets of instant hot cocoa mix to drink with his love in front of a roaring fire.  And seated before the fire one cool evening, Jack sipped at his hot chocolate and looked over at his lover.  He melted when he beheld the sharp, patrician profile that lifted Ennis higher in his sights than any other person on the planet.  Ahhh but he was a beautiful man!  Jack needed to be close.  He wanted to cuddle with his lover.  Ennis, sensing the need in Jack, placed his cup on the ground and reached for him.  Jack entered his arms without a word, but a sigh did escape his lips when Ennis held him gently, lovingly.  “I can do this all night, Friend,” Jack whispered as he swayed, back and forth in Ennis’ strong arms.  “I think that would be fine,” Ennis whispered in Jack ear.  "That would be fine."

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Right 91
« Reply #3457 on: July 22, 2008, 12:19:19 am »
Jack and Ennis pushed back from the table after wolfing down 3 pieces of fried chicken each.  Little Stanley was still working on his second chicken leg.  Lessie practically glowed when she saw her guys devouring her fried bird, collard greens, hot water corn bread and raspberry iced tea.  Few things in life gave her as much pleasure as being complimented on her cooking.  “This is real good, ma,” Stanley mumbled between bites.  “Sure is, Les,” Ennis stated as a tiny burp escaped his lips.  “Best fried chicken I ever ate,” Jack announced, and he meant every word.  Lessie smiled all around and reached for another chicken wing.  She was well aware that she didn’t need another piece of chicken, but a widow woman had to have some kind of pleasure in life.  “Help yourselves, gentlemen,” Lessie enthused.  “There is plenty of food on the stove if you need 3rds!”  Jack nodded, rubbed his swollen belly and politely declined.  “We better go check the shed out back,” Jack said, rubbing his eyes.  “Yeah, Ennis began, “We can get a head start on tomorrow, and work off dinner, to boot!”  Ennis rose from the kitchen table and motioned for Jack to follow him out back.  Lessie and Stanley were silent as they watched Ennis and Jack head for the kitchen door, and move out to the back of the property.  Lessie grinned at her son and turned back to her chicken wing.  She thanked the Lord for sending Jack and Ennis to her.  They turned out to be hard working, personable, loyal, and not that it mattered in the least, but they were very easy on the eyes.

Jack swept up around the shed while Ennis pulled weeds in Lessie’s garden.  “Looks like we can plant the tomatoes tomorrow,” Ennis yelled over at Jack.  Jack continued his sweeping, but found it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.  He looked over to where Ennis was bent over the earth – his firm buttocks straining the fabric of his jeans.  Jack wiped the sweat from his brow.  He didn’t want to become aroused until much later that night, but the sight of Ennis’ sweet butt was just too much.  Jack dropped his broom and walked over to where his lover was busy pulling weeds.  Jack lowered himself to the ground and molded his strong body over Ennis’.  Ennis didn’t know what to say or do.  He didn’t expect the “attack,” and was nervous that they would be discovered in such a way.  “Jack, what you doin?  Are ya crazy?”  Ennis turned his head and beheld Jack’s face: a face heavy with lust.  “I’m crazy about you!” Jack mouthed, huskily.  “Get up off me, Jack!” Ennis almost shouted, nervous now.


Ennis and Jack froze as they heard the sound.  They were still crouched, spooned on the ground as Lessie walked up behind them.  She was standing tall over them, both hands on her ample hips.  No one spoke.  Jack looked up at his kind employer and was more forlorn than embarrassed.  He was certain that their time with Mrs. Boykin and little Stanley had come to an end.  Ennis was thinking the same thing.  Looking at Lessie standing there, it was near impossible to discern her thoughts, but a good Christian woman would never approve.  Ennis wondered how long she would stand there, and mentally calculated the money they were able to save in the few weeks they worked for Lessie.  It was a tidy sum, they enjoyed every moment earning it, and now they would be forced to move on.  Ennis looked around at the kitchen door and imagined little Stanley sitting at the table, chewing on his chicken leg.  He thought back to the time when he met Stanley’s grandfather:

“Wait a minute, young man!”  Ennis reached the truck first and had his hand on the door, poised to open it up.  Jack looked back at the Boykin house where an elderly gentleman stood at the door.  He had to be Stanley’s grandfather, as Stanley looked a lot like him.  Jack glanced at Ennis and they both walked over to the elderly gentleman.  He was perhaps the handsomest old coot in 3 states, with his black hair slicked back, a fashionable white streak standing out against the silken black.  His face was lined, but full of compassion.  He wore overalls and was wiping his hands on a towel.  “Yes, sir?” Jack offered, shyly.  “What can we do for you?”  “Where you headed?” Was the old man’s reply.  Ennis walked up the steps to the house and faced the kindly old gentleman.  “We thought we would head out of State, up along the Utah border for awhile, see if we can find work.”  The old man nodded.  “Well, good for you.  But if you want to hang around for the night, I have a few chores that I sure could use help with.  I’m getting too old to take care of the place by myself.  And with the children visiting, my wife is all tied up."  “Yeah, she needs to be tied up,” Ennis thought, bitterly.  “Talk it over with your friend.  You guys can make a few dollars, and in the morning, you can be on your way.”  Ennis nodded, turned and walked down the few steps to face Jack.  He told his lover about Old Man Boykins' offer.  Jack told him that they shouldn’t turn down work.  And besides, he was anxious to see about little Stanley.  It was settled.  They walked up to Mr. Boykin, shook his hand and followed him into the house.

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« Reply #3458 on: July 22, 2008, 12:50:45 am »
“Wow, Jack, you look great!  You really benefited from a week off.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking so…well!”  Jack walked over to the coffee machine near the reception desk at Newsome Motors.  Robert Keyes was sipping at a steaming mug of java while Jack poured himself a cup.  He was smiling at Jack and nodding.  “You always look good, mind you, but something is definitely different.  Jack listened patiently to Robert but said nothing.  Robert Keyes was on the same level as himself, perhaps a rung or 2 higher at the dealership, so he knew that the young man was not sucking up.  “You have so much going for you, Jack,” Robert announced between sips.  “You’re very lucky.”

Jack nodded in Robert’s direction, and left for his office without saying a word to the young man.  He hated to be rude, but if he didn’t leave, he would be forced to shout his happiness from the rooftop.  The week he spent with Ennis Del Mar was the best in 10 years, and the afterglow from the euphoric week couldn’t help but radiate from his every pore. 

Jack closed his office door and opened his desk.  He reached for a mirror and noticed that he was absolutely glowing from within.  And he deserved it.  The months leading up to his trip with Ennis had been hell on Earth.  He missed Ennis so much and was so lonely for him that he was making other people suffer.  He was almost impossible to live with.  Lureen threatened to drive him to Wyoming herself if he didn’t straighten up.  And straighten up, he did.  As the weeks turned into days before the trip, Jack’s attitude thawed.  He was actually happy!  Jack glanced in the mirror and smoothed his hair just as Ennis had done a few days ago.  He puckered his lips and imagined the endless kisses, and the nights when Ennis rocked him to sleep.  “Jack!”  The voice belonged to his father-in-law, and he didn’t sound happy.  Jack sighed and shrugged.  Back to the real world.  He wondered just how long before his newfound inner light was extinguished by his real life.  As Jack headed out to greet Mr. Newsome, he couldn’t help but think ahead to August.

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An Evening Alone (A BBM Slice of Life)
« Reply #3459 on: July 24, 2008, 12:25:07 am »
Ennis sat on a caramel colored leather couch and watched as Jack placed silverware on the dining room table.  "Why so formal?" Ennis asked, a smile in his voice.  "Just the two of us for dinner tonight."  Jack shook his head and didn't answer.  He walked over to the china cabinet and removed a set of long stemmed wine glasses.  "And we're having wine for dinner?  I can do good with iced tea."  Ennis was laughing now.  Jack offered a half smile, but he didn't utter a word.  Ennis didn't know why his husband was being so coy.  What did Jack Twist-Del Mar have planned?

Baby Indigo was spending the weekend with Emma and Jenny.  Jenny came by to collect her late last night, and while Ennis and Jack missed their daughter no end, it was certainly good to spend some time alone together.  Ennis rose from the couch and joined Jack in the dining room.  He embraced him from behind in a move that always caused Jack's heart to leap, stop, shake!  Jack loved the way Ennis folded him in tender hug.  He stopped what he was doing and ran a finger along Ennis' bare forearms.  "Nothing is too good for you -- for us!"  Jack whispered the words to his love as he cuddled into his strong arms.  For Jack it didn't get any better - it couldn't.  Ennis was in a heaven all Jack's making.  He kissed the back of his husband's neck.  "What's for dinner?"

But dinner had to wait.  The fine china and silverwave, and the long stemmed glasses sat on the dining room table for hours on end.  The steaks were probably shoe leather tough and the baked potatoes were certainly soft and doughy.  The salad had to be wet and wilted.  But neither man cared.  The bed was soft and warm.  The love was freely given and greedily accepted.  It was a rare treat to have an evening alone.  "So what do you want to do tonight?"  Jack whispered, as he tenderly kissed his husband on the mouth.  "I just want to be here with you.  Just be with me, Jack."  "Forever and always," Jack spoke into Ennis' hair.  He snuggled against his lover, and dinner the farthest thing from his mind.