Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2248926 times)

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« Reply #3520 on: November 11, 2008, 01:04:48 am »
Jack was driving.  He rolled the driver's side window down on Ennis’ truck and placed his arm outside.  Ennis looked at Jack.  He couldn’t believe that it had been seven months since they were last together.  The time actually flew, but Ennis missed his lover terribly.  He looked on him in awe.  Could it be that Jack only got better looking?  Or was it all the months apart that caused him to seem so sexy, so beautiful?

Jack looked straight ahead.  Ennis studied his profile.  He noticed a sweet smile widening Jack’s features.  Jack’s eyes never left the road, but he was smiling broadly, sweetly now.  “What are you smiling at, Bud?” Ennis whispered.  “I felt you eyes on me,” Jack answered, tenderly.  Jack pulled Ennis’ hand inside of his and held on tight.  “You’re looking at me.  Do you think I’m handsome?”

Ennis felt himself blush.  He thought Jack was the handsomest man he ever laid eyes on, but he couldn’t admit it, now could he?  “Naw, Rodeo,” Ennis whispered.  His voice was dripping with honey.  “You’re ugly, you hear me, ugly!!!”  Jack chuckled and squeezed his lover’s hand even tighter.  He didn’t answer, but pulled Ennis’ hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on his palm.  It was Ennis’ turn to chuckle.  He rubbed Jack’s cheek and returned the kiss.  The fishing trip was off to a good start.

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Brokeback Revisited
« Reply #3521 on: November 12, 2008, 11:19:07 pm »
Jack walked out of Aguirre’s trailer feeling sort of relieved.  He didn’t know if he could face another summer up on Brokeback without Ennis Del Mar.  Sure, things were tough, and he could use the money, but the mountain held too many memories.  How could he possibly work up there alone, without Ennis?

Aguirre’s words stung!  “Now get the hell outta my trailer,” he said!  Jack was too polite a gentleman to answer back.  He walked out, was headed to his truck, but something stopped him.  The Basque was approaching Mr. Aguirre’s trailer.  Jack waited until the old man was upon him.  The Basque (his name was Emile) smiled when he saw Jack standing there.  He knew that Jack had fallen out of favor with the boss, but he was a polite man, and saw no harm in being nice to Jack.  Jack and the Basque exchanged pleasantries.  Their interaction was awkward at best.  “Well, I gotta go see the boss,” Emile said, finally, almost as an excuse to avoid an unpleasant encounter.  “See you around.”  Jack nodded and walked to his truck.

Jack didn’t know where he was headed.  He could always go and see his folks – hang around the ranch for a few weeks.  And there was that rodeo competition coming up in about a week over in Cody.  Jack would figure things out.  But for now he felt kind of lost.  He found himself driving over by the jump-off.  He didn’t even know why he felt led to the foothills of Brokeback – but there he was – Signal, Wyoming, and all was silent.  The mountain was as majestic as ever.  He felt a tug as he remembered Ennis’ words: “Better watch it there!  That horse has a low startle point!”  Jack sat back and looked out at the mountain.  He was unwilling, but couldn’t help reliving everything he and Ennis experienced just that past summer.  The memory comforted him.  In about a month another pair of deuces would go up there and herd sheep.  Jack was almost glad that he would not be one of them.  It wouldn’t be worthwhile without Ennis Del Mar.  Jack cheered slightly when he thought of Ennis.  He knew that they would meet.  Not just yet, but he was certain that he would see Ennis again.  Jack saluted the mountain and started up his engine.  It turned over.  “Here’s to you, Brokeback,” Jack whispered as he drove away.

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To Alma's House I Go..
« Reply #3522 on: November 14, 2008, 01:36:10 am »
Ennis squeezed a bit of pomade on his comb and pulled it through his clean hair.  Satisfied that he looked good, at least from the neck up, Ennis turned to his closet and selected his only dress shirt.  He donned it in an instant, careful not to get any of his hair treatment on the fabric.  There, done!  Ennis looked at his image in his mirror.  He didn’t think he was anything special, but he looked presentable.  His girls would be proud.

Ennis couldn’t refuse Alma Jr. when she invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner.  He teased her by acting aloof, but in the end, he’d accepted.  Ennis was nervous about being in a strange house with his ex-wife and her new husband, but he wanted to be with his girls.  Besides, being invited out for a home cooked turkey meal certainly beat heating up a frozen dinner and eating it all alone.

Ennis didn’t have to be alone, of course.  Steve, his boss, invited him to his home for the holiday, as did a few of his co-workers.  But Ennis refused them all.  He had a feeling that the invite to his ex-wife’s place would come.  One last look in the mirror and Ennis was satisfied.  He pulled out a bottle of cheap wine from his little fridge and placed a make-shift bow around it.  It wouldn’t do to arrive at Alma’s place empty handed.  Ennis climbed into his truck and headed out.  He was looking forward to a pleasant evening.

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A Jack Daniels Thanksgiving
« Reply #3523 on: November 19, 2008, 11:19:01 pm »
Jack was in his bedroom dressing when Bobby knocked on the door.  “Dad, ma wants you to chop up the celery for the stuffing.”  Jack grimaced.  He pulled on his shirt and opened his bedroom door. Bobby was still standing there, his little fist poised to knock again.  “Tell your ma I’ll be there in a minute,” Jack exclaimed as he ruffled his son’s dark hair.  “I need to do something first.”  Bobby nodded and retreated toward the kitchen where Lureen was whipping up a Thanksgiving feast.  Jack sat down on his bed.  He didn’t have anything to do, really, but he wasn’t psyched enough to face his family.  Jack wasn’t pleased when Lureen announced that her folks would join them for dinner.  Last year was a lot less stressful, as the family joined Lureen’s parents for the holiday over at their spread, and all Jack had to do was sit at the table and eat.  But this year, he would have to play host, and try to be the man of the house.  Jack wasn’t ready for that.  He needed help from Jack Daniels to get through it, but he couldn’t start drinking so early in the day.  It just wasn’t right to start the holiday with a buzz.  Jack stood up from the bed and steeled himself.  He would just have to suck it up and make the best of things.

Lureen looked perfect even as she toiled in a hot kitchen.  Her hair was not even made limp by the heat, her mascara didn’t run and her nails looked pretty.  Jack wondered how his wife always managed to look so put-together.  He shrugged at the thought.  Some women were just natural coquettes.  Lureen ignored her husband for a second as she fetched the celery and placed it on a cutting board.  “Listen honey, I want you to be my sous chef,” Lureen chirped.  “You think you can handle that?”  Jack didn’t answer.   He had no idea what a sous chef was, but taken in context, he figured it to be a person who was told what to do while the main chef did something else.  “Yeah, I can do that for you, hon,” Jack exclaimed, his heart not in it.”  “Well, don’t sound so cheerful,” Lureen mocked.  “Just chop up this celery and you can go on about your business.  I don’t need another person in here anyway.”  Lureen wiped a small bead of perspiration from her forehead.  Jack was silent as he chopped the celery the best way he knew how.  When he was done, he left the pieces on the chopping board and walked past his wife out of the kitchen.  “Thanks, Jack,” Lureen called after him.  Jack spoke not a word as he went in search of Bobby.

Bobby was in his bedroom watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade on his small television.  Jack sat down next to him and pulled him into his arms.  Bobby protested.  “Dad, what’s the matter?” Little Bobby asked as he tried to pull away.  But Jack held him tight, heartened already by Bobby’s calming presence.  “I just need a hug, son,” Jack whispered as he rocked his boy.  Bobby relaxed a bit and allowed his father to hold him.  He sensed his dad’s distress, but being so young, he didn’t know what to do or say to make things better.   “Watch the parade with me,” Bobby whispered. “After that we can watch the game, K?”  Jack looked into his son’s eyes and he began to melt.  But just as he was feeling a sense of peace, Lureen interrupted Jack’s growing calm with a proclamation that her parents would be over in about an hour.  That did it.  “Listen Bobby,” Jack began. “I need to go do something in my room before I watch the parade with you, okay?”  Bobby only half heard.  He nodded in the affirmative, but his attention was on a float in the image of Charlie Brown.  Jack almost ran to his bedroom and retrieved the bottle of Jack Daniels he kept under his bed in a foot locker.  He looked at his watch, but didn’t care that it wasn’t even noon.  He removed a picture of Ennis that he snapped on their last trip from the same footlocker.  A picture of Ennis and a few shots of hard liquor.  Jack was ashamed that he couldn’t be stronger, but he needed help if he was to get through dinner with his in-laws.  Jack looked at the photo of Ennis lifting a tiny hatchet in his strong hands.  “Ennis, I hope you’re happy,” Is all that Jack could manage.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Christmas Musings
« Reply #3524 on: December 02, 2008, 10:46:53 pm »
Jack looked at his desk calendar and shook his head.  Already December!  He could have sworn that just yesterday he was presiding over the most dismal Thanksgiving of his life.  But Thanksgiving had come and gone.  Jack was no happier that Christmas was approaching.

Jack’s office door was half closed, but he still had a view of employees milling about, or loitering around, talking.  There was a certain lightening of the mood around the place.  Christmas always seemed to bring out the best in people.  Jack watched as Sally Mintoy carried a miniature Christmas tree down the hall.  He smiled as he thought of how charming the tree would look on Sally’s desk.  Jack pondered buying a small tree, or some other sort of ornament for his desk to celebrate the season.  “Naw,” Jack exclaimed out loud.  “What good would it do?”

Jack watched the clock and stood up when he saw the hour.  5:00 and he was free to go home.  But not home to a tall, tan, sexy, strapping cowboy.  Jack cursed himself.  He had no right to be so ungrateful.  Sure, he couldn’t be with Ennis, but he did have a son that he loved who was desperate to be with him.  His wife was little more than a friend, but what is life without friends?  Jack gathered his things and prepared for the trek home.  His life wasn’t perfect – wasn’t anywhere near what he wanted, but things could be far worse.


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Some other Time
« Reply #3525 on: December 11, 2008, 12:46:30 am »
“You mean you would leave Lureen and the baby all alone?”  Ennis craned his neck to look Jack straight in the eyes.  He wanted an honest answer to his question.  Jack sought to avoid his lover’s penetrating, almost accusatory gaze, but he couldn’t look away.  “Yes, I would leave them for you,” Jack stated, almost without reservation.

Jack wondered how often he would have to propose before Ennis accepted and ran away with him in the night.  He couldn’t help but broach the subject of “the sweet life” whenever he got near Ennis Del Mar.   After all, living with the person he loved above all others was Jack’s dream.  He had to fight for what he wanted.

“You got her pregnant, Jack.  She's yer wife.  You’re responsible for her and for that boy.”   Jack struggled to hide his irritation at Ennis’ words.  He had every intention of providing for his wife and child.  Jack would make arrangements to see them both from time-to-time.  He didn’t need Ennis to remind him of his responsibilities.  “And it is Christmastime,” Ennis exclaimed, grabbing Jack’s hand to soften the blow.  “Christmas is a time for family!”  Jack flinched.  Ennis was all the family he really needed, but the stubborn flake didn’t see it that way.  Jack signed and turned away.  “Whatever,” he seethed as he made his way to the creek. 

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Getting to Know You, Christmas Edition
« Reply #3526 on: December 21, 2008, 02:59:57 pm »
And Jack was nestled snugly in Ennis’ arms.  It was just a few weeks before Christmas, and the boys were just happy to arrange a rendezvous so close to the holiday.  It was cozy and warm in Don Wroe’s king sized bed!  Ennis pulled Jack closer and realized that he knew very little about Jack’s Christmases, past and present.  He decided another “getting to know you” game was in order. 

Ennis:  “Hey bud, you feel like answering a few questions for me?”

Jack:  “Well, sure.  What about?”

Ennis:  “Now that Christmas is just a few weeks away, I realize that I don’t know much about your experiences with the holiday.  I just want to know what Christmas has been like for you over the years.”

Jack: “Fair enough.  But I get to ask questions of you, right?”

Ennis: (Kissing Jack’s forehead) “Of course.  You can ask me anything.  Now, what was an average Christmas like at the Twist Ranch?”

Jack: (Thoughtful) “Pretty nice, I guess.  We didn’t have a lot of money, but Ma tried to make Christmas special for me…for us.  Pa wasn’t the celebrating kind, but he let ma do what she wanted for the holiday.  The first year I remember was when I was about 5.  Ma decorated the house real nice with a tree, and wreaths, and I got a toy truck as a present that year.”

Ennis:  “Hmmm.  A toy truck, eh?”

Jack:  “Yeah!  Believe it or not, I still have it!”

Ennis: (Laughing) “No way?  You still have a truck you got at 5 years old?  Where is it?”

Jack:  (Caressing Ennis’ forearm) “Still at the ranch.  Ma seems to have kept all my old junk!”

Ennis:  “You’re lucky to have a mother like her, Jack.  I hope you realize it.”

Jack: (Sober) “I know, Cowboy, I know.  I thank my lucky stars every day that I have my ma in my corner.  You know, one year she took me to see Santa at the Sears in town.  I wouldn’t sit on his lap for anything, even after she drove us for miles to get to the store.  The other kids that wouldn’t cooperate were hit upside the head until they sat on that fat man’s lap. But ma wouldn’t force me.  She just said, “Okay Jack, you don’t have to see Santa if you don’t want to.  We’ll get some lunch and go back home.”

Ennis: “That’s a great story, Jack!"

Jack:  “You should have seen me at the Christmas Pageant at church.  I was about..oh, 10 and it only happened once.”

Ennis (Warming) “What happened?

Jack: “I was chosen to play Joseph.  Sarah Tolen was Mary and we had a doll as the baby Jesus.  I couldn’t remember my lines for nothing.  Ma just smiled at me the entire time as I made a fool of myself.  Pa didn’t even care enough to come to church to see his only child perform, if you can call it that!”

Ennis:  “Somehow I can see you playing Joseph.  I can even see you messing up your lines!”

Jack: (Rising) “Yeah, well, all this talk has made me hungry.  How about a little lunch?”

To be continued

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Getting to Know You, Christmas Edition (2)
« Reply #3527 on: December 22, 2008, 01:01:44 am »
Lunch consisted of fried bologna sandwiches with mayo, potato chips and Christmas cookies that Alma baked and sent along.  A glass apiece of sparkling cider enhanced the simple meal.  Jack vowed to grill a few steaks for supper.  Ennis sat down on Don’s leather sofa and beckoned Jack to sit beside him.  He held Jack's hand and continued the “game.”

Ennis:  “So, Bud, any other Christmases you want to tell me about?”

Jack: (Smiling) “Only the time when I thought we would lose Ma.”

Ennis: (Serious) “Jack, darling, you never mentioned this.  Do you feel like talking about it?”

Jack: (Reassuring) “Yeah, I can talk about it.  Don’t worry, Friend, it happened awhile ago when I was about 14.  Ma was fine, but it got thin there for a time.”

Ennis: (Whispering) “You wanna tell me what happened?”

Jack: “Well, Ma and I were trimming the tree on Christmas Eve when she started turning blue.  She was having trouble breathing and was clutching her chest.  Pa walked by at that very moment and in a split second had the phone in his hand to call emergency.”

Ennis: “Was it a heart attack?”

Jack: “Yeah, I’m afraid so.  The ambulance got there really fast, and the emergency person told Pa what to do until they got there.  Ma was in the hospital for a week, and it took her months to recover.  I spent that Christmas day at the hospital, but I must say: the hospital put on a nice party for the patients and their families.   Pa and I got to get to know a lot of new people, and we had dinner and even got a few gifts to boot!”

Ennis: “Interesting!  I’m glad your ma made it through.  I’m sorry you had to have had such stress during the holidays, Rodeo.  That must have been really hard.”

Jack: (Introspective) “Well, life is hard.  We got through it, though.  And I must say, Pa started treating Ma much better after least for awhile.”

Ennis: “Does Lureen like Christmas?”

Jack: “Aw yeah!  That woman lives for the holiday: that social climber.  She uses every Christmas to put on a party and invite our customers and their families.  Well, she only invites those people who spend the most money at the dealership.”

Ennis: (Amused) “You never said a word about hosting big Christmas parties, Jack!”

Jack: (Scowling) “I try to forget about things like that, friend.  Every year I have to play host to people who seem to look down on me.  My role is to walk around, mingle and sometimes I have to help pass out appetizers!  No fun at all.”

Ennis: (Thoughtful) “I’m trying to image you, all dressed up, walking and talking to Lureen’s snobby friends.”

Jack: “Well it ain’t no fun, believe me.”

Ennis:  (Playful) “You know what?  All this talk has me feeling a bit frisky!  You want a drink..and then we can, well, play?”

Jack: (Incredulous) “Man, what is it with you?  We’ll never get to the lake, will we?”

Ennis: (Laughing) “What lake?  Listen, let me get you a drink and I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

To be Continued…

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Getting to Know You, Christmas Edition (3)
« Reply #3528 on: December 23, 2008, 11:18:23 pm »
The lovemaking was more warm and generous than urgent and frenetic.  Jack and Ennis were once again snuggled in each other’s arms.  This time, Jack asked the questions:

Jack:  “Now, Friend, what was a typical DelMar Christmas like?”

Ennis:  (Kissing Jack’s hair) “Well, pretty darn simple.  Like your family, we didn’t have a lot of money.  Hell, with 3 kids, you guys were probably a lot better off than we were.”

Jack: “I don’t know about that, Cowboy!”

Ennis: (Smiling) “Believe it, Rodeo.”  Anyway, most Christmases my dad took me and K.E. into the woods with him to chop down a tree for the house.  The three of us would haul it back to the ranch and ma and my sister would decorate.  I don’t remember many presents.  Most of our gifts were hand made and ma did the making.”

Jack: (Solemn) “No toy trucks?”

Ennis: (Whispering) “No, not that I remember.  But one year pa bought me a toy horse, and K.E. got a toy cow.  We had to share a model sized ranch.  I think my sis got a big, beautiful doll that year.”

Jack:  “What happened that year?  Where did your pa get the money?”

Ennis: “I don’t know.  I was just about 10 and didn’t know anything about how Pa got his money.  I just remember that year as one of the best we ever had.”

Jack:  “What did your ma get?”

Ennis: “If I remember correctly, she got a box of handkerchiefs with her initials embroidered on them.”

Jack:  “That sounds mighty pretty.”

Ennis: “Pretty things for a pretty lady.”

Jack: “Your ma was pretty?”

Ennis: (Proudly) “Beautiful!”

Jack: (Huskily) “I don’t doubt that for a moment.  I bet you even look like her.”

Ennis: “So I’ve been told.”

Jack moved closer and placed his hand further down Ennis’ anatomy.

Ennis: (Laughing) “ don’t want to get dressed and head for the lake?”

Jack: (Shaking his head) “Hell no.  Now come here…”

To be Continued

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Getting to Know You, Christmas Edition (Conclusion)
« Reply #3529 on: December 25, 2008, 12:25:19 am »
Ennis pulled a small package from under Don Wroe’s massive couch.  He tapped Jack on the shoulder and placed it in front of him.  “Wait Cowboy,” Jack protested.  “We said we wouldn’t do this.”  “Shut up Jack and open the damn package!”  Jack didn’t hesitate.  He ripped the wrapping off the small box and was delighted to see a brand new set of gold plated cuff links.  Jack was smiling from ear to ear as he inspected his gift.  “These are just beautiful, Ennis,” Jack beamed as he placed them before the light.  “But you shouldn’t have.  You got 2 daughters to buy presents for!"  Ennis waved the objection away.  “Don’t worry about that, Darlin.  I’ve been doing real good for myself at work, and besides, I saved for your gift for almost a year.”  Jack turned away from his lover to hide the moisture pooling in his blue eyes.  He walked into the bedroom and returned with a large box, elaborately gift wrapped.  Ennis brightened as Jack handed him his gift.  “Now look at you,” Ennis enthused as he shook the box.  “Good thing I did bring you something!”  “Just open it, Cowboy!” Jack whispered.  Ennis did as he was told.  He gasped as he saw several dressed shirts, each a different shade and design, peeking from the box.  His initials were embroidered on every sleeve.

Jack watched as Ennis’ eyes bulged.  “Jack, I don’t know what to say!”  Jack was silent.  There was a rhyme and reason behind the gift, but he would keep that to himself.  “I’m glad you like them, Friend.  Wear one of them to take your girls out to a nice dinner.”  “And you wear those cuff links to one of Lureen’s fancy shindigs!”  Jack nodded.  The game continued:

Jack: “What did you get the girls for Christmas?”

Ennis:  “I haven’t done that yet.  I think I’ll get Alma Jr. a blouse and Jenny a small purse.”

Jack: “They like clothes?  They like to dress up?”

Ennis:  “Sure.  Especially Alma Jr.  That girl would live in a department store if she could."

Jack: “What about Alma.  You getting something for her?”

Ennis (Squirming) “Yeah, but I don’t know what just yet.”

Jack thought ahead to Christmas without Ennis.  He allowed the tears to well, and didn’t bother to hide them.  Ennis noticed and pulled him close.  “None of that, Rodeo,” Ennis soothed.  “It will be okay.  Just go home to your family and hold your head up high.  I’m having a hard time facing the holiday, but we gotta make the best of it.”  Jack held on tight and nodded.  “Besides, we’ll be together in another 3 months time.  Hold on to that!”  Jack reached up and searched for Ennis’ lips.  Ennis pressed his mouth down on Jack’s kisser.  The moment was bittersweet.
