Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2829867 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #530 on: June 29, 2007, 12:06:27 am »
insert non-existent vomiting emoticon

Dagi ;D

 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Alma Jr's Gifts
« Reply #531 on: June 29, 2007, 12:10:39 am »
Littlewing, how sweet.  I can just see that smile on Ennis' face when he thinks...Jack fuckin' Twist - I love it.


Thanks so much, Merr! 

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Re: Alma Jr's Gifts
« Reply #532 on: June 29, 2007, 12:11:44 am »
Great AU story, littlewing1957. You really know how to tell those far fetched tall tales.

Toycoon, you are so funny!  Stay tuned.  I have a million of em!  ;)

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Sweet Talk
« Reply #533 on: June 29, 2007, 12:13:21 am »
Ennis was lying on his back, a tangle of soft pillows under his head and torso.  Jack Twist was talking a blue streak, but his tone was hushed and romantic.  Jack stroked Ennis’ cheek, spoke soft words to him.

Ennis listened to Jack’s words and tried to hide a blush.   He would never admit it, but Ennis always wanted to hear something sweet come out of Jack’s mouth.  It was a real comfort to hear words of love after such spirited relations.

Jack fluffed Ennis’ pillows and continued to soothe.  He placed a gentle kiss on Ennis’ cheek and laid his head on Ennis’ breast.  Jack often hurt Ennis in bed.  It was a sweet, delicious pain, but it was pain, nonetheless.  Ennis shifted his sore bum and fell asleep while Jack spoke of love in the dark.


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Re: Sweet Talk
« Reply #534 on: June 29, 2007, 12:28:53 am »
Ennis was lying on his back, a tangle of soft pillows under his head and torso.  Jack Twist was talking a blue streak, but his tone was hushed and romantic.  Jack stroked Ennis’ cheek, spoke soft words to him.

Ennis listened to Jack’s words and tried to hide a blush.   He would never admit it, but Ennis always wanted to hear something sweet come out of Jack’s mouth.  It was a real comfort to hear words of love after such spirited relations.

Jack fluffed Ennis’ pillows and continued to soothe.  He placed a gentle kiss on Ennis’ cheek and laid his head on Ennis’ breast.  Jack often hurt Ennis in bed.  It was a sweet, delicious pain, but it was pain, nonetheless.  Ennis shifted his sore bum and fell asleep while Jack spoke of love in the dark.

what a way to start the day, littlewing. So tender and sexy, love it.



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #535 on: June 29, 2007, 12:32:00 am »
WOW Dagi!

You're just getting raunchier and raunchier girly .... my computer's going to explode in a minute!!  Very sexy story honey, and I love it when they talk dirty!  I hope Ennis was kidding Jack on about the Basque guy .... if they're going to have a three-way, let's hope Jon Bon Jovi's passing by in his tight leather pants....  whooo wheeeee!


ps. I love the image of them lying naked on their stomachs, what a view!!!

Yes, Ennis was kidding. If I ever write a story containing a threesome, I´ll engage Arguirre, of course (he saw them first !). Now, Gary, how´s that?

Susie, thank you for your compliment!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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After the Dance
« Reply #536 on: June 29, 2007, 12:33:44 am »
“Let me take it off!”  Ennis yelled as Jack danced.  Jack moved seductively to Ennis, placed his gyrating hips right before Ennis’ red face.  “Shake it baby!”  Ennis cried as he pulled at Jack’s briefs.

“You got it, Cowboy!”  Jack laughed as he moved in tandem to the motion of Ennis’ fingers.  “I should call you “The tentacle!”  Jack chided as he stepped away from his lover and discarded his underwear.  Jack stood naked as a jaybird, but he continued his weird mating dance!  He moved his narrow hips in and out, flung his arms, moved his head from side to side.  And all without music!  Ennis watched transfixed as Jack danced.

Ennis rose to his feet and faced a heart achingly beautiful Jack Twist.  He made no move to hide his probing eyes, as he looked his lover up and down, from head to foot.  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Rodeo!  Ennis began.  “I can’t believe you’re really mine."  C’mon, Friend!”   Jack beckoned an eager Ennis Del Mar.  “Let me show you what happens after the dance…"

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sweet Talk
« Reply #537 on: June 29, 2007, 12:35:29 am »
what a way to start the day, littlewing. So tender and sexy, love it.


Thanks for your kind words, Dagi.  Good to see you!  :)


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Re: After the Dance
« Reply #538 on: June 29, 2007, 12:40:20 am »
“Let me take it off!”  Ennis yelled as Jack danced.  Jack moved seductively to Ennis, placed his gyrating hips right before Ennis’ red face.  “Shake it baby!”  Ennis cried as he pulled at Jack’s briefs.

“You got it, Cowboy!”  Jack laughed as he moved in tandem to the motion of Ennis’ fingers.  “I should call you “The tentacle!”  Jack chided as he stepped away from his lover and discarded his underwear.  Jack stood naked as a jaybird, but he continued his weird mating dance!  He moved his narrow hips in and out, flung his arms, moved his head from side to side.  And all without music!  Ennis watched transfixed as Jack danced.

Ennis rose to his feet and faced a heart achingly beautiful Jack Twist.  He made no move to hide his probing eyes, as he looked his lover up and down, from head to foot.  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Rodeo!  Ennis began.  “I can’t believe you’re really mine.  C’mon, Friend!”   Jack beckoned an eager Ennis Del mar.  “Let me show you what happens after the dance…

Oh Marie, that´s almost too much so early in the morning...this picture of a naked, seductively dancing JakeJack and Ennis watching him with probing eyes will haunt me the whole day, I know it.



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #539 on: June 29, 2007, 12:44:35 am »
Wow, 15 guests are viewing this topic. Wow.