Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2255374 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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The Motorcycle Part 1 (Repost)
« Reply #1100 on: July 25, 2007, 01:21:55 am »
The Motorcycle by Littlewing 1957

Ennis Del Mar didn’t know an awful lot about motorcycles, but he recognized quality, and knew that the hog that pulled up next to him cost a lot of money.  Ennis loathed bikers and wondered if he would have to punch this punk who just parked his bike next to his old truck, make the biker lose a bunch of teeth!

But something about the fella on the Harley seemed rather strange.  Most bikers Ennis noticed around town had an air of menace about them, seemed low rent.  But this man was dressed in soft nappa leather pants, a black distressed leather jacket, minus the long greasy hair, the tattoos, and the shoulder duster earrings.  This guy seemed almost refined.  Ennis didn’t want any trouble, especially as he was expecting Jack, was worried that Jack was late.  Ennis turned from the biker as he stepped from his hog and removed his helmet.  “Ennis Del Mar, aren’t you going to come here and give me a kiss?”  Ennis stiffened at the familiar voice, but ran into Jack’s leather clad arms.

“You don’t mean you drove over 1600 miles on a Harley?”  Ennis was incredulous as he inspected the bike.  It was a beauty alright, and brand new.  Jack placed his backpack on the steps of Don Wroe’s cabin.  “Sure did!  It was sort of strange at first, but I got used to it.  “Come here.”  Jack sat on the top stairs of the cabin and pulled Ennis down unto his lap. “How do you like the feel of the leather?  What else can you feel down there, cowboy?  Jack began a slow grind under Ennis’ butt and folded his lover in his arms.  Jack swelled as they kissed as did Ennis.  “Let’s go for a ride, En.  I brought a helmet for you.”  Ennis wasn’t sure.  He had never been on a bike before, and even though he realized that Jack could drive just about anything, he had his doubts.  “Uuhh, I don’t know Jack, I’ve never been on one of these things before.”  Jack straddled the Harley and threw a black helmet at his love.  “Put it on baby and climb on in back of me.  Its okay, just hold onto me.  Trust me.  We’ll ride on the wings of the wind…

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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The Motorcycle (Part 2) Repost
« Reply #1101 on: July 25, 2007, 01:24:01 am »
The Motorcycle (Part 2) By littlewing 1957

They were back at Don Wroe’s cabin.  Ennis was working on a glass of whiskey, his feet propped on an overstuffed ottoman.  The motorcycle ride was wonderful!  Riding against the wind, Jack navigated the terrain like a master.

“I want everything tonight!” Ennis whispered to Jack who was seated at his feet, his elbows resting on Ennis’ thighs.   Jack admired Ennis tight jeans, looked in wonder at the denim hugging what he liked to hug.  “You got it, Baby.  Whatever you want.”  As Jack moved closer to his lover’s crouch, Ennis laid a firm hand on his shoulder.

“Just a minute, Jack.  Please do something for me.  Kiss me the way you did that night…you know… the second night we made love?”  I need that right now, Jack.  Take me back to that time you welcomed me with a kiss…

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Beans (Repost)
« Reply #1102 on: July 25, 2007, 01:26:39 am »
Beans by Littlewing 1957

Ennis rode into camp for lunch, mumbled a barely audible, 'hey there' then sat down across the fire near Jack but not close enough to look him in the eye, afraid that the erotic dream he'd had about Jack the night before would be apparent by a simple glance at his partner.

In his nocturnal encounter, Ennis was the aggressor, exploring every part of Jack's hirsute, rugged physique with pleasured hands and eager mouth; "Give it to me, Jack ... I want more, more!" moaned Ennis.

"You want more, Cowboy! " growled Jack, holding up a spoonful of lukewarm beans. "Huh?" Ennis snapped back to the present and his face turned six shades of scarlet. "Sheee-it, ain't never heard'a nobody likin' beans that much!"

“Shut up, Twist!”  Ennis mumbled as he reached for the beans.  “What you say, Cowboy?”  Jack was amused to see the flush of scarlet on Ennis’ handsome mug.   It was a rare sight, indeed!

“Give me some o them beans, Jack.  Quick, now… I ain’t playin.”  Ennis hoped his outburst would deflect his profound embarrassment.  “Okay, cowboy, hold yer horses.  I ain’t gonna eat all the beans up from yer.”

Jack rose up and positioned himself right behind Ennis.  He wrapped his arms around his lover and very silently, languidly, fed Ennis the spoonful of beans.  “That good, cowboy?”

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1103 on: July 25, 2007, 01:32:45 am »
I hope you guys don't mind me posting this lot.   It was my ongoing saga that turned into and episode of "Dallas" towards the end!!!  It'll be fun to see it all together in one place .... and I've got to post Gary's alternate ending ... it wouldn't be complete without it!!

Bring em Down Part 1 by Susie

Time to Go Cowboy

Jack watched Ennis up on the hillside, sitting with his hat tilted over his eyes, feet shuffling around in the dirt. The tent was dismantled, horses and mules loaded up, it was time to go. He walked on over to Ennis, the temptation to lasso him and tie him onto the end of that rope was almost irresistible, but now just seemed like the wrong time for horseplay.   

Instead, he sat next to his lover and nudged him gently with his shoulder. “What is it friend?” Ennis continued to push the dirt about with his feet, head fixed down, “C’mon Ennis, talk to me”.   Ennis muttered from under his hat, “Don’t wanna go... got no life in Sage... don’t want Alma... want you.”

Jack’s heart leapt right up into his throat, overwhelmed, overjoyed, relieved, tears spilling over, grin spreading wide across his face like he’d just won first prize at the rodeo.  “C’mere Ennis” Jack kissed him real soft, pouring all his love out into that kiss.  “Here’s what we’re gonna do! When we get back to Signal, you ride on up to Lightnin’ Flat with me, we stay a couple a’ days... and we work this thing out together”.  “You bet”. Jack smiled, that was all he needed to hear.


Susie, thanks for reposting this series.  It is so good to see all of the stories again!  They are just as wonderful as I remember!

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1104 on: July 25, 2007, 01:34:02 am »
Gary my love, this story wouldn’t be complete without your alternate, juicy ending!!!  Hope you don’t mind me reposting this!

Bring em Down Part 9a by Gary

At Peace: The Alternate Ending

Jack, Ennis, and Ma Twist sat up into the small hours huddled around the kitchen table drinking black coffee. They had concluded that if they called in the sheriff one of them would likely go to the state penitentiary. When Ma Twist made her proposal the boys were more or less struck dumb. They couldn’t imagine doing such a thing, but they couldn’t think of another way around the mess either. So they sat there, and with the silent moments slipping past they entered into a pact that would bind them forever.

The next day Ma Twist started making her phone calls, and the following Sunday, immediately following Easter Services, Ma Twist’s brothers and sisters in Christ arrived at the Twist ranch for a barbecue. With a beatific smile on her face, Ma Twist went around to her guests and thanked them for joining her in a repast celebrating Jesus’s triumph over death. When someone complemented her on the delicious meat, she said with a mysterious glint in her eye, “Secret’s in the sauce.”

Elvira Freelove--one of Ma Twist's oldest friends--noticed that Ennis was sitting alone at the end of the makeshift table--three sawhorses and a long piece of plywood--that was situated in front of the barn. So she went to him with the same festive bonnet she had worn every Easter for twenty years running perched on her head, and with a huge grin that was meant to be girly and warm, she asked the young man if she could fetch him a plate.

Ennis grimaced and said flatly, “I can’t eat no barbecue right now.” When Ennis’s gaze involuntarily turned toward the pit he saw Jack shoveling out mounds of savory pig flesh with a kind of gritty determination as the churchgoers filed past.

Eventually the authorities did come sniffing around, and with a shamed and hushed tone, Ma Twist explained that her husband subscribed to a magazine for wife swappers. She then pulled out one of her kitchen drawers, reached under a stack of neatly folded grocery store bags, and produced an unlikely periodical–Rocky Top Swingers. “When he proposed to put an ad in this filthy thing I told him Jesus would not approve. I try to live by the Word, you know.” Ma Twist wiped away a lone tear and declared, “He left the next day, and me and the boys ain’t seen him since.”

The officers seemed to take Ma Twist at her word, and left after eating a piece of cherry cake. When they were gone the bedsprings started to squeak overhead, causing a warm feeling came over the woman. She began singing Water Walking Jesus as she picked up her broom and headed out the door with the intention of sweeping the porch.



I think about this one often, Gary!  Thanks so much for reposting!  Brilliant!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Something Special
« Reply #1105 on: July 25, 2007, 02:12:10 am »
Something Special by Littlewing 1957 (A Slice of Life)

Jack had trouble finding the spices, but the ground lamb was available at the every butcher’s shop in Childress.  He loved preparing exotic meals for Ennis.   The first night of a “fishing trip” was always special for Jack.  He was so delighted to see his lover after all the months apart that he always prepared something special in the kitchen, as well as the bedroom.

Jack asked Ennis to relax in the living room while he cooked.  Tonight he would prepare Fried Lamb Burgers: a Middle Eastern recipe he found in one of Lureen’s cookbooks.  He copied the recipe to a notebook, which was open; face up, on the kitchen counter.  Jack placed a generous amount of ground lamb into a large, steel bowl.  He mixed in fresh chopped parsley, onion, garlic, salt, 2 eggs, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander and white flour.  After the lamb was mixed with the spices and flour, Jack separated the meat into 2 gigantic patties.  He poured 2 tablespoons full of sesame oil into a large skillet and added the patties while the oil was still cool.  He didn’t want a lot of burning and splatter.

The scent from the kitchen was so heavenly that Ennis stopped putting away toiletries in the medicine cabinet to go investigate.  The meat smelled so good, so exotic that he had to see what Jack was cooking.  But once inside the well-stocked kitchen, Jack shooed him out. 

“Now, now, Cowboy!”  Jack said as he ushered Ennis back out of the kitchen.  “You’re about to ruin the surprise.  I’ll call you for supper when it’s ready!”  Jack kissed Ennis tenderly and turned to go check on the meat.  When the burgers were done, Jack placed each one on a French roll, and garnished the plates with parsley.  The baked potatoes were warming in the oven, and the wine was chilled.  Jack was so excited to serve such a meal to his lover.  Ennis had the table all set when Jack exited the kitchen holding 2 plates piled high with fried lamb burgers, and baked potatoes.  Jack kissed Ennis’ cheek as he placed his plate in front of him.  He filled the wine glasses and sat down to his burger.

Ennis, intrigued by the aroma of the burgers, and quite hungry, picked up the sandwich and took a bite.  Jack couldn’t eat until he saw Ennis’ reaction.  Jack watched as his lover chewed slowly, eyes closed.

“ like it, Friend?”  Jack asked tentatively, nervously.  Ennis didn’t answer at first, but continued to chew.  He took another bite as Jack watched.

“Well?”  Jack asked.

“Jack, what is this?  I haven’t tasted anything like this!”  It is sooo good!”  Jack sighed audibly and told him all about the dish.  Ennis looked at his man in awe.  He was always amazed at the things Jack did to spoil him.  They ate in silence and finished off an entire bottle of wine.  After dinner Ennis was mellow from good food, fine wine, amazing company.  He pulled Jack onto his lap and cuddled him.  He held him so tight, and Jack returned the embrace.

“Is this all, Bud?”  Ennis asked as he kissed Jack’s jaw.  “You said you had something else planned for me..for us?”  Jack smiled shyly and returned Ennis’ kiss. 

“Yeah, friend.  I have a few things for you, for us in my duffle bag.  You sit here now and I’ll be back.  Just wait and see…


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Re: Jack Fing Twist! (Repost)
« Reply #1106 on: July 25, 2007, 05:41:35 am »
Jack Fing Twist by Littlewing 1957

“Jack fing Twist, got it all figured out,” Ennis mumbled absently as he chased plastic utensils downstream.  Jack Twist threw up both his hands in frustration and headed inside the tent.  Ennis watched, almost amused, as Jack trudged angrily along.  Ennis had never seen Jack quite so exasperated.  He was mildly frightened at the though of Jack being pissed off, but he was also mighty aroused!

Ennis retrieved the plates and a pitcher and continued to tidy up the campsite.  Still not a peep from Jack!  It was getting dark, cooling off considerably and Ennis built a fire.  Dinner was out of the way and it was time to check on Jack.  It was time for love.

Ennis pulled back the tent flap a ways and peeked in at Jack.  He was laying in the bedroll, his back facing the tent opening.  Ennis undressed in silence and when naked, squeezed inside, snuggled close.  Jack stiffened but did not move away.  “You still mad at me?”  Ennis whispered against the nape of Jack’s neck.  He reached over and placed a tentative hand on Jack’s behind.  Jack was still wearing his jeans!  Ennis chuckled as he caressed the denim.  “Yeah, you’re still mad at me!”  Jack didn’t move or utter a sound.  Ah, here we go!  Ennis thought as he massaged Jack’s shoulders.  If I’m gonna get my lovin tonight I gotta act all sincere.  “I’m sorry, Jack,”  Ennis began.  “C’mon Bud, get undressed.  Need ya!”  No response from Jack Twist!  “Please baby?”  Ennis pleaded. Jack trembled.  The only person who had ever called him Baby was probably cooking dinner for his pa right now up at Lightning Flat.  And hearing it from Ennis Del Mar?  It was almost too much!   Jack turned to his love and searched for his lips in the dark..

Aaahhh, Marie,  I remember this one from IMDb, and I love it! So sweet Ennis trying to persuade Jack, and I can imagine so well that Jack can´t resist once Ennis starts with endearments  ::)... thanks for reposting!!


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Re: The Motorcycle Part 1 (Repost)
« Reply #1107 on: July 25, 2007, 05:52:05 am »
The Motorcycle by Littlewing 1957

 ... “Let’s go for a ride, En.  I brought a helmet for you.”

Now what´s the helmet for ??  ;D

Sexy, sexy, Marie, and very original, as always!

I didn´t remember this one. Jack on that bike really was a surprise! Love it!



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Re: Beans (Repost)
« Reply #1108 on: July 25, 2007, 05:58:35 am »
Beans by Littlewing 1957

....Jack rose up and positioned himself right behind Ennis.  He wrapped his arms around his lover and very silently, languidly, fed Ennis the spoonful of beans.  “That good, cowboy?”

I just love fanfics that take place up on Brokeback....and this one is very erotic! Food and sex really belong together  ;D.

Thanks for all these wonderful stories, Littlewing!  :-* :-* :-*


Have I ever told you that I love your username? It´s so poetic!


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Re: Meadow Beauty
« Reply #1109 on: July 25, 2007, 05:59:18 am »
Dagi, this is so playful and sweet!  I love it!

 :-* thank you, my love!
