Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2261707 times)

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« Reply #3570 on: February 27, 2009, 09:31:06 pm »
I have found my mate!  I knew it from the very first time my eyes met his.  Oh no..before then!  How can I describe what I felt when I turned from my truck and laid eyes on the handsomest creature I ever saw? He was like a lost puppy: all desperate and defeated like he would never find home.  My heart almost shattered my chest, but I had to keep my cool.  I had to keep it all together because…well...because…he wouldn’t feel the same way, now would he? Still, in my mind, I have found my mate! I found my king.

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Found(2) SNIT
« Reply #3571 on: February 27, 2009, 10:05:40 pm »
Lay your body down next to me
Forget your worries, can’t you see
Love is waiting by my side,
Your cares will flow away with the tide.

Ennis! Lay down your fears
My chest and arms are free
Let me hold you!
Come down next to me.

Don’t be afraid,
You know I’m near.
I’ll make it all better
That’s why I’m here.

That’s good - snuggle warm
Come in deep, far from harm.
No need to worry about any little thing,
You’re my mate!  You’re my king!

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« Reply #3572 on: March 08, 2009, 12:02:43 am »
Jack lowered the little lamb onto the cold earth and released it from the make-shift splint that supported it while on horseback. The tiny creature trembled a bit when it reached the ground, but Jack grabbed it almost immediately and tenderly held it in his strong arms until the shivering subsided.  Ennis watched as Jack inspected the animal for scrapes and other signs of trauma.  "What's wrong with the lamb," Ennis asked his friend as he drew closer.  "She seems a bit sluggish and wouldn't even feed.  I'm afraid she either has something irritating her, or maybe she's sick," Jack announced without even looking up. Ennis smiled as Jack continued his inspection. He was impressed!  If things had been different, that Jack Twist would have done well as a vet. 

Ennis watched over the rest of the herd as Jack pulled a good sized thorn from the lamb's left shank.  He rubbed the back of the animal's neck and carried her over to where her mother was grazing with the others.  Ennis and Jack watched as the lamb nuzzled close to her mother and began to nurse.  Ennis placed a hand on Jack's shoulder.  "Good work, Jack," Ennis exclaimed. I hope Aguirre appreciates how good you are with the sheep!"  Jack had to grin at that, and he patted the hand on his shoulder.

"I had better head back to camp and put on supper," Jack announced as he gathered his gear to load onto his mare.  "Nothing but beans and some bacon to add for seasoning.  I think I may have a few biscuits left over from last night that I can heat up."  Ennis nodded and continued to watch over the herd.  He watched in silence as Jack rode off.  Jack was quite a sexy, tantilizing sight with his rear end bouncing on the saddle.  Ennis fought the urge to put his hand into his tight jeans.  He could wait.  That Jack Twist was good with the sheep, but with Ennis, he was even better.  More better....


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Mystery Meat and Beans
« Reply #3573 on: March 12, 2009, 11:27:40 pm »
Jack opened the can of dog food, and for the first time, took a serious look at it.  He saw that the wet Alpo had a meaty quality, even though it had a distinctive, disgusting smell.  He whistled for Bluebell and filled a small bowl full of the food for her.  Bluebell ate heartily as Jack watched.  Jack couldn't explain his mischevious streak, but knew that one day his love of practical jokes would be his undoing.  Watching Bluebell enjoy her food gave him an idea.

He left about an inch of Alpo in the can and opened a couple cans of BetterMost beans.  Jack averted his nose as he poured the remainer of the Alpo into a frying pan and separated it with a fork as it hardened and lumped into a consistency like taco meat.  Right before the dog food charred, Jack added the beans to the Alpo.  He dropped in a stick of butter and moved the mixture from the heat.  "That Ennis is in for a unique dining experience tonight," Jack chuckled.

Ennis rode in, and after securing his mare and washing up as thoroughly as was possible, sat right beside Jack on a log by the dinner fire.  He watched as Jack heaped mounds of beans and another substance he didn't recognize onto tin plates.  "What is this, Jack," Ennis asked as he was handed a plate of beans and Alpo.  "Smells well...strange."  "Don't worry about that, friend," Jack enthused.  "Eat up!"  Ennis shrugged and grabbed a fork from his friend.  He gathered a large chunk of Jack's concoction onto his fork and moved it to his mouth.  "Wait.....!!!!,"  Jack yelled with a start.  He shot straight up from his nap and realized with relief that he had been dreaming and that Ennis was nowhere to be found.  Jack rubbed his eyes and tried not to think of what would have happened if he actually fed dog food to Ennis and Ennis found out about it.  "Jack Twist, you're a crazy fool," he spoke out loud.  Jack pulled himself up and whistled for Bluebell.  Time for her lunch!

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On the Road
« Reply #3574 on: March 14, 2009, 03:14:17 pm »
Jack always dreaded saying goodbye after a satisfying "fishing" expidition, but all good things had to come to an end.  Ennis and Jack were on the road back to the truck stop where Ennis left his vehicle for the week, and Jack was trying to get comfortable behind the wheel.  Jack's favorite position was feet flat on the floor of his late model red truck, his arm out the driver's side window, his right hand resting between Ennis' thighs.  Ennis liked the feel of Jack's hand moving up and down his manhood, but he had to put a stop to it.  What if he became so aroused that he needed Jack to stop?  And what would happen if some trucker in a tall cab happened along and witnessed Jack feeling him up? 

Jack respected Ennis' wishes; he even had to agree with him.  But it was so hard to sit so close to his lover and refrain from touching him.  Jack kept his eye on the road but couldn't help glancing at his husband.  The tension was so thick that neither could think of any sort of small talk to fill the hours until the truck stop came into view.  Ennis sat still and wished he could cross his legs.  He was aroused and wanted ro hide it.

But Jack noticed and felt his heart race.  He saw the bulge between Ennis' thighs and his eyes grew narrow and then bulged at the tantalizing sight.  Jack moved his hand closer to his lover, convinced that just one feel wouldn't hurt.  Ennis didn't pull away as Jack placed his hand on his manhood.  Just then, both men heard a piercing honk, looked up and saw the handsome features of a trucker looking down at them.  The man had a curious smirk on his sensuous mouth, and he pointed to the next turnoff.  Ennis sat, terrified, but Jack was the cool one.  He shrugged innocently at the trucker and shook his head.  The man saw, pouted his disappointment and turned his head toward the road.  He exited the highway and Ennis was able to breathe again.  "That was a close one, Friend," Jack whispered.  "Yeah," Ennis began, "I told you about that before, Rodeo.  One day we was bound to be caught.  You gotta control yourself in the future."  Jack nodded his agreement, but he was silent.  He couldn't help wondering what the trucker had in mind.

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Signal, Wyoming
« Reply #3575 on: March 18, 2009, 11:57:01 pm »
The soreness was practically forgotten, but a dull ache seized Jack's heart.  He never even gave the bruise on his chin a thought, but his chest hurt like a bitch.  Jack couldn't keep his eyes on the road, even as he drove at a steady speed.  He couldn't resist watching Ennis clomp along, even though losing sight of his lover brought him great pain.  When Ennis dropped out of sight, Jack couldn't bear it.  He stopped abruptly, glad that no one was behind him on the road.  The truck almost turned over on its side as Jack swerved around quicker that James Bond in his Vanquish.

Jack drove back the way he had come, but where was Ennis?  He couldn't have hitched a ride that quickly?  Jack rubbed his bruised chin as he drove down the road in seacrh of his love.  He didn't get it!  Where was Ennis?  Panic set in as Jack headed back toward the jump off where he and Ennis parted ways.  Surely he didn't back-track, but Jack had to know for sure.  The foothills of Brokeback Mountain were deserted; not even a lamb or an employee in sight.  Jack sighed mightily and hung his shoulders in defeat.  He turned the truck back around, resigned to heading out to Lightning Flat and visiting his folks before heading off to the rodeo circuit.

Jack was halfway down the block when he noticed a form emerging from an alleyway.  It appeared to be a young man stooped over and holding his stomach.  The poor wretch was gripping a napsack to his stomach and wobbling.  Jack slowed and looked closer.  Ennis?  Yeah, it was Ennis del Mar, alright!  Jack came to a complete stop and hopped out of the truck.  He ran over to his friend and encircled him in his arms.  Ennis managed a wan smile as he recognized Jack.  Jack held on tight and allowed Ennis to place a heavy head on his shoulder.  It was a tender moment, and neither man cared if they were being watched.  After a moment Jack grabbed Ennis by the shoulder and held him aloft.  "Everything is gonna be fine now, Friend," Jack whispered.  "Hey, I was just going to head home for a few days and then off to Cody for rodeoing.  You want to tag along?"  Ennis couldn't talk but he could could nod: yes!  Jack tried his damnest to hide his excitement, but he couldn't help but jump up and down for joy.  "C'mon over to the truck and climb on in, Ennis," Jack said as he led his lover by the arm.  "If we leave now, we can be at my family's ranch before dinner."  "That will be fine, Rodeo," Ennis gurgled.  "That will be fine."  Jack patted Ennis gently on the shoulder.  He smiled, put the truck in gear and headed east.

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The Gift
« Reply #3576 on: March 25, 2009, 11:32:28 pm »
Ennis walked up the stairs to his apartment, and paused a bit when he reached the front door.  He had a small bouquet of flowers for his wife, but he didn't know how the blooms would be received.  Once he felt strong enough emotionally to deal with Alma, Ennis turned his key in the lock and stepped inside.  Alma was sitting with Jenny, and both of his girls looked up at him as he crossed the threshold. "Flowers!" Jenny squealed, and she jumped up and down on her tiny legs, clapping at the sight of the carnations, baby's breath and roses in her father's grasp.  Alma frowned in spite of herself.  She wondered about the occassion, as Ennis rarely brought presents.  And at once it hit her: Jack Twist!  Another "fishing trip?"  Alma crossed her arms across her chest.   Eyes narrowed into slits followed her husband as he walked into the kitchen.

Alma Jr. ran into the kitchen just as Ennis found a small vase to hold the flowers.  Jenny offered to pour water into the vase, but Ennis beat her to it.  He kissed her creamy smooth brow and said, "next time, Jen.  You can water the flowers next time."  Alma laughted bitterly under her breath.  She wondered when the next time would be that her husband would bring her flowers.  Or the next time a trip with Jack Twist was imminent, Ennis might bring her chocolates.  Alma watched her family as they almost hyperventilated over the blooms.  Alma almost felt guilty about her lack of excitement.  After all, the flowers were beautiful, but were they sincerely given?

Ennis carried the flowers over to Alma and bowed low, presenting them to her.  Alma forced as smile as she reluctantly accepted the vase.  "Thanks," Alma deadpanned as she sat the vase down on the coffee table.  Ennis' face dropped almost immediately.  Alma noticed, and the guilty feelings returned.  She realized that no matter what was going down with her husband and Jack, she still loved her man.  He was the father of her girls, for heavens sake.  It was up to her to make amends.  "The flowers are beautiful, Ennis, but you shouldn't have spent the money.  What's the occassion?"  Ennis perked up a bit after hearing this, but not much.  "Oh, no reason," he whispered.  "Do I have to have a reason to bring my wife flowers?"  Alma didn't answer but wondered if Jack Twist received presents.  But there was no need to think about that.  Life was painful enough.

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At Last!
« Reply #3577 on: March 31, 2009, 06:03:15 pm »
Ennis glanced around in utter confusion.  His eyes were not hurting, but the light was so bright that he was having trouble getting his bearings.  He rubbed his hazel eyes and looked up again.  The light was suddenly not as bright, or perhaps he was getting used to it?  Ennis couldn't fight the confusion.  Where was he?  The last thing he remembered was lying in bed and trying to catch his breath.  He was in some sort of clinic or hospital, or something like that, and Jenny and Alma Jr. were standing by his bed, weeping bitterly.  Ennis looked down at his hands, and the mental fog began to lift.  He was lying in bed with his children standing by crying?  Ennis sighed heavily.  It can only mean one thing.

In less than a moment, Ennis could see very clearly.  And what he saw filled him with great joy.  He seemed to be alone, but he was not afraid.  How could he be afraid when all around him was light, nature unlike anything he was used to, even up on brokeback, and a curious sense of love?  Ennis accepted the fact that he was late, and he sat down on the perfect grass, patiently waiting for some sign, some direction, some person to tell him what would happen next.

He didn't have long to wait.  Ennis squinted as he glanced off into the distance.  He saw a great number coming toward him.  Ennis stood as the people gathered closer.  He felt like jumping for joy as he spied his parents nearing.  With them was a host of friends and relatives, most of them he recognized, a few he did not.  All were passed for some time.  Ennis cried as his family gathered around and enveloped him in a group hug.  It was just too much!  But when he caught a flash of blue eyes, Ennis almost dropped to his knees.  His family parted and made room for the newcomer.  Ennis couldn't see the great love of his life for the tears in his eyes.  Jack moved closer to his husband and took his hand.  "What is it, Friend?  Aren't you glad to see me?"  Ennis was so full of emotion that he couldn't speak.  He nodded and folded Jack in a gentle hug.  Jack broke away after a moment and pulled him on.  "C'mon, let me show you around.  You'll love it here, Ennis....we'll never be parted again."  Ennis squeezed Jack's hand and allowed him to lead.  He looked around at the splendor that was surrounding him, and thanked a merciful God.  He knew all of his life that there was a divine plan, and he was grateful.

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Think about it!
« Reply #3578 on: April 03, 2009, 11:54:23 pm »
"Hey, friend, why so glum?" Jack asked Ennis as he touched his arm, lightly.  Ennis dropped the stick he used to poke the embers of the campfire.  "Ah, Jack, I gotta move in with my brother for awhile.  It looks like the owner of my house is selling, and I have a few weeks to get my things together and find somewhere else to go."  Jack considered what Ennis just said, and he saw another opportunity to pitch his case for a sweet life together.  "Well, living with K.E. won't be so bad, would it?" Jack inquired.  Ennis shook his head.  "Jack, the last time I had to move in with my big brother was one of the worst times of my life.  One night at dinner I asked for seconds of pot roast and he flipped his lid!"  Ennis shook visibly as he related the story, and ran his fingers through his sandy colored hair.  Jack was silent, but he didn't like what he was hearing.  "K.E. embarassed me in front of his whole family," Ennis continued, his voice quivering.  "He told me that if I want some more food I had better contribute to the grocery bill, or I would be out on the street looking for somewhere else to live."  Ennis covered his eyes with a shaky hand at the memory.  Jack was appalled and hung his head low.  He always wanted a male sibling, but after hearing about Ennis' treatment at the hand of his own brother, Jack was happy to be an only child.

"You should have told me you were on the verge of being homeless, Friend," Jack whispered.  "Look, I don't have to stay married to Lureen, you know that." Ennis looked up at Jack, nervous now, but he allowed him to continue. "If you say the word, I can have us a place together in a few days," Jack exclaimed.  Ennis stared at his lover.  "Thanks for the offer, Jack, but I can't ask you to do that.  You have your family that needs you.  Don't worry about me, I'll be okay."  Ennis lifted Jack's fallen chin with a gentle finger.  Jack nodded and leaned in for a kiss.  "You should let me take care of this," Jack spoke into Ennis' ear.  "Its all I've ever wanted."  "I'll be okay," is all that Ennis could manage.

Ennis cooked a decent supper of pork chops with apple sauce, new potatoes and collard greens.  Jack ate his fill and sat down on the ground right beside his lover.  "Fine dinner, friend," Jack exclaimed as he rubbed his bloated belly.  "Thanks so much..I really enjoyed it,"  Ennis nodded and smiled.  Jack took the smile as further encouragement.  "I...I would sure like to be fed like that every night, Ennis," Jack ventured.  "Lureen is a decent cook, but she can't hold a candle to you.  Who would have thought that my boyfriend is a better cook than my wife?"  Ennis flinched a bit at the mention of "boyfriend," but Jack didn't seem to notice.  "You like it, then?" Ennis rubbed Jack's ample stomach.  "I wouldn't mind cooking for you, Rodeo.  You always seem so grateful after you eat my cooking.  I can get used to the compliments."  Jack straightened up and looked Ennis straight in the eyes.  "Think about it, Ennis," Jack said, serious.  "It can be like this for the rest of our lives.  Just thing about it."  Ennis found himself weakening a bit.  "I'll think about it, Rodeo, Ennis said, quietly.  I'll think about it.

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Sleepless in Childress
« Reply #3579 on: April 13, 2009, 10:14:51 pm »
Jack couldn’t sleep!  He tossed and turned so violently that Lureen almost pushed him out of bed.  “What is wrong with you, hon,” she asked, groggily.  Jack patted his wife on her shoulder.  “I don’t know, Lureen,” he faltered.  “I’m just not sleepy, I guess.”  Lureen turned from her husband and pulled the covers.  “Well if you can’t sleep, get up and watch TV or something.  I gotta get up early in the morning!”  Jack looked at his wife’s back and shook his head.  Never mind that he also had to wake up early to get read for work.  That Lureen was always so thoughtful!

Jack sat up and slid into his house slippers.  He walked, silently, out into the hall of his home.  The TV in the living room was too close to little Bobby’s bedroom, and Jack was afraid that the noise might wake him.  Jack didn’t want to wake his son – little Bobby needed his sleep.  Jack headed for the add-on he had built just a year ago.  It was a dinky little room he built for times when he wanted to get away from the family to drink, smoke and think about Ennis Del Mar.  Jack opened the door to the tiny room and found the remote to the medium sized TV.  He snuggled into his new rocking chair and flipped channels.

There was nothing much on.  The few channels he could get were showing sales commercials and re-runs of classic TV programs.  Jack settled on a show that sold life affirming tapes.  He didn’t really care about the product, but the salesman, who was a life coach and motivational speaker, looked an awful lot like his distant lover.  Jack watched and listened as the man hawked his product.  There was something about the sandy hair, the hazel eyes, and the hypnotic cadence of his speech that soothed Jack.  In no time, Jack had fallen asleep on his rocker.  Lureen felt bad.  She didn’t really mean for Jack to leave the bed, and she went looking for him.  She found him in his “study” fast asleep, a handsome man talking non-stop on the TV.  Lureen fetched a hand-made blanket from the couch and covered her husband.  She shrugged and left the TV on, returning to the comfort of her bed.