I love seeing Ennis season the food he is cooking as if it was fine dining, and maybe it was. It seems such a l;oving thing to do.
I love the fact that I am still here discussing the movie, right down to subtle details. Ilove the fact that I see only Ennis and not Heath.
Yes, we do get so involved in other subjects on here, that we are spending less and less time talking about the movie. But thats not because we dont think about it, I guess its because most things have all ready been said.
And now, Im just reading about the blanket and Ennis seasoning the food, and I have a little smile to myself about those subtle details, and I'm sitting here now, smiling about our two boys and their little habits in the movie.
Actually having a giggle now, about Ennis shaking the salt and pepper, like he wa a chef in a bloody high class restaurant. You know I think I have always thought that, watching that scene, but didn't realize it, until you wrote about it.
I miss the boys, cause I havent watched the movie for quite a while. I think i will pay them a little visit, real soon.