Author Topic: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.  (Read 28581 times)

Offline Toast

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The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:51:52 am »
The InFamous Deleted Hippie Scene
Brokeback Mountain

ENNIS and JACK are horseback, trotting across a high meadow.
JACK fiddles with his rope. Ropes a sagebrush, then throws
it at a rabbit.
          I wish we'd jump a coyote.
          I'd love to rope a coyote.
             (skeptical of Jack's prowess with the lariat)
         I doubt I'll live to see that miracle....

They hear distant music, from over a nearby ridge: it's rock music.

          Who's playing music way out here?

          Who's playing music way out here?
          They lope to the top of the ridge.


ENNIS and JACK see a brightly painted VW bus going along a narrow little mountain road.
          If it's a hippie, we ought to scalp him.
Up ahead of the bus, they see a creek, swollen from runoff. But the bus doesn't slow....

          Can't that fool see the creek's in flood?
          Probably high on drugs. May not have even
          noticed that creek, music's too loud.
...and the bus, music blaring, heads right into the water. Makes it halfway across...stops, water at window-height. Yells are heard.
ENNIS and JACK lope down the ridge.

              (drawing rein)
          Hell, better go down and see what's what.
          See if you can get a rope on the bumper.
          I'll offload who I can.
The horses are none too keen to go into the water...but ENNIS and JACK insist, spur them in.
JACK gets to the rear of the bus--when he bends over to hook his rope through the bumper, his hat falls off and floats away.
ENNIS expertly gets his horse alongside the bus, looks inside to see a bearded, beaded Dead-head at the wheel, and two beautiful hippie coeds giggling, crowded together in the front seat.
          Guess I overestimated the power of the
          bug, man!
Ennis holds out his arms.

          Come on now, "through the window, girls
          first...I can take the two of you
The girls giggle at Ennis's unintended double-entendre.

                    GIRL 1
          Thanks, man!
As she pushes her way out of through the window, we see her braless profile fall into Ennis's arms.

Ennis ferries the girls back to shore, heads back to the van.

JACK, frustrated, rides back to shore, takes off his boots and wades back in with the rope, manages to get it over the bumper.
ENNIS goes over to help JACK, who is wading out.

          My hat's probably to Laramie by now.

          Top hands ain't supposed to love their

JACK ignores this.

ENNIS rides around to the driver's side of the VW bus.

          You might want to make sure you're in
          reverse, mister.
The MAN gives ENNIS the peace sign.

              (sense of humour)
          Sure, partner.

The man and the women are unpacking a picnic.

          Hey, break bread with us, western heroes.
          Thanks, but we gotta make camp by
                    GIRL 1
          You sure? (seductive) We love to share.
          They do man. I'm cool with it.
                    GIRL 1
          Whaddya think?
          I suppose not. We'd best be going.
                    GIRL 2
          You don't have to be hung up around us.
          Thanks, but Ennis here, he's just pretty
          well hung up.
Ennis shoots Jack a glance.

                    JACK  ( CONT ' D)
          But you all take care now.

Later: Jack and Ennis ride off, the hippies in the
          Hell, I guess I could a been a hippie, if
          I'd had more education.

          I don't like damn hippies. Un-American if
          you ask me.
          Yeah, you're pretty square, aren't you?
          If they only knew just how square you
They both laugh.

[From the 2004 Screenplay/Shooting Script]

Offline Kelda

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 11:42:01 am »
bumping to find later.

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Offline nic

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 11:54:27 am »
Oooh,  thanks for posting that treat!  I didn't know all of it before.  Even though I think it is right not to include it in the film I can still see it being played out in my head & would dearly love to see it as a DVD extra.  The bits that show the guys having fun together & joshing each other are priceless! 

It definitely works better without it being in.  As a whole it just feels awkward & without it, we have all their mountain time together uninterrupted - as it is in the short story I believe.  A small thing but it makes it even more special & also just a little more poignant at the same time. 

Thanks again - what a great way to end the working week  :)
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Offline serious crayons

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 01:06:51 pm »
Thanks for posting this, Toast, but now I sure am glad they didn't include it! What were they thinking?!

Really, in a movie in which every moment is meaningful on multiple levels, what function would this scene have served? It shows Ennis being untempted by the girls' offer, but other than that what do we get? Conservative political views I'd rather not hear about. An intrusion of "outside world" culture that the movie works better without. Inconsistency: Ennis scorns the hippies for being high on drugs, even though later we see him getting high on drugs himself.

And this:

          Thanks, but Ennis here, he's just pretty
          well hung up.

Is it a comment on Ennis' psyche, or a double-entendre about his physique?

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 01:16:44 pm »
And this:

          Thanks, but Ennis here, he's just pretty
          well hung up.

Is it a comment on Ennis' psyche, or a double-entendre about his physique?

Probably both. That's why it's called a double-entendre.  ;D

Seriously--much better to have left this out of the final cut.

Still--I wanna see it! It's Ennis and Jack together! I wanna see it!  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 01:30:43 pm »
Yep, the scene reads just as embarrassingly as I'm sure it plays out in the actual filmed sequence. I think it would have been a major flaw in the film had it been left in, which is probably one reason it has been omitted from all versions of the DVD so far.

Still, I would watch it at least once, for curiosity's sake. And, as Jeff aptly points out, it represents yet another of those too infrequent moments when we see our two "western heroes" ( ::)) together and happy to boot.

Offline Fran

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 03:52:47 pm »
Hippies intruding on Jack and Ennis's limited time together?  No way!

But I agree that it would be cool to see that scene as a DVD extra.


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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 04:12:10 pm »

The dialogue is awful!!!!!!!


Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2007, 04:28:28 pm »

            True that Mel.  I wonder if James Schamus wrote it?  Since he is the one that supposedly campaigned for it to be included.??

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Offline serious crayons

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Re: The Deleted Hippie Scene from the 2004 Screenplay.
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2007, 04:55:24 pm »
The dialogue is awful!!!!!!!

I agree! It's really unlike the dialogue in the rest of the movie.

All of the scenes that are in the actual movie but not in the short story add something. But this seems to subtract, not add.