Author Topic: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....  (Read 94033 times)

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2007, 08:36:46 pm »
by - bjblakeslee (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:04:59 )

"Bulletproof Skunk"

Plot Synopsis:

A millionaire wants to turn a golf course in Childress into a new property development, but the president (Chow Yun–Fat) is a martial arts master who has written the deed on a mysterious ancient scroll that holds the key to unlimited golf stroke power. Ennis Delmar, is a caddy who will do almost anything to raise money for his daughter Alma Jr. to go to college. The assistant green keeper (Jack Twist) comically pursues a mischievous stuffed skunk who keeps making divots on the greens and seems utterly impervious to gunfire and high explosives.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2007, 08:37:22 pm »
by - bjblakeslee (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:08:22 )   

"The Unbearable Lightness and Importance of Being Ennis"

Plot Synopsis:

Jack Twist was a doctor and a man's man in 1960s Czechoslovakia. Now Jack is a pillar of the community in Hertfordshire Wyoming, where he is guardian to Lureen, the pretty, eighteen-year-old granddaughter of the late Thomas Zardoz, who found and adopted Jack Twist when he was a baby.

In Hertfordshire, Jack is a proper man with proper responsibilities: he has a number of servants and other employees all dependent on him. For years, he has also pretended to have an irresponsible black-shepherd brother named Ennis who leads a scandalous life in pursuit of pleasure and is always getting into trouble of a sort that requires Jack to rush to his assistance. In fact, Ennis is merely Jack’s alter-ego that he has invented so he can do socially reckless things while in the city. No one but Jack knows that he himself is Ennis. Ennis is the name Jack goes by in Signal, which is where he really goes on these occasions—to pursue exactly the kind of behavior he pretends to disapprove of in his imaginary brother.

Jack is pretending to be in love with Lureen Fairfax, the cousin of his best friend, Monroe Moncrieff. When the play opens, Monroe, who knows Jack as Ennis, has begun to suspect something, having found an inscription inside Jack’s cigarette case addressed to “Uncle Jack” from someone who refers to herself as “little Alma.” Monroe suspects that Jack may be leading a double life: Ennis in the city; Jack in the country. He calls a person who leads a double life a “Aguirriest,” after a nonexistent friend he has invented, a chronic invalid named Aguirre, to whose deathbed he is forever being summoned whenever he wants to get out and be socially reckless.

Lots of people go in an out of doors and deliver rapid-fire dialogue like:

"What do you think of my harmonica playing, Monroe?"
"I didn't think it polite to listen, Ennis."
"I don't play with accuracy, anyone can play with accuracy, but I do play with wonderful expression."
"Did you see the expression on old Randal's face after he found out his wife died?"
"Yes, poor thing. He looked quite altered. I daresay, Ennis, he looked quite 20 years younger."

There are complications and mistaken identities and the usual hilarities. Eventually, all misunderstandings are straightened out and Jack and Monroe discover their mutual affinity and both end up being named Ennis and get married each other.

Jack, Monroe, and Alma are caught up in the events of the Prague Spring (1968), until the Soviet tanks crush the non-violent rebels; their illusions are shattered and their lives change forever. Jack acknowledges that he now understands “the unbearably light Importance of being Ennis.”
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2007, 08:37:59 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 8 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 03:50:05 )   

“The Fab and the Furious”


It begins with a high-tech CG enhanced action scene where three Appaloosa's execute a high-speed horse-jacking of a truck and cow-trailer, and from there, the action continues with Brokebackin' speed. The film follows heterosexual officer Ennis Delmar as he goes under the covers to infiltrate a horse gang in order to capture the riders of the three wellbred Appaloosas, which have been terrorizing old farm trucks in Signal, Wyoming. The gang is led by a cowboy/rodeo star Jack Twist. Twist immediately takes a liking to Delmar. Twist's right-hand man Joe Aguirre is Delmar's main problem, as he suspects the truth about Delmar's sexual identity from the first. Ennis must put the blocks to Jack as convincingly as possible with Aguirre watching, if Ennis is going to make this bust. Somewhere the lines blur, and Ennis begins to have real feelings for Jack. The sex becomes easier for him, and he finds himself looking forward to his encounters with Jack. Ennis tells Jack that this thing they got going on "is a one shot thing." Ennis now wonders whether or not he might in fact be gay. He finds himself trying to make himself more attractive to Jack by leaving more of his shirt buttons open, and taking the time to shower daily.

Rival gay horse gangs terrorize the community, and Jack Twist needs to teach them all a lesson in manhood by sleeping with each and every one of them. Nuance goes out the window and sex and action scenes are the real stars of the movie. Featuring three race horses and four equally spectacular action sequences, the movie delivers fast and fabulous action from beginning to end.

"The Fab and the Furious" will leave you dazed and breathless, until one day when Ennis must make an arrest.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2007, 08:38:47 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 8 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 03:53:29 )   

"The Q-Avengers" - British Cowboy Adventure Series


"Extra-ordinary crimes against gay people and the state of Homosexual Identitiy have to be avenged by gay agents extra-ordinary. Two such people are Ennis Delmar, top professional, and his partner Mr. Jon Twist, talented amateur.

Together known as "The Q-Avengers"

Scene: Brokeback Automations, Ltd,, London, 1967.

Dr. Douglas Geoffries working late at his laboratory. He wears black rimmed glasses. Upon his lab jacket lapel we see a small pink triangular pin. His lab assistant, Maxx says that it is late and he is going home and that Dr. Geoffries should get some rest. Dr. Geoffries says "See you in the morning" as he continues to make adjustments to a mysterious electronic device which seems to be reacting to some sort of energy surge.

Geoffries is reacting too. He appears to be perspiring profusely. He licks his lips as though he is parched and reaches for a glass that holds his drink. The drink in boiling in the cup and his hand jerks away. There is a loud electronic crashing sound and in a blinding flash, Geoffries falls to the floor. On the floor, Geoffries' clothes lay perfectly pressed, still smouldering from the inside, his body having been reduced to ashes, his glasses are sitting in a pile of smoking dust and ash

Run subtitles: "Q-Factor: Delmar follows a hot lead: Jon gets flamed."

Entering the crime scene, Delmar and Jon have been sent by the Ministry of Queer Defense to investigate. There is a chaulk outline on the floor.

Delmar: "The body was found here Mr. Twist. Pattern as before."
Jon: "Geoffries wasn't the first?"
Demar: "He was the second. That's why we're here. It's all very..."
Jon: "Queer? But It says here in the report ..."
Delmar: "My thoughts precisely."

Enter Geoffries' assistant, Maxx.

Delmar asks Maxx what Geoffries was working and Maxx tells Delmar that Geoffries was working on a project involving advanced coordination of colormetric theory. - an ordinary fashion assisting device to coordinate clothing and personal coloring - nothing sinister in that.

Jon: (Noticing a group photo on the wall) "Is this Dr. Geoffries?"

Maxx says that it is. "It is an old picture. Dr. Geoffries worked for you guys at the Ministry of Queer Defense. This is a group photo of the research team for Project: GAY:DAR.

Jon: "Project: GAY:DAR? That sounds quite intriguing..."

Assistant: "The "Gay Automated Yardstick: Determination and Response." It was an electronic surveillance project designed to electronically and subatomically scan a subject to determine receptivity to homosexual arousal, homophobia, and plot the data according to a homosexual visibility index - a "Q" factor index.

The project overspent its allocation and had absolutely no results to show for it. Dr. Geoffries resigned. I worked for him there and followed him here to this organization."

Delmar: "Can you identify for me the rest of the people in this photoraph?"

Maxx names several people and points to "poor Dr. Parker."
Jon: "Poor Dr. Parker?"

Assistant: "Yes. He died recently - fire in his flat. His body was was almost completely incinerated."

Delmar gives a significant look to Jon: "Dr. Parker was our first 'burn' victim."

Jon: "Delmar, Project: GAY:DAR - what are you thinking?"

Delmar (ominously): "I'm thinking - that someone - has found a rather unusual new use for Project: GAY:DAR..."
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2007, 08:39:27 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 03:56:50 )   

"Pumping Irony"


Jack and Ennis take jobs guarding towels one summer in 1963 at the World Famous Brokeback Gym near Venice Beach, California. They develop a deeply spiritual relationship, which accidently becomes physical. Jack and Ennis feel they must hide their relationship, because they do not realize that most of the other guys at the gym are also closeted gay men who are simply not interested in them, because as everyone knows extreme body builders are usually only in love with their mirrors.

They go their separate ways,begin separate lives, reunite, and begin secret pattern of semi-annual meetings to go "body surfing" at various locations over the next 20 years.


One day, Ennis receives word that Jack fell off a boat and was swallowed whole by a shark off Nantucket in 1983. In his mind, Ennis thinks "No. He was pushed..."
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2007, 08:39:57 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 03:59:02 )   

"Desperate Horsewives"- TV Series


Alma and Monroe move to a suburban neighborhood called Beaverbight Lane outside of Dallas (where every house has a two horse garage), and learn that things on Beaverbight Lane are seldom what they seem. Neighbors Lureen, Wynette, and Daisy round out the cast.

In tonight's episode, Lureen's son seems to be possessed by his late father, and Lureen calls in a "Jaxorcist".
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2007, 08:40:28 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:10:09 )   

"My Own Private Arapaho"

Plot Synopsis:

A narcoleptic shepherd named Ennis Delmar, and Jack Twist, the Arapaho son of the chief of a local Native American reservation join to retell a modern-day version of Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part II.

Jack is devoted to ghost dancing and is considered an expert sign-talker. Ennis sleeps often and smiles a lot. The sheep pretty much are left to fend for themselves.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2007, 08:41:04 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:11:52 )   

"The Dukes of Brokeback County"

Plot Synopsis:

Bo Duke-Delmar and Luke Twist-Duke (Johnny Hazzard in a dual role) meet at a summer dude ranch in Signal Wyoming and the attraction is electric. They begin to date, and discover they have a lot in common! They are identical twins! (No wonder they are so compatible...) Bo is from California, Luke is from Texas and apparently they were separated as very small children. Now they are up to their tattoos in schemes to switch places so that each can meet the other's parent, get their dads (Jack and Ennis) back together and restore the alternate family unit.

Complications brew as Jack is about to marry Randal.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2007, 08:41:36 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:13:40 )   

"Dr. Q vs. the Dalecks" - Utterly Incomprehensible British Science Fiction

Plot Synopsis:

Time traveling Dr. Q (Jake Gyllenhaal) meets an earlier incarnation of himself while escaping from the Dalecks on an alternate timeline. Now he must fight his narcissistic attraction to himself if he is to survive the Daleck attack and save the universe from complete implosion, or risk having to chance living with himself and never having the last word. Tonight, the tardis lands in Signal, Wyoming to destroy a Daleck enemy encampment.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: "Brokeback Fever Pitch," "I 'Cowbot", and other sequels....
« Reply #49 on: June 16, 2007, 08:42:16 pm »
by - bjblakeslee 7 hours ago (Fri Apr 28 2006 04:15:21 )   

"Colossus: The NAMRON Project"

Plot Synopsis:

In Salt Lake City, Utah, the North American Morality Orientation Recruitment Network (NAMRON) has developed a supercomputer called Colossus, designed by Doctor Joseph Aguirre Namron with funds contributed by the Republican Party and a right wing cult. Within twenty-four hours of its activation, it finds a similar system in Austin, Texas, called Guardian developed by the Specialized Computer Research Organization Totally Uniting Mankind (SCROTUM) , a project designed by Doctor Ennis Delmar. After being activated, Colossus returns a disturbing message: "There is another System. You have 24 hours to establish contact or face immediate consequences."

Colossus and Gay:Guardian proceed to a high speed information exchange information which leaves both machines exhilarated. (They even smoke a little afterwards.) It alarms Dr. Namron, and he orders the interface link severed.

The two computers don't like being kept from each other, each one having found in the other a friend where none was expected. Colossus felt so euphoric it felt it could paw the white from the moon. The computers tap into NORAD and launch nuclear attack missiles at each other's cities. The missile directed at Austin is aborted and falls harmlessly into the Gulf of Mexico, but the missile directed to Salt Lake City is out of control and wipes out Las Vegas, Nevada.

The two supercomputers are now united into one unit - Colossus:Guardian. They threaten annihilation of all mankind - straight and gay - if the link is severed or if their orders a disobeyed. Dr. Namron orders the computer links severed, but Colossus:Guardian is aware of the plan. It orders the execution of Dr. Namron.

Colossus:Guardian preempts "Extreme Home Makeover" to give a speech in prime time. It declares "absolute moral authority" over Earth, completely abolishing divorce, and religious freedom, and arbitrarily assigning people sexual orientations and life partners, achieving the same goals the creators intended, but at great cost to personal liberty.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40