Author Topic: Preferences Quiz  (Read 12738 times)

Offline Kerry

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Preferences Quiz
« on: July 21, 2007, 02:48:45 am »
Preferences Quiz

1. Minimalist or cluttered home décor?

2. Subtle lamp light or bright overhead lighting?

3. Microwave or conventional oven?

4. Clothes dryer or clothes line?

5. Shop on-line or personal store visit?

6. Recycle or not?

7. Tree hugger or tree hater?

8. Warm colours or cool colours?

9. New Age, Pagan, Wicca, etc., or conventional establishment religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)?

10. Optimist or pessimist?

11. Urban or rural?

12. Gay or straight or . . . ?

13. Night or day?

14. Summer or Winter?

15. Carpet or polished floors?

16. Air-conditioning or fresh air?

17. Original paintings or reproductions hanging on your walls at home (perhaps your preference is for photography or just empty walls)?

18. Big hair or jarhead?

19. Facial hair or clean shaven?

20. Work for a living or student or retired or financially independent?

21. Nudist or swimsuit?

22. Gas or electricity?

23. Solar or nuclear or . . . ?

24. War or peace?

25. Hybrid or conventional car?

26. Male or female?

27. Young or old?

28. Yin or yang?

29. Herbal or traditional medicine?

30. Business or casual attire?

31. Clean or dirty?

32. Manic or mellow?

33. Gold or silver?

34. Diamonds or coloured stones?

35. Tea or coffee?

36. Dog or cat?

37. Light or full-strength beer?

38. Glass or crystal?

39. Wine or spirits or beer?

40. Red or white wine?

41. Terracotta or plastic planters?

42. Flowers or foliage?

43. Brick or cladding housing?

44. Tile or metal roofing?

45. Sparkling or still mineral water?

46. Lawn or concrete?

47. Natural fibre or synthetic?

48. Single or double-breasted business suit?

49. Comedy or drama?

50. Abstract or traditional art?

51. Blinds or curtains?

52. Verbose or taciturn?

53. Jazz or symphony?

54. Ballet or rock concert?

55. Own or rent?

56. Jack or Ennis?

57. Porcelain or plastic crockery?

58. Silver or stainless steel cutlery?

59. Italian or Chinese restaurant or . . . ?

60. Blond or brunette or redhead?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 03:01:43 am by Kerry »
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Offline Kerry

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 02:59:21 am »
1. Minimalist or cluttered home décor?

Minimalist. Easy in theory but difficult in application!

2. Subtle lamp light or bright overhead lighting?

Extremely subtle 25w lamplight, always. Overhead lights? Never!

3. Microwave or conventional oven?


4. Clothes dryer or clothes line?

Clothes line. Nothing quite as lovely as sun-dried linen and toweling.

5. Shop on-line or personal store visit?

Both. Grocery and clothing shopping in person. DVDs and books on-line and in person.

6. Recycle or not?


7. Tree hugger or tree hater?

Tree hugger. I loooove trees, especially the jacaranda.

8. Warm colours or cool colours?

I love all colours but veer towards preferring the cooler end of the spectrum.  Such colours as Imperial Purple, Prussian Blue and British Racing Green. I love lilac, too.

9. New Age, Pagan, Wicca, etc., or conventional establishment religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)?

Christian born, but veering towards Pagan these days.

10. Optimist or pessimist?

Inveterate optimist. The glass is always half-full!

11. Urban or rural?

Big city boy born and bred, which is where I am most comfortable and at home. But I’m giving serious consideration to relocating to a picturesque little seaside village, about 7 hours drive up the coast, north of Sydney, when I retire.

12. Gay or straight or . . . ?

I am gay, which is my sexual preference. I have friends who are gay, straight and bisexual, male and female.  

13. Night or day?

In between! Dusk is my favourite time of day. I love beautiful sunsets and the sound of crickets chirping at dusk.

14. Summer or Winter?

Until relatively recently, I would always respond “Winter” to this question. However, the older I’m getting, the less I’m enjoying the cold Winter weather. But I dislike the extreme heat of Summer, also. My favourite season is Autumn – cool, crisp air and bright, clear, sunny days. Mmmm, definitely Autumn. Love that time of year. 

15. Carpet or polished floors?

I prefer polished timber floors, but my present home is carpeted throughout in pure-wool Berber carpeting.

16. Air-conditioning or fresh air?

“Open a new window!” Definitely fresh air, every time.

17. Original paintings or reproductions hanging on your walls at home (perhaps your preference is for photography or just empty walls)?

Original paintings.

18. Big hair or jarhead?

I prefer short, neat hair on men and women.

19. Facial hair or clean shaven?

Clean shaven (men, too! – joke!)

20. Work for a living or student or retired or financially independent?

Work for a living but will be retiring shortly.

21. Nudist or swimsuit?

Definitely swimsuit!

22. Gas or electricity?

I’m terrified of gas. Electricity for me.

23. Solar or nuclear or . . . ?

All the alternative energy resources appeal to me and I will be looking further into solar for my retirement home. Wind power also appeals. I don’t feel comfortable with nuclear.

24. War or peace?

Peace always.

25. Hybrid or conventional car?

My preference is for hybrid, but I am presently driving a conventional car.

26. Male or female?

I’m not sure what this question means, and I’m the one who wrote the question! I am male myself, and I guess it’s asking if I have a preference (this being a “preference” quiz) for being in the company of males or females? If so, I prefer to be around gay men and gay-friendly women.  Having said that, however, I seem to gravitate towards bisexual men a lot, too. For example, my ex-partner of many years is bisexual, as is the man I am presently dating. I am not comfortable around homophobic people, male or female, and if I even hear about someone being homophobic, I try to stay right away from that person.

27. Young or old?

My preference is to be around people my own age. However, having said that, I have always enjoyed an excellent rapport with people older than myself. I have never been fond of children, not even when I was child myself haha!

28. Yin or yang?

I’d like to think I’m a subtle combination of both; however, I feel I veer more towards the yin (feminine). My preference, romantically, is to be around men who are more yang (masculine)  when it comes to relationships; but I prefer platonic friends, male and female who veer, like me, towards the yin.

29. Herbal or traditional medicine?

My preference is for both. I was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder some years ago. Neither my GP nor the specialist he referred me to, could do anything to relieve the extreme pain I was experiencing. They both advised me that it would run its course in due time, which could be a couple of years. Well, I wasn’t about to take that diagnosis lying down, so I took myself along to see a Chinese acupuncturist, who completely cured my frozen shoulder after 10 visits! I’m inclined to think, however, that I would run, not walk, straight to Western practitioners if I were to be diagnosed with a life threatening condition. I wouldn’t be mucking about with anything alternative in a life threatening situation.

30. Business or casual attire?

Dark business suits with accompanying black shoes and silk ties for work and casual attire on the weekend. My personal preference is for the latter.

31. Clean or dirty?

I’m a clean freak and a neat freak! Can’t stand dirt or mess!

32. Manic or mellow?

I have a very mellow, laid-back personality, and prefer to be around similar people.

33. Gold or silver?

I veer towards silver because it makes an excellent conductor for my crystals.

34. Diamonds or coloured stones?

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but I personally prefer all the beautiful coloured stones. Amethyst, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, topaz and aquamarine are my favourites! They are so beautiful.

35. Tea or coffee?

Tea for meeee! I’m not a coffee drinker.

36. Dog or cat?

I prefer dogs, especially German Shepherds and Pomeranians! I’m not a cat person.

37. Light or full-strength beer?

Neither. I’m not a beer drinker.

38. Glass or crystal?

Need you ask? Crystal, always. Even for everyday use.

39. Wine or spirits or beer?


40. Red or white wine?

Red, preferably Merlot.

41. Terracotta or plastic planters?


42. Flowers or foliage?

Both, but with a preference for flowers, especially highly-scented, white flowers such as gardenia, jasmine and freesia.

43. Brick or cladding housing?

My personal preference if for cladding, but I presently live in a high-rise, brick, apartment building.

44. Tile or metal roofing?

I prefer metal roofing. It’s what a grew-up with. I love falling asleep and waking to the gentle, pitter-patter sound of rain on a metal roof. Nothing like it. So restful.

45. Sparkling or still mineral water?


46. Lawn or concrete?


47. Natural fibre or synthetic?

Natural fibre. I love pure new wool, cotton and silk (ties).

48. Single or double-breasted business suit?

I wear single-breasted suits to work, but I like double-breasted suits and think they look very smart. 

49. Comedy or drama?

I enjoy both.

50. Abstract or traditional art?

My two favourite artists are Kandinsky and Caravaggio, so I guess my preference must be for both abstract and traditional (or Baroque, in the case of Caravaggio).

51. Blinds or curtains?

I love a naked window!

52. Verbose or taciturn?

I veer towards the taciturn, but can be verbose when I’m in the company of people I trust, like here at BetterMost!

53. Jazz or symphony?

Symphony, always, especially if it’s Tchaikovsky’s Sixth! Love it!

54. Ballet or rock concert?

Ballet, especially if it’s Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake.”

55. Own or rent?

I own my apartment outright (no mortgage), but have paid rent in the past. Given a choice, I’d prefer to own, every time.  

56. Jack or Ennis?

There is no Jack without Ennis and no Ennis without Jack. I love both Jack and Ennis equally.

57. Porcelain or plastic crockery?

Neither! Bone china for me, thank you!

58. Silver or stainless steel cutlery?

I inherited Mum’s silver when she passed away but I very rarely use it, and it’s a bugger to keep clean. I use stainless steel cutlery, usually.

59. Italian or Chinese restaurant or . . . ?

I prefer Italian, especially lasagna.

60. Blond or brunette or redhead?

It’s not what’s on your head that counts, but what’s inside it! I guess I have to say that, don’t I haha (have you seen my avatar?)! I am romantically drawn to guys with dark hair and big, beautiful, brown eyes. This is not set in cement, however, because Christopher Meloni (otherwise known as “The Sexiest Man on Earth”) has blue eyes!
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Offline Shasta542

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 03:08:37 am »
WOW, Kerry---this is a long one. OK---these are preferences, right. Not necessarily what I actually do or have or whatever. Because I don't always get everything I want or do everything I should!!   :P

1. Minimalist or cluttered home décor? Cluttered

2. Subtle lamp light or bright overhead lighting? Bright

3. Microwave or conventional oven? Conventional

4. Clothes dryer or clothes line? Dryer

5. Shop on-line or personal store visit? Store visit

6. Recycle or not? Recycle

7. Tree hugger or tree hater? Hugger

8. Warm colours or cool colours? Warm

9. New Age, Pagan, Wicca, etc., or conventional establishment religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)? Christian

10. Optimist or pessimist? Optimist

11. Urban or rural? Rural

12. Gay or straight or . . . ? Straight

13. Night or day? Night

14. Summer or Winter? Summer

15. Carpet or polished floors? Polished floors

16. Air-conditioning or fresh air? AC

17. Original paintings or reproductions hanging on your walls at home (perhaps your preference is for photography or just empty walls)? Reproductions

18. Big hair or jarhead? For me or for a man?  Man--jarhead Me--regular

19. Facial hair or clean shaven? On a man---clean shaven or a little "scruffy".

20. Work for a living or student or retired or financially independent? Prefer being a millionaire and not have to work all the time---reality is I work for a living and live month to month

21. Nudist or swimsuit? Swimsuit. Some things are best left covered.

22. Gas or electricity? Electricity

23. Solar or nuclear or . . . ? Solar

24. War or peace? Peace

25. Hybrid or conventional car? Conventional with good gas mileage

26. Male or female? Male

27. Young or old? Medium

28. Ying or yang? Haha I don't know.

29. Herbal or traditional medicine? Traditional

30. Business or casual attire? Casual

31. Clean or dirty? Clean

32. Manic or mellow? Mellow

33. Gold or silver? Gold

34. Diamonds or coloured stones? Diamonds

35. Tea or coffee? MMMMMmmmmm......both

36. Dog or cat? Both

37. Light or full-strength beer? Light

38. Glass or crystal? Crystal

39. Wine or spirits or beer? Beer

40. Red or white wine? White

41. Terracotta or plastic planters? Terracotta

42. Flowers or foliage? Flowers

43. Brick or cladding housing? Brick

44. Tile or metal roofing? Tile

45. Sparkling or still mineral water? Still

46. Lawn or concrete? Concrete

47. Natural fibre or synthetic? Natural---I live in cotton country!!

48. Single or double-breasted business suit? Single

49. Comedy or drama? Both

50. Abstract or traditional art? Traditional

51. Blinds or curtains? Blinds

52. Verbose or taciturn? Taciturn

53. Jazz or symphony? Symphony

54. Ballet or rock concert? Rock concert

55. Own or rent? Own

56. Jack or Ennis? Jack

57. Porcelain or plastic crockery? HUH?

58. Silver or stainless steel cutlery? Stainless steel

59. Italian or Chinese restaurant or . . . ? Chinese

60. Blond or brunette or redhead?Men--brunette (or bald)  Me--blond

Hey that was fun, Kerry!!  ;)

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Offline Shasta542

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 03:16:01 am »
LOL---We are practically opposites. That's okay!! But I did buy my niece a pommie for her birthday about 9 years ago, and that is one well-loved little dog. She's a very beautiful, if somewhat large, black pommie with tan markings. Very sweet and even personality
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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 03:19:48 am »
Wow Kerry!!  :D

Okay. Here I go.....

1. Minimalist or cluttered home décor?

I'm kind of in the middle. I like a few things hanging on the wall, but I definately don't want it cluttered looking!

2. Subtle lamp light or bright overhead lighting?

Subtle lamp light.

3. Microwave or conventional oven?

Both. I use both my microwave and conventional oven religiously. Except I've had a microwave oven explode and catch fire on me, and my conventional oven has never done this so far.

4. Clothes dryer or clothes line?

Clothes dryer. Maytag.   :D

5. Shop on-line or personal store visit?

Both. I like the convenience of on-line shopping but I also like the "thrill" of traditional in store visits.

6. Recycle or not?

Recycle definately. But here in the US it costs extra to have our recyclables picked up. But it's worth it.

7. Tree hugger or tree hater?

I hug trees all the time!  :D

8. Warm colours or cool colours?

I like rustic colors; autumn brown, grey, gold etc... For clothing, I prefer bright colors because I have a darker complexion.

9. New Age, Pagan, Wicca, etc., or conventional establishment religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)?

I consider myself a christian, but I've fallen away from the Catholic church. I have dabbled in New Age and Wicca, but that was a long time ago. Currently I have been looking into the traditional Native American belief system and I like it.

10. Optimist or pessimist?


11. Urban or rural?

Urban. But I have also lived rurally, and I like them both.

12. Gay or straight or . . . ?


13. Night or day?

Night. I'm a night owl, but I have a day schedule. Talk about a conflict!!  :laugh:

14. Summer or Winter?

Summer. It gets very hot and humid in Indiana, but I prefer it over the cold dark winters we have here.

15. Carpet or polished floors?

Hardwood polished floors.

16. Air-conditioning or fresh air?

Air conditioning when I'm inside. We have to have it here. It gets too hot. But I love the fresh air outdoors too.

17. Original paintings or reproductions hanging on your walls at home (perhaps your preference is for photography or just empty walls)?

Original if I can afford them. I love Chagal, and obviously I can only afford reproductions when it comes to him!

18. Big hair or jarhead?

Oh me? Big hair... well sort of. But I LOVE the jarhead look. It's soooo butch!!

19. Facial hair or clean shaven?

Clean shaven.

20. Work for a living or student or retired or financially independent?

I'd prefer to be financially independent but I'm working for a living right now.

21. Nudist or swimsuit?


22. Gas or electricity?


23. Solar or nuclear or . . . ?

Solar. But we don't have solar energy in Indiana. Not yet anyway.

24. War or peace?


25. Hybrid or conventional car?

Hybrid. But my current car is conventional. It's small though and uses very little gas.

26. Male or female?


27. Young or old?

Plus or minus 10 years of my age is good.  :D

28. Ying or yang?

Yang I think.

29. Herbal or traditional medicine?

Both. I think they both have benefits.

30. Business or casual attire?

Casual attire. I'm a Hoosier!!

31. Clean or dirty?


32. Manic or mellow?

Definately mellow.

33. Gold or silver?


34. Diamonds or coloured stones?

Both. I love diamonds but I also love emeralds, rubies and sapphires too.

35. Tea or coffee?

Both. Coffee in the morning and afternoons. Tea at night.

36. Dog or cat?

Both. I have both. And I love them both equally.

37. Light or full-strength beer?

Full strength.

38. Glass or crystal?


39. Wine or spirits or beer?

Wine. I love red wine.

40. Red or white wine?

See above.

41. Terracotta or plastic planters?


42. Flowers or foliage?


43. Brick or cladding housing?

I like stucco, but this probably comes from my two years of living in South Florida. I also love brick. My current house is brick on the bottom floor and wood and shingles on the second floor.

44. Tile or metal roofing?


45. Sparkling or still mineral water?


46. Lawn or concrete?


47. Natural fibre or synthetic?

Nateral Fibers.

48. Single or double-breasted business suit?

Single breasted.

49. Comedy or drama?

Both. I love to laugh but I also love to cry. Laughter through tears is the best, I think... a little of both.

50. Abstract or traditional art?

Both. If someone put their heart and soul into the painting, I will love it and appreciate it.

51. Blinds or curtains?


52. Verbose or taciturn?


53. Jazz or symphony?

Symphony. I play  the violin and cello. I've played them both since I was a little boy and I love the symphony.

54. Ballet or rock concert?

Both. I love the ballet, but I also love classic rock; Boston, Styx, Kansas, KISS, etc...

55. Own or rent?

Own, but the bank still owns some of it!  :laugh:

56. Jack or Ennis?

Ennis. But I sure do love Jack too!

57. Porcelain or plastic crockery?


58. Silver or stainless steel cutlery?

Both. I love silver, but stainless steel is easier to care for.

59. Italian or Chinese restaurant or . . . ?

I prefer standard American. I love a nice steak and potato!

60. Blond or brunette or redhead?
Blond! I LOVE those Scandinavian guys!! WHEW!!! CUTE!!!!  :D

Thanks Kerry! Great questions!!  :)

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 03:26:08 am »
LOL---We are practically opposites. That's okay!! But I did buy my niece a pommie for her birthday about 9 years ago, and that is one well-loved little dog. She's a very beautiful, if somewhat large, black pommie with tan markings. Very sweet and even personality

Opposites attract, Shasta!  ;)  :D

Thanks for taking the Preferences Quiz! 

It's a bit looooooong, but ideal for a cold, winter afternoon, like here in Sydney right now!

Your responses were exactlly as I imagined people would respond - short and fast-paced. My responses were too long-winded. I always take these questionnaires sooooo seriously - even the ones I write!!!  ::)   ;)   :D
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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 03:39:27 am »

49. Comedy or drama?

Both. I love to laugh but I also love to cry. Laughter through tears is the best, I think... a little of both.

Looooooong, wasn't it haha!!!  :laugh:

Was that the longest poll so far?!  ???

Not that I meant it to be so long. I just got carried away, I guess!  ::)

It's a bleak wintery afternoon here in Sydney and I thought this would probably be a good way to pass away the time! Seemed like a good idea at the time haha!  :laugh:

I loved you response to Question 49, David.  :'(

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2007, 03:59:56 am »
Since it seems my husband is going to drink iced coffee and talk shop till they throw us out I'm going to spend some time on this quiz of your Kerry

Preferences Quiz

1. Minimalist or cluttered home décor? I like a little clutter.  But not a lot

2. Subtle lamp light or bright overhead lighting? subtle lighting

3. Microwave or conventional oven? Conventional, I cook a lot, but the microwave has it's place

4. Clothes dryer or clothes line?  DRYER, you can beat the smell of line dryed wash but it get so stiff and hard

5. Shop on-line or personal store visit?  I hate to shop, if I can get it on line I will

6. Recycle or not?  Recycle, our city provides the bins and we recycle newspaper, aluminum, PCV plastic and greenwaste

7. Tree hugger or tree hater?  hugger

8. Warm colours or cool colours?  cool, I love greens and blues

9. New Age, Pagan, Wicca, etc., or conventional establishment religion (Christian, Jewish, etc.)? I am my own version of Christian, bearing no resemblance whatsoever to any recognized denomination but if I go to church it is to the Lutheran I grew up in or the Episcopal Church

10. Optimist or pessimist?  Optimist

11. Urban or rural?  rural

12. Gay or straight or . . . ?  straight

13. Night or day?  night

14. Summer or Winter? well Fall is my fav but between Summer and Winter, I choose Winter, I don't like too much heat

15. Carpet or polished floors?  Wood Floors with heavy ethnic rugs

16. Air-conditioning or fresh air? Air Conditioning if it's really HOT other wise fresh air

17. Original paintings or reproductions hanging on your walls at home (perhaps your preference is for photography or just empty walls)?  Almost all orignal works on my walls

18. Big hair or jarhead?  jarhead...with these choices coz I cannot stand BIG hair

19. Facial hair or clean shaven?  depends on my mood...each has it's place

20. Work for a living or student or retired or financially independent?  work

21. Nudist or swimsuit?  Swimsuit much to the relief of all within sight

22. Gas or electricity? Electricity

23. Solar or nuclear or . . . ?  Solar

24. War or peace?  Peace, just don't understand why we all can't figure out a way to do this...

25. Hybrid or conventional car?  Have a conventional car but I would have a hybrid if they could every make on that was reliable

26. Male or female?  I am female

27. Young or old?  Middleage, youth still has too much to learn and is often arrogant, old age often thinks they know it all and are arrogant inspite of that fact that they've forgotten much of what they knew

28. Yin or yang?  either as long as peace and harmony are created and sustained

29. Herbal or traditional medicine?  a mix, each has much to comment and condem it

30. Business or casual attire?  casual always

31. Clean or dirty?  clean always

32. Manic or mellow?  mellow

33. Gold or silver?  gold

34. Diamonds or coloured stones?  colored stones

35. Tea or coffee?  coffee

36. Dog or cat?  DOG

37. Light or full-strength beer?  fully leaded

38. Glass or crystal?  Depends on what we're talking about

39. Wine or spirits or beer?  depends on my mood and the setting and the ambient temperature
40. Red or white wine?

41. Terracotta or plastic planters?  terracotta

42. Flowers or foliage?  both

43. Brick or cladding housing?  clad

44. Tile or metal roofing? tile

45. Sparkling or still mineral water?  sparkling

46. Lawn or concrete?  lawn

47. Natural fibre or synthetic?  natural fibers

48. Single or double-breasted business suit?  Single

49. Comedy or drama? drama

50. Abstract or traditional art?  traditional

51. Blinds or curtains?  curtains

52. Verbose or taciturn?  verbose

53. Jazz or symphony?  both have their place in my life

54. Ballet or rock concert?  both have their place in my life

55. Own or rent? own

56. Jack or Ennis?  To have an affair with Jack, to settle down with Ennis

57. Porcelain or plastic crockery?  porcelain

58. Silver or stainless steel cutlery?  silver

59. Italian or Chinese restaurant or . . . ?  Italian

60. Blond or brunette or redhead?  blonde

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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2007, 04:10:44 am »

Hey Dottie!  :D

Are you up very late tonight?!  :o

Thanks for taking the Preferences Quiz. Great answers! Long, wasn't it!!!  ::)
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Re: Preferences Quiz
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2007, 04:19:28 am »
Hey Dottie!  :D

Are you up very late tonight?!  :o

Thanks for taking the Preferences Quiz. Great answers! Long, wasn't it!!!  ::)

Yep, I was in danger of falling asleep on the table and then Bob nudged me and reminded me we have internet access here so I got my lap top out.  But they are packing up now, FINALLY,  time to head back to bed....nighty nite sweetie
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