Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 4556938 times)

Offline oilgun

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3470 on: January 15, 2008, 01:37:35 pm »

Mikaela:  My list would definitely have The Sin Eater/The Order as dead last.  I just hated that movie despite seeing a gorgeous Heath in priestly drag.  I actually had to watch it in two shifts of 3 hours each, or so it felt.  And to think that it's by the same director as A Knight's Tale

I didn't find The Four Feathers as awful as you did, I found it quite entertaining.  Lots of Heath suffering and almost dying of exposure and thirst.  I didn't mind the way he 'emoted' I thought he was good although he wasn't convincing at all disguised as an Arab.  The love story felt inconsequential and there was no chemistry between him and Kate Hudson who was horribly miscast.

I agree about the lack of chemistry between him and Sienna Miller in Casanova,  I thought she was the weak link in the film, but I did find the film hysterically funny.  It had me (literally) on the floor laughing more than once.

I gotta go more later maybe...
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 09:01:31 pm by oilgun »

Offline belbbmfan

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3471 on: January 15, 2008, 02:57:51 pm »
Mikaela, great Heath reviews!

I agree with you about all the Heath movies I've seen. I really liked Casanova (Gorgeous Venice, great Heath) but you are right, absolutely no chemistry between him and Sienna Miller. Oliver Platt and Lena Olin had great chemistry though.

There was good chemistry between Heath and Charlotte Gainsbourg in I'm Not There. Heath was really good in it. But it's not a movie I need to watch again (or buy the dvd).
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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3472 on: January 15, 2008, 03:59:02 pm »
Monster's Ball is one of my all-time favorite movies.


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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3473 on: January 15, 2008, 06:28:59 pm »
My list would definitely have The Sin Eater/The Order as dead last.  I just hated that movie despite seeing a gorgeous Heath in priestly drag.  I actually had to watch it in two shifts of 3 hours each, or so it felt.  And to think that it's by the same director as A Knight's Tale

Oh, I agree with your opinion on The Order.  I couldn't believe it was directed by the same director as A Knight's Tale!  But Heath was really beautiful in it, it's because of him that I was barely able to finish it.

Offline BelAir

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3474 on: January 15, 2008, 08:40:45 pm »
I just want to join the party and give my ranking of Heath's movies (the ones I've seen, at least)... now, I am just ranking them based on which one's I like best, not on any sort of assessment of which had the best characters, or which did he 'act the best' in, etc... e.g. I agree with everyone's comments about the shallow characters in Four Feathers but I   really like it for the scenery, and for me, that eclipses the rest of it... and as another example, I didn't like the plot of Two Hands all that much, but I really liked Heath in his role...

I won't go in to all the details right now, but sometimes I agree with you all, and sometimes not, lol.


Brokeback Mountain
I'm Not There
Monster's Ball
The Four Feathers
Two Hands
A Knight's Tale
The Patriot
Lords of DogTown
Brothers Grimm
10 Things I Hate About You
Ned Kelly

haven't seen: The Order (it's US title), Candy

I love Heath on a horse.

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Offline Mikaela

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3475 on: January 16, 2008, 06:37:47 am »
I love Heath on a horse.

So do I! Yes!  :)

And so must directors do - since he's been on horseback in so many films: Brokeback, of course - A Knight's Tale, equally of course - Casanova - Ned Kelly - Brothers Grimm - The Patriot - The Four Feathers. Plus probably that early TV-series or film where he's sporting Xena-series-type costumes (I've only seen images, don't know more about it.)

I'ts been interesting to read the comments to my list and reviews.   :) Some of the films I truly find about equally good, especially those in the middle of my personal list - so it's not easy to place them in order of liking. But Brokeback and Four Feathers both are very secure in their respective positions.  ;)

I was a bit surprised that noone's commented in the defense of "Brothers Grimm". I've been wondering whether I might like that one better if I re-watched it, after all it was a film with good actors and considerable resources and talent went into all aspects of its making - but then I recall the headache it gave me and it's not tempting to try.

I'm interested in hearing a bit more about "Two Hands" Anyone care to post something about it - opinions, synopsis  etc? That's the one film of Heath's I've neither seen nor have any idea whether it's goor or what it's about beyond a two-line synopsis on IMDB.

Offline Mikaela

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3476 on: January 16, 2008, 07:17:12 am »
I agree with you about all the Heath movies I've seen. I really liked Casanova (Gorgeous Venice, great Heath) but you are right, absolutely no chemistry between him and Sienna Miller.

I remember that several papers here in Norway made a specific point of that in their reviews of Casanova. Bemoaning the total lack of chemistry between Heath and Sienna, and doing a contrast-and-compare to the, in their view, obvious and intense chemistry Heath had with the other lead in the film of his that preceeded Casanova. And I guess we can all agree!  ;)

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3477 on: January 16, 2008, 08:33:53 am »
I agree with most things you've said about Heath's films, Mikaela.

And I definiteively agree about Monster's Ball. I made it through the movie once (and barely so), and the next time I only watched it as long as Heath was in it.

Also The Four Feathers; what a boring, boring movie  :P

I actually liked Brothers Grimm. It was a bit confusing, but I didn't find it noisy. And you're right about Heath's chartacter, very cute and endearing.

Apart from BBM, Candy is the Heath movie I like best. Great actors, griping story.

Ned Kelly: too much beard, too few eye candy

10 Thnigs I hate about you and A Knight's Tale: nice, entertaining, but that's it.

The Patriot: overly patriotic Mel Gibson flick with a very, very young Heath (not my cup of tea) and additionally his character dies. Enough reasons to not like it.

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3478 on: January 16, 2008, 09:56:54 am »
Quote from: Mikaela
So do I! Yes!  :)
And so must directors too - since he's been on horseback in so many films: Brokeback, of course - A Knight's Tale, equally of course - Casanova - Ned Kelly - Brothers Grimm - The Patriot - The Four Feathers. Plus probably that early TV-series or film where he's sporting Xena-series-type costumes (I've only seen images, don't know more about it.)

A male poster wrote (I don't remember where) that the show you mention has TONS of Heath in tight, skimpy costumes ("guess-his-religion tight" is the term he used).  That he rents that TV series just for that reason.  Hee!

Quote from: Penthesilea
Ned Kelly: too much beard, too few eye candy

 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Offline oilgun

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3479 on: January 16, 2008, 10:27:44 am »
A male poster wrote (I don't remember where) that the show you mention has TONS of Heath in tight, skimpy costumes ("guess-his-religion tight" is the term he used).  That he rents that TV series just for that reason.  Hee!

That was me! I bought the series when it became available on DVD it's called ROAR.  It's cheesy, much like XENA, but Heath makes it more than watchable (*fans himself*).  He has a love scene with Keri Russell in the first episode, then she gets killed, but they were cute together.  They had some chemistry, which is nice.   So many of his films are notable for the lack of chemistry between him and his co-star. With the exception of Charlotte Gainsbourg, Abbie Cornish, Jake Gyllenhall, Matt Damon, Rose Byrne, Naomi Watts and maybe Julia Stiles.