Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 4557153 times)

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3490 on: January 16, 2008, 10:50:22 pm »
that scene was convincing-enough, but I did not find scenes before or after (i.e. where there was dialog not sex, lol)  believable.


I have to agree with you there, they really didn't work.  Who do you think Heath had chemistry with, other than Charlotte and Jake?

Offline BelAir

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3491 on: January 16, 2008, 11:59:46 pm »
I have to agree with you there, they really didn't work.  Who do you think Heath had chemistry with, other than Charlotte and Jake?

well, I gave it some thought.  i'm not sure I would actually use the word 'chemistry' to describe Heath and his costars in any of the other movies I've seen.  there are certainly levels of believability/convincability if you will.

Which movies was I most convinced (aside from Brokeback Moutain and I'm Not There)?  Monster's Ball (definitely).  Two Hands (pretty good).  A Knight's Tale (maybe).  The other movies all have various other good aspects, but I wouldn't say I was convinced I was watching the character (vs. watching Heath perform a role).  I thought his scenes with Sharon S. were pretty good...  in terms of Julia Stiles and Sienna Miller, I think the believability problems came as much or more from them, as him.  His love interest in The Patriot - I thought it was convincing enough for the 'childhood' romance that it was...


fwiw, I think there's a lot more involved in successful on-screen chemistry than just actor and actress... 

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3492 on: January 17, 2008, 06:01:31 am »
Bel Air, thank you for the comments and opinion on "Two hands". Sounds interesting enough that I probably should try to get hold of it.  :)

well, I gave it some thought.  i'm not sure I would actually use the word 'chemistry' to describe Heath and his costars in any of the other movies I've seen.  there are certainly levels of believability/convincability if you will.

Mika muses on "chemistry"... :)

I would agree that there is a level of believabliity in films that can either hurt or help the "chemistry" between the leads. But it's certainly a two-way street. Good chemistry - ie. the actors playing off of each other and making each other shine, and their connection blazing off the screen at us - can help make an otherwise plothole-filled bumpy story seem credible and engaging.

As I mentioned, I found the romantic relationship totally tacked-on in "Ned Kelley". Which indicates that there wasn't any strong on-screen chemistry to help make it seem real. (Weirdly enough, considering real life goings-on between Heath and Naomi....) But also to me that part of the story seemed so contrieved and invented - so the script and plot didn't help the secret lovers much in creating chemistry. I guess that's one film where the chemistry thing and the plot thing dragged each other down. (As far as a the romance went, it's not the main concern of that film, of course...)

I certainly think there was a degree of chemistry with Shannyn Sossamon in "Knight's tale" - not anywhere near the Heath/Jake levels of course, but clearly sufficient to bolster the romantic part of the comedy. I also figured that their onscreen connection in Knight's Tale was what brought them back together again in "Sin Eater" - which of course had no comprehensible story at all so the relationship between the characters there just seemed random, out of the blue, enigmatic and unfulfilled. Indifference and a shrug where there should have been angst and strong emotions on the part of the viewer.

So, apart from Brokeback, where *has* there been chemistry?

Definitely with Abby Cornish in Candy. Yes yes.

Definitely not with Sienna Miller, nor with Kate Hudson in 4 Feathers. Even when Heath and Kate were dancing or the like in 4 Feathers, they looked to be on different planets. Same with Sienna. I got the impression of an invisible but strong barrier between their characters, a barrier causing them to act their roles together in slightly alternate realities. Is there such a thing as anti-chemistry???

But then there's no reason chemistry has to involve romance, is there? I think Heath and Matt Damon worked well enough together in Brothers Grimm.  :)

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3493 on: January 17, 2008, 08:00:56 am »
I think alot of this reflects Heath growing and maturing as an actor. A turning point came in "Monster's Ball," and another in BBM. Even though I didn't particularly care for "Candy" there is no denying he was excellent in that, as well as "I'm Not There." Even "Casanova," silly as it was, his acting seemed more natural and effortless. In fact, maybe I shouldn't say acting--it was more 'inhabiting the role.'

And from all we've heard, he really inhabits the role in "The Dark Knight."

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Offline belbbmfan

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3494 on: January 17, 2008, 08:24:59 am »

Mika muses on "chemistry"... :)

Hey Mika, i love your mussings!  :)

I think alot of this reflects Heath growing and maturing as an actor. A turning point came in "Monster's Ball," and another in BBM. Even though I didn't particularly care for "Candy" there is no denying he was excellent in that, as well as "I'm Not There." Even "Casanova," silly as it was, his acting seemed more natural and effortless. In fact, maybe I shouldn't say acting--it was more 'inhabiting the role.'

And from all we've heard, he really inhabits the role in "The Dark Knight."


I read in an interview (after BBM) that Heath said he'd made all his acting mistakes on screen. Because he had no formal training as an actor. Didn't he start as an actor in the soap Home and Away? Anyone seen that?

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3495 on: January 17, 2008, 07:54:19 pm »

Mika muses on "chemistry"... :)

Definitely not with Sienna Miller, nor with Kate Hudson in 4 Feathers. Even when Heath and Kate were dancing or the like in 4 Feathers, they looked to be on different planets. Same with Sienna. I got the impression of an invisible but strong barrier between their characters, a barrier causing them to act their roles together in slightly alternate realities. Is there such a thing as anti-chemistry???

That is a great description of what seems to have gone on...

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3496 on: January 19, 2008, 12:27:08 am »
I love Leslie's description "inhabiting the role". That is what makes him so special-he doesn't act, he becomes. Even in the early films-thinking of 10 Things I Hate About You-one can really start to see the beginnings of that. The "acting" had some serious moments of immaturity, of course, but the man-to-be was evident. Heath seems to give 110% to everything he does (and I do mean everything  ::)).


Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3497 on: January 19, 2008, 07:07:51 am »
Couldn't watch, turned off fairly quickly:
Candy (2006) .... Dan
Monster's Ball (2001) .... Sonny Grotowski
The Order (2003) .... Alex Bernier
The Brothers Grimm (2005) .... Jacob Grimm

Really enjoyed:
Brokeback Mountain (2005) .... Ennis Del Mar
"Roar" .... Conor (13 episodes, 1997-2000)
Lords of Dogtown (2005) .... Skip
Casanova (2005) .... Casanova

A Knight's Tale (2001) .... Sir William Thatcher / Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein of Gelderland
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) .... Patrick Verona
The Patriot (2000) .... Gabriel Martin
The Four Feathers (2002) .... Harry Faversham

Haven't seen yet:
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) (filming)
The Dark Knight (2008) (post-production) .... The Joker
I'm Not There. (2007) .... Robbie Clark
Ned Kelly (2003) .... Ned Kelly
Two Hands (1999) .... Jimmy
"Home and Away" (1988) TV series .... Scott Irwin (unknown episodes, 1997)
Paws (1997) .... Oberon
Blackrock (1997) .... Toby Ackland
"Sweat" .... Snowy Bowles (1 episode, 1996)
Clowning Around (1992)

Offline BelAir

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3498 on: January 19, 2008, 01:24:53 pm »
Really Elle, you've seen Roar??  I'm jealous...


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Offline BelAir

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3499 on: January 19, 2008, 04:59:47 pm »

stumbled across these today.

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