Goodmorning Flea fans! Chapter 19 is up.
Thanks, Fabienne!
SPOILERSI don't know if I'm just in a cranky mood today, but a lot of characters managed to annoy the piss out of me in this chapter.
I should have seen it coming - but I didn't. Way back in the early chapters, we knew Ennis was keeping Flea at the clilnic in case the little boy came back, but I managed to put that out of my mind. And now.........sob. I know Ennis will give the dog to the little boy because he's Ennis and he'll feel it's the right thing. And I can't blame the boy because he's a child - but the father - aarrrghhh. How presumptuous. I hate when people treat animals as possessions instead of living beings with feelings - and this dad was so oblivious.
And Brent. Okay, so I know he's hurt and he's not evil or anything, but that whole bit about "I'm going to steal you back" - yuck. I hate when people regard other people as commodities - and doesn't Jack have something to say about the matter? The fact that Jack's heart doesn't belong to Brent isn't Ennis's fault - they obviously didn't have that strong connection to begin with, but I guess it's human nature to want to put the blame on another person when a relationship doesn't work out.
And don't even get me started on this Alma - where in the world did she get the idea that she ever had some kind of claim on Ennis and that she's entitled to feel betrayed somehow? That martyr act is so ludicrous, not to mention embarrassing. Double yuck.
Trying to look on the bright side, maybe having to give up Flea will be another way of bringing Jack and Ennis closer together, but ......oh, my, that's gonna be one hard to read good-bye scene.