Hiya BetterMost friends.

Happy Hump Day!
Well, the weekend is within view, and I've already got plans! I'll be going out dancing on Friday night with a few of the guys from the bowling league, which I'm psyched about. I haven't been dancing in a while.
Sunday I have lunch with a friend, and then a BBQ at another friend's house for dinner.
Of course, it's Labor Day weekend, so I'll have that Monday off to relax and regroup after the weekend. LOL And then on Tuesday, the League starts with its first official game.
I am also very happy to say that the film I've been "pimping" on the Brokie forums and my Facebook Page (Queens & Cowboys) reached its funding goal, and is currently past the $35,000.00 goal! It is currently at $36,228.00!
Congrats to film maker Matt Livadary, and many thanks to any and all Brokies who helped support the project.
Today's travel destination:
Helsingor, Denmark.
There are a places in the world, like this castle, Kronbor Slot in Helsingor, Denmark, where you can't visit for long without imagining a character from one of Shakespeare's plays is about to tap you on the shoulder.