So your dad got you as a one-day-belated b'day present, Chuck? I'm sure he didn't mind waiting for such a happy present!
Yup! And according to what mom tells me, she didn't even know she was in labor that day.

She went to the doctor for her normal check-up, and this is what happened:
Dr.: Ok Mrs. D....get on the table and place your feet in the stirrups.
Mom: Ok.
(Doctor starts check-up)
Dr.: Mrs. D, we need to get you to the hospital, you're in labor.
Mom: Ha ha ha....very funny.
Dr.: No, you are in labor.....don't you feel any pain?
Mom: Well, I've been feeling a pressure, but I just thought it was gas....there aren't any major pains.
Dr.: I see.....well, you're almost fully dialated, you will be giving birth soon. Call your husband and get to the hospital.
Mom: Oh, Ok!
So dad got mom and they went to the hospital. She went to delivery where some woman was yelling and pushing but no baby was coming. Mom went in, about two hours later or so came out with me. The other woman was still yelling and pushing.