Hello Bettermost friends!

TGIF Bettermosters!

The frames did arrive yesterday! Damn, the project sure to longer than I expected.

But I'm happy with the results.
Traffic didn't let me get home until 5:15, run to the store to get the 3M fasterners to attach the frames to the wall, back by 5:45, had dinner, was done by 6:30. That's when I started working on the project, and I finished just about 10:00.

Of course, by that time, I was wired and couldn't sleep, so I went online for a bit.
Here is the living room before.....

and here is the living room now.

Yup, 20 Madonna LPs on display in frames.
The 3 white squares represent the three LPs i'm missing; Music, GHV2 (greatest hits vol. 2) and Celebration. I have two of the LPs on order, and should arrive soon. After that, all I need is Celebration.