Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

I'm picking up my grocery order tonight instead of tomorrow. I usually do grocery pick-ups on Friday, as that's the day I get paid. However, the original weather forecast for tomorrow was snow, so I opted to get it a day earlier.
Now, snow isn't coming until "maybe" Monday. We'll see.
Either way, the grocery shopping will be done, and I won't need to worry about it.
An email went around at work today that due to Covid numbers going up, we should only be going to the office when necessary, and while there, always wearing a mask. So it looks like my schedule of going in twice a week is now done, and I'm working from home pretty much all the time, unless needed.
Coincidentally, it looks like I'm needed there tomorrow, so I'll start the day at home, leave to go to the office at 11 or so, and then go home when done with what I need to do, which shouldn't take too long.