Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

How is everyone this Thursday? 
Well I am waiting impatiently for the answer to this weeks, what is it.
While wondering If I can possbly lift the enormous plant next to me, and get it out of the lanai. The cats have decided to use it as a litter tray and the smell is knocking me senseless.
The newest dog has just made a dash for freedom again,despite the invisible fence, which is turned up to max. for her.
My so called gifted son, thought it would be a hoot, when we were training her, to put the collar round hs head and run through the fence.
Didnt come back smiling funnily enough, so I guess that's his gifted brain cells fried. The company told us the current was not strong enough to do any harm !!!!
To be honest he doesn't seem any more of a clown than usual.