They're also rather gross. After all where is what is coming out of her nose going? Shouldn't she be catching it in something?
Just what I was thinking, Jack.
What are you doin work for?......You expectin a visitor or sumthin?
After tonight I might fly up there anyway. Not really, but it is not out of the question since my night has been really bad. I found out that my major interest (and I thought I was his) of 8+ years is straight..........that is enough to do anything.
OMG Jack........thats gotta be a hell of a shock....I dont know what to say, only that I wish you were not hurting over this.
But the one thing is, I have a lot of good friends here, I really do and I know that. If I were alone without all of you, it would be much more bad. There truly are a lot of people here who mean a lot to me. I'm not sure how but BBM brought a great group of people together far and beyond the movie, but I sure am glad for it.