One of my coworkers ticked me off at work today.
There were about 8 of us for lunch. 4 of us made desserts. We had red velvet cupcakes, custard cups, small cherry cheesecakes, and some chocolate chip cookies.
One of our coworkers who joined us for lunch was "P". "P" did not make any dessert. So before she could finish her lunch, she reached over and snagged one of my cupcakes to claim as her own. She then went on to have 2 of the cherry cheesecake cups. Then had one of the custard cups.
After everyone else had finished, there were leftover desserts. None of us wanted to bring the stuff home, so we decided to give it out to others who didn't have lunch with us.
Before we could do that, "P" decided to take 2 more cherry cheesecake cups, and one more of my cupcakes, to take home.

I wanted to turn to her and say "How greedy can you be?"