Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!

I hope that everyone is having a good weekend!
Was at a BBQ last night, and had a good time.
However, I couldn't fall asleep when I got home last night. I didn't drift off until 4am, and was up at about 9 or so. Not enough sleep.
I have some shopping to do today.....need new sneakers, some new belts and 2 new ties. On Thursday and Friday this week, the "big bosses" are coming in to visit. We were told no "casual" or even "business casual". We must be in full business attire on those two days. Thankfully I have two pairs of pants that were smaller sized, and they fit me nicely now, so no bagginess in the pants on those two days.
Perhaps some pics will get posted.

Oh, and I love it when Brokies get together.

CellarDweller (Chuck), BuffyMon (Monika), Sopylicious (Sophia)