Hiya BetterMost friends.

How is everyone today?
I'm looking into the website for joining the league, I am going to see what the deadline is for registering. I found out that I'll be getting a different debit card from my bank, so I don't want to register now and then find out I need to change info if my card is required. I can wait the two weeks, I'm sure.
I went to try bowling today, I haven't bowled in a very very long time, except some candlepin bowling with Paul and Lynne not long ago, which is very different.
I was thinking that I would drop the ball, and not score anything over 100.

Not only did I not drop the ball, my score improved with each of the three games I played. I started off with a 109, next game was a 121, and the last was 146. I can deal with those, especially since I haven't bowled in so long.
I used to be able to cross the 200 mark, I hope to build myself back up to that by September when the league starts.