My niece Shana has officially mentioned her pregnancy on Facebook, she's two months along.

And here is some "funny" news.

I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow night. It is the 50th birthday party for one of the guys on the bowling league. I was orginally not on the guest list, as he and I didn't speak often, and our paths didn't cross. I wasn't bothered.
About a month ago we bowled against each other, so we spoke quite a bit, and then the next week we bowled next to each other, and I guess I piqued his interest.
He approached me, and asked me out on a date in May.

And then he invited me to his birthday.
When he gave me the invite, it read as "Come to a fairy's 50th birthday" and it's a "fairy" theme.
I found a friend who told me she has jet black and neon pink wings I can borrow, so I told him I was going to dress in combat boots, black jeans, black t-shirt, the black and pink wings, fingerless gloves, black and pink rubber bracelets on one wrist, black cap with black pipe cleaners poking out the holes as antenna, and go as a "dark fairy".
When I told him this, he said it sounded "sexy".