Author Topic: The Amazing Race (Now Season 25 chat)  (Read 461627 times)

Offline Kelda

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #60 on: November 20, 2007, 06:19:37 pm »
You know more than I do Kelda!

I don't think Desperate Housewives was on this week. I watch it too.

Its called being a big amazing race geek!!!!!

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2007, 06:33:07 am »
Jess. did you see it this weekend?

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2007, 08:44:24 am »
they announced last week that there wouldn't be new episodes because of the writer's strike. you just missed it! (and you call yourself a fan!! tsk tsk)  :)


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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2007, 08:45:26 am »
Jess. did you see it this weekend?

I was so exasperated at those people milking those camels... ::) ::)


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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2007, 09:18:06 am »
I thought one of the benefits of a reality show were no actors or writers?     

sorry I wasn't clear...I meant "Desperate Housewifes" didn't have a new show because of the strike..(although I am surprised they don't have scripts written a little further ahead than that.)

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #65 on: November 21, 2007, 09:55:19 am »
apparently thats why they have green lighted TAR 13 so fast - if the writers strile continued I wouldn't be surpsrised to see the race start just after xmas as they are actively recruiting right now, and it be on the TV in january/feb.

Apparently in TAR4 (according to former racers that post on tarflies) they had the first few episodes in the can and ready to air before the race was even finished. So they had done the first few legs into prpgrammes before the winner was even known... So its definitely do-able.

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #66 on: November 21, 2007, 10:03:50 am »
oh and does anyone ever go on to TARflies?

Carissa Gaghan from Season 8 does a little review of each epsiode for TARflies - shes so funny!

Episode 1

I don't think that I have been so excited to see The Amazing Race on TV since Season 8. I really thought that it would be canceled, and that I would miss out on all of the fun I have doing this column, and going to the TARflies lunch. Thank you, CBS.

Pre-show, my favorite team is the Goth girls. They both look so weird, but yet so cool at the same time.

I can't believe Christina thinks that her Dad doesn't have much time left and he isn't even 60. Don't Asians live a really long time, to like, 90 or something?

WAIT!!!!! I thought that Kynt and Vyxsin were both gay Goth girls. Well, I still like them, even if Kynt has to be a boy.

The goofy grandpa/grandson team looks like they will be fun to watch, too. I was hoping that the grandpa was going to push the grandson in the water, though, when they were joking around. That would have been really funny.

Nathan and Jennifer - BORING!!!! They always have a dating couple trying to solve their problems on the race. It is so boring already, and they have only been on my TV for a few seconds.

Azaria and Hendekea look like they are going to fight a lot. I can just tell. My brother and I would kill each other if we ever raced together by ourselves.

Lorena and Jason are another boring couple.

Kate and Pat are married ministers? Oh, my God!!!! It is so freaky weird that ministers can get married, and then be ladies, too. This couple scares me. That's like my Grandma Judy getting married to my Grandma Sandy.

Ari sounds like a girl. I really hope that he is the first one out. Staella can stick around, though. This guy tells us that he is a b&*ch and proud of it. Please, electro-shock hair guy, get off my TV already.

Shana and Jennifer want to use their beauty to win. I think that they are right up there with the boring dating couples in the teams that I want out, first.

TK and Rachel look like they might be okay. Plus, I really like hippies.

I like how the grandson went really slowly getting out of the driveway. If I were another team, though, I would have just driven through the bushes or over the big lawn to get out and away from the castle.

Where are the Goth people???? I don't care about the other stupid dating couples making the first flight. Phil, show me some Goth already!!!

It is a good idea to make alliances early on in the race, because it is important to have as many friends as possible later on. I really like that the brother and sister are working with the father and daughter.

That wasn't nice when the electro-shock hair took the other team's taxi. They should really give penalties for stuff like that.

Jennifer needs to stop complaining about Nathan and just start running. If these guys can't even spend a few days together without fighting, how are they going to spend the rest of their lives together?

The Goths handled their chain breaking on their bike so well. They didn't throw it on the ground and start crying like some of the other teams might have. They just picked it up and kept going. More love for the Goths.

Why don't the teams just count out 15 blocks before they put them in the basket? Now, watch one of the teams get sent back because they don't have enough blocks.

I bet that donkey could tell Ari was a meanie. If I were that donkey, I would have kicked him into the water for telling me that he was going to eat me. 

Those donkeys look pretty small. If I were Nathan, I would have just picked mine up and started carrying it.

The Dad was funny when he said, "Not so bad for an old fart." Too bad his daughter thinks that his time is almost up, and she needs to spend as much time with him now as possible. My Mom was actually crying after the Dad said he was doing it for his daughter.

I'm so happy that my favorite team came in second place, even if Kynt ended up being a boy.

"In your face", spikey head boy. Maybe you should have been a little nicer to your donkey. Not that I really want to see any team eliminated, but if someone had to go, I'm glad that it was him.

Episode 2

Goths!! No one comes close to being as awesome as the Goths, and the second episode hasn't even started yet. 

When the Goths were wearing their matching star shirts at the pit stop, they looked like Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Doctor Seuss. All they needed was the blue hair.

The blondes said, "We haven't had a manicure and facial yet," like they are waiting for it to happen on the race. Maybe they are just hoping for a beauty parlor roadblock.

I don't even remember there being sisters on the race. Did they just join because I really don't remember them from last week?

Jennifer said, "It's all in like Donkey Kong." So, are you Princess Peach or Pauline in this little Mario World of yours?

Why does the ticket lady still keep saying that she has two less seats each time a team asks her how many she has? If she only started with 12, shouldn't only three teams have made it on the flight since they really need 4 tickets per team?

I don't think it was right for Ronald to make a big deal out of Nick being rude to the ticket lady when it wasn't his business. He must have gotten bored picking on his own child and thought he would go after Donald's.

That was really smart of Azaria and Hendekea to just get their tickets on the train. It might cost them more money, but I bet it will be worth it.

I would do the Hoist It detour because it is right there, and the bike thing could take hours. Plus, if it is too hard, you can switch to the bikes without wasting too much time.

I wonder who had to put all of those stickers on the bikes. That had to be one boring job. It would have been funny if some person stole a bike and rode away with one of those stickers on it.

I can't believe that the little blonde, Shana, hoisted up that big clock like that. She is amazing because the clock was way bigger than she is. She may be small, but she is STRONG!!!!!!

The episode is almost over, and the second plane hasn't even landed. Maybe Phil can just go ahead and eliminate all three teams on that plane so that we don't have to worry about any more eliminations for the next few weeks.

TK and Rachel are having so much trouble hoisting stuff. They should just switch like Donkey Kong and Princess Peach did. Maybe Rachel knows how to do knots, too.

I would want to do this roadblock because I think I would be good at it. I am small, and I don't weigh much, so the pole wouldn't sink far into the mud and get stuck.

Shana did a great job at the roadblock, and even ended up with the mud facial she was looking for.

That Jennifer girl is really rude, spitting at cars and cursing at other people. I wish that one of those cars would push her right off of the road.

Why isn't Phil showing us a picture of that three wheel sport bike that Lorena and Jason just won? It sounds really nice. I will have to find out what that thing looks like when the show is over.

"Boogers in your bowl." What does that mean? Like the boogers that come out of your nose, in a bowl???

I have been waiting all week for the Grandpa to do this roadblock. It's a good thing that the previews didn't show him doing it in his underpants.

The father and daughter fighting is so boring. I already want this episode to end so that I don't have to listen to the Dad anymore. I could not imagine having a father like that. Even on my Dad's worst day, he is way better than that.

I'm not really sad to see the minister ladies go because they were soooooo boring, and they were also very slow. I do hope that they have fun in sequester because they seem nice.

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2007, 06:24:09 pm »
 ;D :laugh:


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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #68 on: November 21, 2007, 06:35:52 pm »
Kelda, what are tarflies? I've seen people talk about them before. It sounds like some sort of insect found swarming around tar pitch (AND I know that ISN'T what it means  :laugh: )

What is it? A website?

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Re: The Amazing Race Season 12
« Reply #69 on: November 21, 2007, 06:41:02 pm »
yeah its a TAR fan website.

I used to think it was TAR files as that made more sense to me - no idea why its flies but it is!

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