Author Topic: The Amazing Race (Now Season 25 chat)  (Read 397505 times)

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #580 on: May 03, 2010, 04:47:11 pm »
Okay I get mixed up - is Dan the gay guy or is Jordan?

It the gay guy thats the uber fan.

Yes, the hissy fits were bad.. although to be fair, I think its killer fatigue doing it!

Jordan is the gay guy. Remember the fit he threw in the taxi? He was yelling at the driver. And then he said he hated China and he'll never go back there again. >:( ::) :P

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #581 on: May 03, 2010, 04:51:53 pm »
See, i thought Dan was FAR worse. He was banging on the side and being quite aggresive.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #582 on: May 03, 2010, 04:55:05 pm »
See, i thought Dan was FAR worse. He was banging on the side and being quite aggresive.

They were both acting very badly. I always hate to see the contestants act like that. That's one of my pet peeves, I guess. I believe in acting respectful when visiting other countries.

Anyway, Jordan is a real cutie. I've been cheering for Dan and Jordan all along. Although, like I said, the cowboys are also my favorites. Jet is adorable. And they are always so courteous, friendly and respectful, both with the locals and also with the other contestants.
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #583 on: May 04, 2010, 12:23:15 am »
I'm hoping the cowboys prevail, though my favorites rarely win.  Hope I don't jinx them!  :P

Frankly, the smug cattiness of Caite and the whining of the brothers annoys me.  I wish the detectives had made it into the final 3.  :(
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #584 on: May 04, 2010, 04:07:36 am »
Yes, the cowboys have always been the calmest and for that reason they really should win, but I aways like the real fans of the show rather than the stunt casting - which I believe Caite /Brent and Jet/Cord are.

I watch all the 'insider videos' - all the extras fro CBS, and they come across well in that too, but so do the other 2 teams - althought not as much. I think in the case of the hissy fits in Sunday's episode that seemed to be totally down to just killer fatigue and frustration. Seems the cowboys can cope with that waaay better than the other teams. As could the cops in fact.

(I loved in the last epsiode the "whooooaaaa wind" comment from Jet... kinda like something Jack or Ennis would say.)

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #585 on: May 10, 2010, 03:36:53 pm »
So the brothers won!

The cutting in line ... I dont understand why they thought that would actually help them much. They were all going to get on that flight, as shown by the fact is was a marked booth. But good on them for the move to business class move. That defintily gave them the leg up they needed.

I thought karma was going to come back to bite them in the ass, but it didn't.

Why oh why didn't the cowboys move their head.. did they not wonder why Jordan was looking so daft spinning about!?!

Brent & Caite did very well to catch up on the cowboys.. especially with that awful taxi driver! However even if they hadnt forgotten their stuff and had to spin back round to get it.. that would have only cost them like 5 mins (hey were only just out of the parking lot). I'm sure it was the carry the box that made them so late.. the cowboys rocked that and caite is so little (and brent quite tall so difficul to balance the box well) that it would have been difficult for her & Brent to carry it at even half the speed of the cowboys.

While I really liked Jet & Cord & they played the game fair all the way, they were a recruited team  - it was about time an UBER fan won..who had actually applied to go on the race - and as others have already said.... that last task was EASY! If you watch the amazing race you know to prepare for a memory tasks and that was so easy even if you hadnt prepered beforehand it wouldnt have taken you long.

As for Brandy... she just looked stupid... her body language for one (Did you see her hooting when Jet & Cord came in (so she knew Brent & Caite were last) and the look she gave Jordan when he called Caite his peach? If looks could kill!) and thn that little angry speech. I think Caite countered that quite well.

And I Just watched the cbs insider videos. Wow! Brandy is BITTER! There is a 5 minute video on there where she rants further after the winning mat. Only props I give her is that shes obviously watched amazing race asia as she moaned on and on about how america will never allow a female team to win the race but the asia version had.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #586 on: May 10, 2010, 08:47:51 pm »
Very good summing up, Kelda!  I'm sorry for the cowboys, but the brothers had their act together and finally focussed.  Also, for once the taxi gods smiled on them and frowned on Brent and Caite.  It's too bad the last leg was marred by that silly power play at the airport, though.  ::)

It's unfortunate that Brandy showed no class at the end and bawled out Caite on camera.  I can understand why she's bitter, but that's better taken care of at another time IMO.

Isn't it true that the second and third place finishers get some prize money, too?
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #587 on: May 11, 2010, 04:30:55 am »
Apparently they do althought thats never been officially revealed. According to Aaron of TAR6, here's the prize breakdown:

1st- 1,000,000
2nd- 25,000
3rd- 10,000
4th- 7,000
5th- 6,000
6th- 5,000
7th- 4,000
8th- 3,500
9th- 3,000
10th- 2,500
11th- 1,500

Re: Brandy - she has gone on and on and on and on about it. In the insider vids there are at least 20mins of her ranting at various times! Get over yourself girl!

Re: the cowboys - there are some rumours - which seem to be coming from credible sources - that they were not very gay friendly.  :-\ Both on the race and at Tar Con (which is where the racers watch the finale with fans in a venue in NYC) 

On tarflies people have noted there was a rumor about this going around TARcon...and it was from a good source.

Maybe you can take cowboys out of Oklahoma, but you can't take Oklahoma out of the cowboys.  ???

See the interview below for info on this and the leg in general (ie the bump to first class and the time difference between finishing) I have bolded the reference to gay snubs.

Exclusive: Dan Pious and Jordan Pious discuss their 'The Amazing Race' win

By Reality TV World staff, 05/10/2010

Although they finished a distant third in the The Amazing Race's penultimate sixteenth-season leg, Dan Pious and his brother Jordan Pious never stopped giving the competition their all, and that attitude paid off in the final leg.

Dan, a 24-year-old financial advisor from Barrington, RI, and Jordan, a 22-year-old strategic consultant who currently resides in Atlanta, GA, won The Amazing Race's sixteenth season during last night's finale broadcast of the CBS reality competition.

Dan and Jordan defeated Jet McCoy and his brother Cord McCoy -- who finished second and were better known as "the cowboys" -- and "dating models" Caite Upton and Brent Horne to claim the competition's million dollar prize.
Reality TV World: The Amazing Race 16
More The Amazing Race 16 News 

On Monday, Dan and Jordan talked to Reality TV World about their The Amazing Race experience -- including why they were confident their third-place gap wouldn't be a hindrance in the final leg, what they thought their key winning move was, how they feel about Caite's feud with previously eliminated racers Carol Rosenfeld and Brandy Snow, and which racer they allege really "hates gays."

Check back with Reality TV World on Tuesday and Wednesday for our interviews with Jet and Cord as well as Caite and Brent.

Reality TV World: You guys arrived at the Shanghai Pit Stop more than three hours behind Brent and Caite and almost three hours behind Jet and Cord. 

Jordan Pious: That's right.

Reality TV World: So leaving there, did you think you still had much of a chance of winning at that point or did you figure the other teams were probably already boarding a pre-dawn flight?

Dan Pious: When we left it was about 6AM so almost all airports don't open until then at all.  But one major consistency throughout the Race was that the flights really bunched everyone together, even if you finished in first place.

When we finished in first place in Singapore, we left a couple of hours, because of the Fast Forward, ahead of someone but our flight wasn't for six hours at that until everyone had left the Pit Stop and got on the flight.

Jordan Pious: It's part of the Race.

Dan Pious: It was interesting I felt like this season -- and Jordan can probably speak to this a little more -- but this season kept people bunched up flight-wise most of the time.

Reality TV World: Except for Europe... (laughs)

Jordan Pious: Right, except for Europe.

Dan Pious: Right, exactly.  It's funny you should mention that, that was the one time -- the one flight from South America to Europe -- that was the one time you had to make a flight decision.  Aside from that, everyone was actually on the same exact flights.

Jordan Pious: And then those legs in Europe, which you may have been alluding to as well.

Reality TV World: Yeah, I was talking about [those European legs] where [dating former Big Brother houseguests Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd] were never had a chance to get [bunched back up] basically.

Jordan Pious: Oh yeah, and those legs in Europe, ["Detectives" Michael Naylor and Louis Stravato] came in first each time because where you started off had a big effect on where you finished.  Really when you eliminate those big transportation -- those big flights or big [train rides] or whatever -- you do tend to have [prior] placement have more of an effect on [the next leg].

Reality TV World: The Race seemed pretty close at the end.  Do you guys have any idea about how far ahead of Jet and Cord you got to the finish line?

Dan Pious: We were ahead of them by about 25 minutes.  Maybe just a little bit more, but about 25 minutes.

Reality TV World: So not that close at all then.

Dan Pious: No, it really wasn't.

Reality TV World: I know you guys had figured it was probably going to be a memory challenge at the end of the Race, but were you surprised how simple it ended up being?

Jordan Pious: Yeah, it's interesting because I think we had that question before.  I watched The Amazing Race for 15 seasons and I knew that I was going to be taking really, really good notes because if we're in the final leg there's going to be a memory challenge more than likely.

And I think that it was definitely much easier than any memory challenge that I had seen before, but when you take a look at the leg and how taxing it was -- with climbing Coit Tower and then with the virtual world challenge and then lugging around that trunk 20 blocks in downtown San Francisco -- I mean it was definitely a long leg and so it kind of made sense to us that it was a pretty quick final piece before you could get to the finish line.

Reality TV World: Given you never fell out of first place after that, how big of a role do you think the fact that you guys were able to move up to first class and be the first ones off the plane [in San Francisco] played in your win?

Jordan Pious: There was a flight attendant that really took a liking to my brother and he milked it for all it was worth, and that's what you've got to do in the final leg of The Amazing Race.  I mean at the end of the day, that fifteen minute lead that we had getting off the plane, we never lost that. 

I mean we were in first throughout the final leg and you know, we sat in first class for the last 30 minutes because that flight attendant let us move up to first class.  We were the very first people off the plane and we really never looked back.

Reality TV World: So I just want to be clear, even though the rules don't let you buy first class seats, there aren't any restrictions about what you do once your on the plane, right?

Jordan Pious: No, in fact you can have first class tickets if you pay the economy price, or the coach price.

Dan Pious: Right, you can't pay to get an upgrade but if the airline's willing to give you an upgrade -- and that never happened -- but what you're saying and what we did is 100% right.  If you're anywhere on the plane, you can move anywhere else on the plane if the flight attendants will let you.

Reality TV World: Given that move seemed so crucial, do you think we might see more of that [from other racers] in the Race going forward?

Jordan Pious: Yeah, to be honest I think teams in the past seasons have looked for those opportunities, and it's hard to capitalize on those opportunities.  But my brother did a phenomenal job with capitalizing on a good relationship that he had with that flight attendant and realizing that there were some seats in first class that were open for us to move up to.

So I'm sure other teams have tried to make moves like that but I will say it's hard to get a lead like that and we were fortunate enough to have my brother have that type of relationship with the flight attendant.

Reality TV World: Jordan, after you found out you were going to San Francisco you made a comment about the city "is a very gay friendly place."  Was there any particular reason you mentioned that -- had you had some problems in "unfriendly" places earlier in the Race?

Jordan Pious: No, you know what I think it was, I think we were in China and there was such a language barrier and the locals there really weren't helping us really in any way in that leg.  And so when we opened up the clue and we saw San Francisco, I was like, "Great, not only is it on U.S. territory but it's also a gay-friendly place so if we see people on the side of the street then they're maybe going to be more prone to help us."

You know listen, there are certain teams here who have, you know, different opinions on homosexuality and what not and I think they've been voiced throughout the season and all that.  And I think it was just a very comforting thing to see that we were going to a city that I knew was very accepting of that and that it wouldn't be a hindrance to our final leg.

Reality TV World: What happened during the backpack incident at the airport?  I mean Dan, you seemed to admit it was kind of a "dirty" move afterward but and it didn't seem like the kind of move that was going to make any difference in the Race unless you guys really thought there might only be two sets of seats on that flight so...

Dan Pious: Could you repeat the question?  You said something about I said it was a dirty move afterwards, I just want to understand you.

Reality TV World: Well that's what I said.  What I said was you seemed to admit afterwards that it was kind of a dirty move or considered it kind of a dirty move.  I thought that [was a direct quote from last night's episode], no?

Dan Pious: When was that on? I must have missed that part.

Reality TV World: Okay, you're saying you didn't feel it was a dirty move, I guess?

Dan Pious: No listen, I'll answer your question first.

Reality TV World: Okay.

Dan Pious: It made obviously no difference whatsoever, so that's the important thing  When it's all said and done, if Jet and Cord were sitting right next to us -- Jet would probably be sitting away from Jordan -- but I think it would be made very clear that it had obviously zero impact.

Funny enough, the three teams sat in three rows consecutively in the very back of the plane [and] all middle seats.  And Brent and Caite, who actually were first in line, actually for some reason had the third row all the way closest to the back.

And just so you know, we were forced to take that plane from Shanghai.  There was actually another plane from Shanghai that all of us could have gotten on but we were required to take a certain flight, and the actual seats on that flight had absolutely no impact.  What did have an impact was moving up to first class, which would have happened regardless of where we sat in the plane.

Jordan Pious: Right, and I just want to add that I wasn't intending that move to be malicious or nasty in any way.  And I actually put my bag down and sat next to Caite and talked to her and was hanging out with her.  And you know, next thing you know, the ticket counter opened up...

Dan Pious: Yeah...

Jordan Pious: And I stood up and then I think it was just kind of we all knew we were getting on the same flight, we all knew we were getting on the same area of the plane and that seats didn't really have an impact, and so I didn't see it as a big deal and I certainly...

Dan Pious: And I think it's important to note, you can go and look at us cutting as being a dirty move but I think you can probably say the same for Cord coming in and trying to distract me and just talking aimlessly when I was trying to direct Jordan on the virtual reality thing or whatever.

You know, at the end of the day it's a Race for a million dollars and when you're that close you're playing to win the game.  I think some people will say "play with dignity" and other people say "win at all costs" and some people sit on the fence. 

But we made moves and they made moves and at the end of the day, our moves impacted them zero percent and their moves, well it got to us a little more than that, but still made no difference.  I mean that's fair enough, right?

Reality TV World: Dan, I think you're misunderstanding.  I was just quoting what I thought you had said on the episode last night.  I wasn't calling it a dirty move myself.

Dan Pious:  No, no, no.  You know what it is, we've been getting the question a lot, so I keep kind of blending it together, you know what I mean?  And it's an important point and I think it's an interesting aspect.

Reality TV World: No, I understand that, but we only have I think about five more minutes so I have some other things I'd like to get to if we could.

Dan Pious: Sure.

Reality TV World: When you two were at Lucasfilm, you had that other kind of little incident where it looked like Jet and Cord had a chance to catch up and maybe even pass you guys but Jet seemed kind of passive and waited for Jordan to be done before moving forward in the virtual room.  Were you surprised they weren't more aggressive?

Jordan Pious: [Unintelligible] touch us

Dan Pious: Yeah,  I mean I think Jet wants to stay as far away from Jordan as possible, but really what I thought was interesting about that particular aspect was that Jet had seen Jordan spinning so we could read the clue on the computer screen and yet when it was their time to read the clue they sat there for what looked like several minutes totally confused on how to read the clue and Jet didn't spin or anything.

I was surprised because, who knows, maybe they could have really made up some time there.  I was surprised to see them not start spinning to read the clue so that Cord could see it on the screen slower. 

Jordan Pious: Yeah, they must have realized that I wasn't spinning for no reason.

Reality TV World: That's a couple of different times now in this interview that you guys have mentioned Jet apparently having some problem with Jordan.  We really didn't see much of that on the show, can you elaborate on that a little bit?

CBS publicist: Let's talk about their strategic play on the show.

Dan Pious: Jet hates gays, yeah.

Jordan Pious: I mean, but he made comments about Carol and Brandy on the show.

Dan Pious: Yeah, Jet called Jordan a "fag" Saturday night for absolutely no reason and Jordan just said hello to him, so there was something on the Race and I guess, in all fairness, there's some stuff that isn't shown and I think it's an important thing to get out.

Because I don't think there's any doubt that certain things happened and it all plays a part in everyone's reaction.  I don't remember exactly what was said on this past episode, but when Jordan was walking away from the counter I believe Jet said something to Jordan.

I'm totally drawing a blank now, but he said something.  I'll have to watch the episode again, because I've only seen it once because I'm in New York.

So listen, I think there's some animosity but it really goes one-way.  But we'll focus on the positive.

Reality TV World: Okay, well I guess let's focus on [the animosity] we definitely did see on TV, which was Caite's dislike of Carol and Brandy. Jordan, when you guys were on the bus with them, you seemed to think that dislike was possibly just because they were gay.

Jordan Pious: No, yeah, I'm definitely glad you're giving me the opportunity to clarify this.  I did not hear what Caite said and you can see I said, "Do you mean you U-Turned them because they are lesbians?"  It was a question, because I didn't hear what Caite said.

I will tell you because Caite -- I mean I was just rooming with her in New York.  She definitely is not homophobic.  I mean she loves me, and if she was homophobic then she wouldn't like me and she wouldn't spend time with me and she wouldn't be a friend of mine, but she is.

I think it was just a matter of not hearing what she said and you know what, it was a personal issue between Carol and Brandy and Caite and it kind of bubbled up and came to the surface at the finale at the finish line.  And it was I guess kind of their time to get it out there, and it is what it is.

Reality TV World: I thought we had a couple of more minutes but I've been told we're out of time, so can you tell me how you were cast on the Race?  I know Jordan was obviously the one that had been pushing for it, but how did it come about?

Jordan Pious: I sent in an audition video with my brother -- I tried to get him to do a video with me for [Season] 15 but I had to do about another six months of convincing.

Dan Pious: (laughs)

Jordan Pious: I finally got him to do an audition video with me and we applied just like anybody else.

Dan Pious: And I'm glad I did!

Jordan Pious: Yes.  It was just a great experience.  Yeah, we applied just like anybody else, got a call, went to the semifinals and then the finals and the rest is history, I guess.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #588 on: May 11, 2010, 11:39:43 am »
Thanks for the article, Kelda.  Very interesting!

So when are you and Callum going to apply for the Race?  :D  Do you have to be U.S. citizens?
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #589 on: May 11, 2010, 02:03:08 pm »
Thanks for the article, Kelda.  Very interesting!

So when are you and Callum going to apply for the Race?  :D  Do you have to be U.S. citizens?

You do or I would definitely have tried to apply - I've already told Callum he has no option if the UK ever become eligible!  :laugh:

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