Author Topic: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club  (Read 5393136 times)

Offline dejavu

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11050 on: February 23, 2011, 02:47:53 pm »
Congrats, Matt, on your 1,000 posts milestone.

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Offline Lynne

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11051 on: February 23, 2011, 03:07:35 pm »
I don't know why I don't visit this thread more often.  I'm remiss.

Belated congratulations, David!  You're an inspiration, my Friend.  :-*

And congratulations to Matt too, though like Kelda says..

Congrats Matt.. like Chuck I'm sorry it was horrible messages that pushed you over the 1k though..

I'm really sorry for the circumstances.  I need to catch up on the details there too, but I'm just relieved that your family wasn't injured or worse.  I don't have any understanding of a random, dare I say seemingly capricious, tragedy.   :-\

And congratulations to everyone who keeps this place going strong with their commitment to posting and interacting with friends made here.  I love me some BetterMost.  Though the more time I spend on FB, the more often I look for a 'Like' button.  ::)

 :-* :-* :-* :-*
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Offline Lynne

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11052 on: February 23, 2011, 03:14:21 pm »
Thanks, Meryl. 

I forgot to add (because I lost my original post) that my sister goes back to work tomorrow, after being off on benefits since mid-March of last year.  She would have to go back within a year, or she says she could lose her job. 

She'll need some more surgery (since the last one didn't turn out so well, with the infection) but that can't happen until she's been back at work for a certain number of weeks...possibly not until September.

I wanted to spend as much time out there with her as I could, while she wasn't working.  Not only going to the chemo appointments and other doctor's appointments with her, but we went out to eat quite often, and had time to talk and catch up on things.

It's good to see you back, Debbie - and thanks for the update.  I'll go fix the Boston attendee list up soon - thanks for the PM nudge too.  I'm glad to hear your Mom and sister are doing well and recovering, respectively.  I really really *hate* that she has to go back to work so soon.  It's pointless to rant here, but there's so much wrong with our health care system, it's hard to know where to start.

I'm glad you got to spend lots of quality time together.  As I mentioned, my job ended in January, and although being home makes me a bit crazy, I am enjoying getting to spend some time with Mom.  I've introduced her to Netflix and DVD reruns.   ;)  She wanted to know if I could get Kojak - evidently she had a crush back in the day.  It's not so crazy when you consider how attractive I think Patrick Stewart is.

In any case, glad to have you back - get over your cold - and then you can tackle the mail and the cards and the rearranging.

"Laß sein. Laß sein."

Offline Sason

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11053 on: February 23, 2011, 03:35:05 pm »
Congrats Matt on your 1000 posts!

Like others have said, I wish it were a happier subject matter that pushed you over the edge.

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Offline dejavu

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11054 on: February 23, 2011, 04:50:54 pm »
Glad to see you here, Lynne, and thanks.  Oh, the cards are all opened, and thanks for them to all who sent one.   :-*

Furniture rearranging can wait.   ::)

Lynne, it's good that you, too, have had some time to spend with your mom lately.
Jack's from Texas.
Texans don't drink coffee?

Offline Meryl

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11055 on: February 23, 2011, 09:26:42 pm »

Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline David In Indy

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11056 on: February 24, 2011, 01:17:39 am »
Congratulations Matthew!! :-* :-*

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11057 on: February 24, 2011, 01:27:33 am »
I'm like a Cat Lady of HO trains. ...  :-\

I've never seen a set like that, David, not even listed on eBay. It might be worth something as a collectible.  :)

Hi Jeff!

Here are some pictures of my Auto Train. I bought it in the mid 1970s (just after riding on it back from Florida), ran it for a few years and then put it in a box, long with my other trains, and it sat there for 35 years until I finally got it back out again. Like I said, I have no idea if it even works anymore. And it's a bit dirty (I'll clean it up soon!) but remember it has been in sitting in a box in the garage for decades. :P

The engine and part of the first passenger carriage -

The passenger carriages. They used to light up! Maybe they still do....

The rear box car which carries the passengers' automobiles...

A close-up of one of the passenger carriages. They actually have seats and interiors! You can look inside and see all kinds of things....

Here's a picture of that Victorian train station I was telling you about! A few of the roof details have been broken off....

There are more buildings in the box - a motel, a few houses, another smaller train station, etc.. and a few other trains. They are not nearly as interesting as my Auto Train though. I guess I bought it because I had actually been on it, and the train looks exactly like the one we were on, except the one we were on was quite a bit longer! 8)

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11058 on: February 24, 2011, 01:37:26 am »
I don't know why I don't visit this thread more often.  I'm remiss.

Belated congratulations, David!  You're an inspiration, my Friend.   :-*

And congratulations to Matt too, though like Kelda says..

I'm really sorry for the circumstances.  I need to catch up on the details there too, but I'm just relieved that your family wasn't injured or worse.  I don't have any understanding of a random, dare I say seemingly capricious, tragedy.   :-\

And congratulations to everyone who keeps this place going strong with their commitment to posting and interacting with friends made here.  I love me some BetterMost.  Though the more time I spend on FB, the more often I look for a 'Like' button.  ::)

 :-* :-* :-* :-*

Thank you for the congratulations Lynne, and YOU are an inspiration to me too! :-*
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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #11059 on: February 24, 2011, 02:02:48 am »
A close-up of one of the passenger carriages. They actually have seats and interiors! You can look inside and see all kinds of things....

Here's a picture of that Victorian train station I was telling you about! A few of the roof details have been broken off....

There are more buildings in the box - a motel, a few houses, another smaller train station, etc.. and a few other trains. They are not nearly as interesting as my Auto Train though. I guess I bought it because I had actually been on it, and the train looks exactly like the one we were on, except the one we were on was quite a bit longer! 8)

Me likes! :)
I'm not into modell trains, but I like watching them for a while when I see one, and have a close look at all the great details of the miniature worlds people create. I think your train car is a small beauty, and the station also. I really, really like those two-story cars, especially the dome cars, both in real and in modell train.
Last year I was totally thrilled to ride in two of them on our Brokie train trip.