I'm like a Cat Lady of HO trains. ... 
I've never seen a set like that, David, not even listed on eBay. It might be worth something as a collectible. 
Hi Jeff!
Here are some pictures of my Auto Train. I bought it in the mid 1970s (just after riding on it back from Florida), ran it for a few years and then put it in a box, long with my other trains, and it sat there for 35 years until I finally got it back out again. Like I said, I have no idea if it even works anymore. And it's a bit dirty (I'll clean it up soon!) but remember it has been in sitting in a box in the garage for decades.

The engine and part of the first passenger carriage -

The passenger carriages. They used to light up! Maybe they still do....

The rear box car which carries the passengers' automobiles...

A close-up of one of the passenger carriages. They actually have seats and interiors! You can look inside and see all kinds of things....

Here's a picture of that Victorian train station I was telling you about! A few of the roof details have been broken off....

There are more buildings in the box - a motel, a few houses, another smaller train station, etc.. and a few other trains. They are not nearly as interesting as my Auto Train though. I guess I bought it because I had actually been on it, and the train looks exactly like the one we were on, except the one we were on was quite a bit longer!