As I was sitting here typing, I heard and saw big chucks of ice falling past my window. "What the F?" I thought...
A huge limb from the tree in front of my house came crashing down and landed feet from my window. ICE!
The freezing rain has glazed over everything! So I grabbed my coat and saw and went out from to cut it up.
CRASH! An entire tree came down behind my house! On the property behind me thankgoodness.
I hate ice storms!
So I just came inside and turned on the news. Sure enough, many schools are closed due to power failures. 25,000 people out and the number is climbing by the thousands per hour they report.
And the real kicker? The weather man just issued a high winds advisory for the rest of the day and tonight. Part of the storm heading up to Leslie.
High winds and ice on the trees. A bad combination.