Well, it's been a bit of an anticlimax in NYC, as so often happens. The weather folks made it sound like the Blizzard of the Century was coming, but we got only an inch or two of frozen sleety snow. Now it's just windy and rainy. 
Yes, we were dealing with "the blizzard of the century" hype, too....
I ask you...how can we have "the blizzard of the century" when we are only 7 years into the century? We have alot of years for bad weather ahead of us. When they call it "the blizzard of the century" in 1993 (and I remember that one)...yeah, okay. But in 2007, I just feel like it is alot of hyperbole.
Meanwhile, here in Maine....it's been snowing all day. Now the temperature is rising and it is still precipitating, so who knows what will come next? It seems like the storm is moving much slower than expected. I am a bit worried about the morning commute.