Author Topic: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club  (Read 5390085 times)

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5500 on: December 16, 2007, 10:28:16 am »
Concord and Jaffrey

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5501 on: December 16, 2007, 01:40:05 pm »
Well, it's been a bit of an anticlimax in NYC, as so often happens.  The weather folks made it sound like the Blizzard of the Century was coming, but we got only an inch or two of frozen sleety snow.  Now it's just windy and rainy.  ::)
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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5502 on: December 16, 2007, 08:22:20 pm »
sounds like isnt quite as bad as everybody feared!

We are expecting a little 'California winter' here starting tonight with rain and showers moving in after dark.  That sounds... so lame!!!
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5503 on: December 16, 2007, 08:29:11 pm »
Well, it's been a bit of an anticlimax in NYC, as so often happens.  The weather folks made it sound like the Blizzard of the Century was coming, but we got only an inch or two of frozen sleety snow.  Now it's just windy and rainy.  ::)

Yes, we were dealing with "the blizzard of the century" hype, too....

I ask can we have "the blizzard of the century" when we are only 7 years into the century? We have alot of years for bad weather ahead of us. When they call it "the blizzard of the century" in 1993 (and I remember that one)...yeah, okay. But in 2007, I just feel like it is alot of hyperbole.

Meanwhile, here in's been snowing all day. Now the temperature is rising and it is still precipitating, so who knows what will come next? It seems like the storm is moving much slower than expected. I am a bit worried about the morning commute.

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5504 on: December 17, 2007, 07:34:56 am »
Morning all,

14 degrees and it seems that the big storm ended in the night. I actually see a bit of sun as it rises. School is open. Looks like we have a regular COLD day ahead of us.

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Offline David

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5505 on: December 17, 2007, 08:12:19 am »
Mondays Top Ten list

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MaineWriter  9601
dot-matrix  9018

Front-Ranger  8730
Lucise  8071

Ellemeno  7490
David  7444

Sheriff Roland  6430
Jeff Wrangler  5594

Offline David

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5506 on: December 17, 2007, 08:32:09 am »
Yesterday was certainly an interesting day weather wise.

We got about 5 inches of ice pellets.   It froze like concrete on the walks and driveways.    The drive to work was treacherous to say the least.  Thankgoodness it was Sunday and nobody was on the roads.   I mean NOBODY!      Many times I could see nobody in front or in back of me on the Highway.   Which in Connecticut is unheard of.

The employee parking lot was unplowed as usual.     I found an empty parking spot that a large car must have just pulled out of, so I pulled into that fairly clear spot.  Parked and raised my wiper blades so they wouldn't freeze to the glass.    It looks funny to glance across the lot and see hundreds of other cars with their wiper blades all raised pointing skyward like they are praying to the plane gods.    LOL.

As I walked into the Terminal the TV monitors were red with cancellations.   But the storm cleared enough in a few hours to let the rest out.    But then around 7:00pm things stopped.    An ICE storm hit.    The Airport closed while all the planes were pulled back and parked until the ice stopped and the planes could be de-iced again.         Eventually a few more planes did get out, but the rest all cancelled.   As I was going home at 10pm masses of people were all walking towards the Sheraton Hotel to find a room for the night.

Now of course I walked carefully to my car to find it glistening in the moonlight like a giant ice cube.   Its wiper blades reaching up towards me like it is calling for help.     Once chipped into the car I was on the road home.       I'm not sure what the State uses for a chemical on the Highways, but it sure kept the lanes clear and wet.   So the ride was managable.    As I approached my house I remembered my driveway was still covered in 5 inches of ice pellets.    My driveway is on a hill.   Uphill of course.     I sped up and turned into the driveway and made it to the top.    I looked back and noticed the car didn't even break thru the ice pack.      That's not going to be fun to shovel later I thought.    But I was home and that's all that mattered.

And this coming Friday the forecast is for.......more snow!


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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5507 on: December 17, 2007, 08:36:46 am »
Yesterday was certainly an interesting day weather wise.

We got about 5 inches of ice pellets.   It froze like concrete on the walks and driveways.    The drive to work was treacherous to say the least.  Thankgoodness it was Sunday and nobody was on the roads.   I mean NOBODY!      Many times I could see nobody in front or in back of me on the Highway.   Which in Connecticut is unheard of.

The employee parking lot was unplowed as usual.     I found an empty parking spot that a large car must have just pulled out of, so I pulled into that fairly clear spot.  Parked and raised my wiper blades so they wouldn't freeze to the glass.     It looks funny to glance across the lot and see hundreds of other cars with their wiper blades all raised pointing skyward like they are praying to the plane gods.    LOL.

As I walked into the Terminal the TV monitors were red with cancellations.   But the storm cleared enough in a few hours to let the rest out.    But then around 7:00pm things stopped.    An ICE storm hit.    The Airport closed while all the planes were pulled back and parked until the ice stopped and the planes could be de-iced again.         Eventually a few more planes did get out, but the rest all cancelled.   As I was going home at 10pm masses of people were all walking towards the Sheraton Hotel to find a room for the night.

Now of course I walked carefully to my car to find it glistening in the moonlight like a giant ice cube.   Its wiper blades reaching up towards me like it is calling for help.     Once chipped into the car I was on the road home.       I'm not sure what the State uses for a chemical on the Highways, but it sure kept the lanes clear and wet.   So the ride was managable.    As I approached my house I remembered my driveway was still covered in 5 inches of ice pellets.    My driveway is on a hill.   Uphill of course.     I sped up and turned into the driveway and made it to the top.    I looked back and noticed the car didn't even break thru the ice pack.      That's not going to be fun to shovel later I thought.    But I was home and that's all that mattered.

And this coming Friday the forecast is for.......more snow!


well I never heard of such! I am gonna do that the next time they call for freezing rain.

Offline David

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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5508 on: December 17, 2007, 08:40:44 am »

well I never heard of such! I am gonna do that the next time they call for freezing rain.

The benefit is that the rubber blades don't freeze to the glass, thus they don't get damaged when you use your ice scraper to clear the windshield.   


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Re: The ORIGINAL 1000+ Posts Club
« Reply #5509 on: December 17, 2007, 08:45:19 am »
The benefit is that the rubber blades don't freeze to the glass, thus they don't get damaged when you use your ice scraper to clear the windshield.   

you northerners know more about how to deal...around here we declare a state of emergency (and close down everything) for an inch of snow.