G'morning Jeff.
No, nothing at the moment on that. It would be an interesting idea. Just one more way to track peoples movements. Which is very "Big Brother" like isn't it?
But as I always say, if you have done nothing wrong, there is no reason to fear it. Can you imagine the backlog of people requesting Passports if that were to happen?
Look how bad it was just for the International flights. Could it happen in the future? It wouldn't surprize me at all. The TSA is taking over the TDC (Travel document checker) positions at all airports in 2008 Most airports have been using 3rd party TDC agents stationed right before the checkpoints. The TSA wants certified agents verifying credentials now. And if everyone had a Passport, it could be scanned in to verify your identity.
Thanks, David--and you, too, Leslie, Little Darlin'!
It had been posted that a passport was needed to fly from New York to Puerto Rico, and there was also a rumor that you needed a passport for flights within the continental U.S. It seemed a bit far-fetched to me, but in this day and age, who knows?

(FYI, it appears my network server/browser at work can't handle this thread anymore. If I try to post on it, I lose contact with Bettermost and have to wait an uncertain amount of time to reconnect, so I'll just be checking in here at home.)