Add mine to the approvals and appreciation for Eric's post. Phelps and his little group are a bunch of nasty, ignorant, rabble-rousing, instigating turds. Treat 'em like you would a cow patty in the pasture. If you hate on them or give them much attention, you are like a waitress serving them exactly what they want to feed on.
I disagree with those who see him as terribly dangerous. The Wikipedia article on him,, says that he has about 71 followers, 60 of which are related to him by blood or marriage. They hate
everybody. I would think only the craziest, most disenfranchised people would give them much credence, though it is disturbing to see how many votes he's gotten in elections he's been a candidate in. They are a rather small, insular group who come out and put on a big show, make a lot of noise, trying to get attention. It's unpleasant, that's for sure, but what else do they really do? They are so over the top, they are caricatures. They're pitiful.
Ignore them. Turn the other cheek. Bless their hearts. But do not let them get to you. Do not let their putting on a spectacle of their horridness bring out the horridness in you. Easier said than done, but we all know we are better than them. If nothing else, I feel sorry for him because he looks like that creepy preacher in "Poltergeist 2."
If your dog pees on the middle of the floor during your dinner party, don't let that be a defining, ruining moment of the evening.