Author Topic: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...  (Read 513901 times)

Offline Katie77

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #360 on: June 08, 2009, 11:59:57 pm »
I guess because I am very proud to be an Aussie, that when my countrymen let me down, or show such disregard for human decency like those that harrassed Heath, it just makes me disappointed even more, than I would be if it was someone who came from somewhere else.

And when I think that their actions, may have changed the course of Heath's life, where he decided to live, it just makes it all the more despicable. One moment like that, had it not happend, may have made things different.

I too am a great fan of Adam Lambert. Unfortunately, now that American Idol has finished on Aussie TV, we dont get much press about him, but I do hope he gets treated fairly, and has plenty of support and protection from the idiots out there who seem to get pleasure hurting these people.

I watched a movie called "Two Hands" the other night. A film made in Australia when Heath was only 19. And like I cant help myself doing now, when I watch him in any film, I feel some kind of guilt or knowing something I shouldn't know, that he only has a limited time left. It overcomes me, and I cant stop thinking it, as I watch him. And eventually the guilt turns to a sadness, such a dam awful sadness.

I feel the same when I look at photos of family or friends that have passed on. Like I want to crawl into the photo or film and tell them to be careful. Its an awful feeling.

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It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #361 on: June 09, 2009, 09:42:39 pm »

     Well I have been keeping pretty close track of his comings and goings.  He has officially signed his contract with 19entertainments
RCA division.  I think he said they are already starting to find songs and try to put the stuff together in an album.
     He was presented on Sunday Young Entertainer of the year award.  Presented co-incidentally by Kara DioGuardi. 
     The new issue of Rolling stone comes out on Friday, and he is the cover boy.!!!  He is really excited about that one.  He was
nearly giddy when he was doing it.  There is some videos online showing it.   He is having the time of his life.  He like Heath has
been no angel in his life.  He admits to smoking pot and not always being the square peg, so to speak.  But as afraid as I get sometimes
by the thrush of media he is encountering.  He said like David Copperfield, it is the best of times it is the worst of times...The media following him around makes him know he is popular finally, but its also the fact that the media is always followiing him around...  However
he has been continuously gracious and sweet when talking to them all.  I think he has worked his whole life to get to this place, and
I think if anyone is ever ready.  He is.  But dangerous things could change that open generous and sweet person.  Just as it seemed to do to Heath.  Making him afraid to be that open fun and joyful kid he was when he started.  We'll just have to wait and see.

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #362 on: June 09, 2009, 11:16:17 pm »
I guess because I am very proud to be an Aussie, that when my countrymen let me down, or show such disregard for human decency like those that harrassed Heath, it just makes me disappointed even more, than I would be if it was someone who came from somewhere else.

And when I think that their actions, may have changed the course of Heath's life, where he decided to live, it just makes it all the more despicable. One moment like that, had it not happend, may have made things different.

I too am a great fan of Adam Lambert. Unfortunately, now that American Idol has finished on Aussie TV, we dont get much press about him, but I do hope he gets treated fairly, and has plenty of support and protection from the idiots out there who seem to get pleasure hurting these people.

I watched a movie called "Two Hands" the other night. A film made in Australia when Heath was only 19. And like I cant help myself doing now, when I watch him in any film, I feel some kind of guilt or knowing something I shouldn't know, that he only has a limited time left. It overcomes me, and I cant stop thinking it, as I watch him. And eventually the guilt turns to a sadness, such a dam awful sadness.

I feel the same when I look at photos of family or friends that have passed on. Like I want to crawl into the photo or film and tell them to be careful. Its an awful feeling.

That is so weird, it is exactly the way I feel when I watch Heath films now. I even find myself thinking make the most of every minute. Candy is so hard to watch, particularly when Dan finds one of his friends dead from an overdose in his house. I don't know why I watch it because I keep thinking OMG that will be you soon.
 I can also empathise with you about your fellow country men. Every time the England soccer fans used to run wild abroad, I would be so ashamed. I used to think, Oh please don't let there be trouble this time.
Similarily the particular type of Brit. abroad who moans about all this foreign food and why can't I just get some fish and chips. It is always said in such a loud voice too, cringe !!! :)

Offline Monika

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #363 on: November 19, 2009, 05:03:32 am »
Just read two articles/interviews that I really enjoyed. Both are by Paul Fischer. The first is an interview with Heath done in 2006, the second piece is a tribute written after Heath´s death.
Perhaps they´ve already been posted here.

Paul Fischer at the Toronto Film Festival.

Heath Ledger arrives in Toronto for the North American premiere of his Australian film, Candy, without an entourage. There’s no publicist and no fanfare. "When I’m not working I don’t need a publicist", Heath Ledger says, as we sit in the quiet corner of a Toronto hotel restaurant. Here for just a day, he already misses wife Michelle Williams and daughter Matilda."Matilda is just awesome and being a father has also helped me become even more selective now with work because for me, to go away from home for a day, let alone five, is tough," says Heath Ledger, with a wistful smile. Ledger, though, was more than happy to leave Montreal where Michelle is shooting Todd Haynes’ Bob Dylan film I'm Not There, in which he also appears, to talk about Candy. In another unforgettable performance, the now Oscar nominee plays a self-destructive heroin addict, also ferociously in love with the beautiful Candy. The actor, who hasn’t made a film in his native Australia since Ned Kelly or with is own accent since 1999’s Two Hands, says it was a release to go back to Australia and work there. "I mean I’m constantly looking for material back there for that reason and it was so liberating to talk without an accent. But I also love to tell Australian stories and they’re just so very few of them back there right now, because any half decent or half talented writer, actor or cinematographer just gets ripped up and taken out of there, so the pickings are slim." Heath Ledger was happy to get paid far less than usual to take on another challenging role. "I really loved working on it, I was so comfortable and relaxed and I was working with wonderful people like Abbie. Cornish."

Heath Ledger and Cornish both took the job of research very seriously, almost too seriously it seems. "We grabbed a video camera and went down to this place in Sydney called NUA, which is the Narcotics Users Association. There we met this gentleman who has been and still is a junkie for something like 25 years. So he took us into this little room, pulled out what looked like a rifle case, opened it up and there was a prosthetic arm in it - like a really lifelike arm, and at the end, on the shoulder, there are two tubes that have blood bags and you put fake blood into them and they’re fully functional veins in the arm that you can inject into and pull out blood. I mean they’re designed to teach nurses and stuff like that how to find veins, but they have one here to teach kids how to inject safely. And so he was like, oh, look at that vein, that’s a good one, ooh, ooh, and he was salivating at the mouth, and he was like let’s get one here, so there was that," he recalls, laughingly. We filmed it and so I gave the DVD to Geoffrey Rush, one to the Art Department and one to Neil, just as reference. "The film, Candy, which is being released in the United States by ThinkFilm later this year, was loosely based on the real life experiences of addict Luke Davies who was on set all the time and was there to say things that we wouldn’t know - like when you’re stoned high on heroine, your eyes aren’t like that but your eyebrows are up." But the actor concedes he could have survived without too much of the research. After all, he says laughingly, "I feel that I’ve read a million books and articles and have seen a million movies and TV shows on heroine and heroine addiction, I just feel like we all kind of have seen it."

Since the first time we met, on the set of Two Hands in Australia, Heath Ledger has evolved into one of Hollywood’s true A-list stars. Last year, he joined that elite group of Oscar nominees for his sensitive and much acclaimed performance in Brokeback Mountain. Looking back, the actor is genuinely surprised that the film took off like it did. "I was definitely surprised and my expectations for the film were really down here," he says laughingly, moving his hands towards the floor. "I was really pleasantly surprised and so grateful to have been given that opportunity and really proud of it but I’m really happy it’s all over too, because it was really exhausting," Ledger says, recalling the awards season and the lead up to the Oscars. But he also admits almost shyly, that his nomination has opened up even more doors. "I think there’s a new level of interest kind of thing but I haven’t really acted on it, since the only thing I’ve really done since is this Todd Haynes film and The Joker." It is his decision to play The Joker in the new Batman film The Dark Knight that has caused much interest in the industry. He says that ordinarily doing something like that would not be of interest to him. "I actually hate comic book movies, like fucking hate them, they just bore me shitless and they’re just dumb. But I thought what Chris Nolan did with Batman was actually really good, really well directed, and Christian Bale was really great in it." Heath Ledger says he’s looking forward to playing a truly evil character. "He’s going to be really sinister and it’s going to be less about his laugh and his pranks and more about just him being a just a fucking sinister guy." Asked if he decides to do a big movie like this, because of agent pressure, Heath Ledger pauses then laughs. "I’m sure they’re super happy that I’m doing this, because this is the first time I’ve really kind of taken something like that, so they’re over the moon. But I think it’s just going to be a really fun experience, and I love to dress up and wear a mask." No costumes have been designed, but the actor says that "I’ve seen a few interesting designs on the look and I think that it’s going to look pretty cool."

Who would have thought that when young Heath Ledger decided to move to Los Angeles at age 17, he would ultimately end up as a gay cowboy and Batman’s nemesis in a matter of a year or so? But life turned out differently than even he could have imagined. After all, we both moved to LA for the same reason, as I discovered during this conversation: For love. "I also moved to LA to follow a girl," he recalls laughingly. "I did Roar, was dating a girl in the TV show, she went back to LA and I had to go with her. I stayed there and lived with for her for two years." Then he landed his first major film role - back in Australia- Two Hands. The rest, as they, is history. Now Heath Ledger says he’s at his happiest, both professionally and

By Paul Fischer

I first met Heath Ledger in the winter of 1998. It was nighttime, and a young ex-TV star was on the set of his first film, Two Hands, the laconic Australian gangster films. He was 18, fresh faced, shy but embracing the future. We were in the Sydney suburb of Kings Cross and Heath Ledger had a cigarette dangling between his fingers. I remember him telling me how much he loved acting and how much he was looking forward to his first Hollywood role opposite Julia Stiles in 10 Things I Hate About You. Life was going well for the then 18 year old. Over the years we had done countless interviews throughout his evolution as an actor. You put two Aussies together and the conversation is different to the usual interview. Even with the success he attained, there was nothing pretentious about Heath Ledger, nothing even gloomy or despondent as some are suggesting. Ferociously intelligent and very private, Heath Ledger was always impassioned about his work, and I remember not long after Matilda was born, he was clearly the doting father.

We got along because I was never intrusive into his private life and we had a similar, cheeky sense of humour. That side of him was rarely exposed in the media, because Heath Ledger never courted publicity and hated the process. The last time we saw each other was at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival where he was promoting the Australian film Candy. Yes, ironic that he was starring as a drug-addicted artist, but his performance in that film exemplified his individual artistry. We were sitting in a quiet corner restaurant joking away as we usually did, and he spoke about his daughter and how fatherhood impacted on his choices. "Matilda is just awesome and being a father has also helped me become even more selective now with work because for me, to go away from home for a day, let alone five, is tough,"

We also talked about his latest role, that of The Joker in the new Batman and his initial reluctance to take it on. He says that ordinarily doing something like that would not be of interest to him. "I actually hate comic book movies, like f***ing hate them, they just bore me shitless and they're just dumb. But I thought what Chris Nolan did with Batman was actually really good, really well directed, and Christian Bale was really great in it."

Those who barely knew him will write much about Heath Ledger and there will be endless speculation over his tragic passing, but at the end of the day, he was an audacious talent, a smart human being with a zest for life and a passion for his craft. He was a doting father, and in the 10 years I knew him, I marvelled at his personal and professional evolution. Rest in peace mate, you'll be sorely missed.

Offline Monika

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #364 on: November 19, 2009, 05:17:53 am »
The Masses´ comment to Heath´s Oscar win was a poem by Emily Dickinson:

Glory is that bright tragic thing
That for an instant
Means Dominion –
Warms some poor name
That never felt the Sun,
Gently replacing
In oblivion
— Emily Dickinson

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #365 on: November 19, 2009, 05:46:39 am »
Just read two articles/interviews that I really enjoyed. Both are by Paul Fischer. The first is an interview with Heath done in 2006, the second piece is a tribute written after Heath´s death.
Perhaps they´ve already been posted here.

Thanks for posting :-*.

Offline MilAn

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #366 on: December 22, 2009, 01:12:33 pm »
Matt Damon:

"Heath's the best actor I've ever worked with," he says. "Coming off The Brothers Grimm, which wasn't particularly well-received, I remember telling people about him. 'Heath Ledger, you mean the guy from A Knight's Tale?' they would say. I'd tell them, 'No, you wait!' And then he did Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. People just got a glimpse of what he was going to do. He was so full of life. I don't think I'll ever get over that, nor will anybody who knew him. He was a miracle of a man. It's just horrible. It sucks." He starts to tear up, and gulps down some much-needed mineral water.

Offline mariez

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #367 on: December 22, 2009, 01:30:37 pm »
Matt Damon:

"Heath's the best actor I've ever worked with," he says. "Coming off The Brothers Grimm, which wasn't particularly well-received, I remember telling people about him. 'Heath Ledger, you mean the guy from A Knight's Tale?' they would say. I'd tell them, 'No, you wait!' And then he did Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. People just got a glimpse of what he was going to do. He was so full of life. I don't think I'll ever get over that, nor will anybody who knew him. He was a miracle of a man. It's just horrible. It sucks." He starts to tear up, and gulps down some much-needed mineral water.

Gulp.   :'(  What lovely and heartfelt words.  It's still heartbreaking to hear his friends and co-workers use the past tense, but I'm so grateful when they express their thoughts and admiration publicly.  Thank you, Matt.

And thanks for posting this, MilAn.
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Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #368 on: December 22, 2009, 02:08:42 pm »
Heath touched the hearts of so many. Wonderful and sad to see.

I've always had a thing for Matt Damon. The first time I watched BG was because he is in it, I didn't know Heath back then. After Brokeback, I watched it again because Heath is in it.
The Venice detail in the article gave me a smile.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Heath Ledger Tributes and Obituaries...
« Reply #369 on: December 22, 2009, 10:18:45 pm »

     What a beautiful man Matt Damon is.  He was so sincere in his admiration for how he felt.  It was hard
to read.  You could tell he is a very deeply feeling person.  Of course by what we have always seen, of him
it has always been fairly obvious.

      An aside about the movie BG, I bought it right after the video came out.  I was somewhat disappointed,
but not by the acting.  The movie had so much potential.  Everything was there, as far as I could tell, except
the story was so non cohesive.  It went everywhere, and nowhere.  But in favor of Heath and Matt, they
both did wonderful jobs I thought.  The costumes, the towns, etc. were very interesting and well done as
well.  ???  Too bad it just died on the vine so to speak.

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