Author Topic: For help dealing with sadness ...  (Read 18415 times)

Offline serious crayons

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For help dealing with sadness ...
« on: January 26, 2008, 03:27:10 pm »
Many of us are feeling very grief-stricken and depressed. Posting here, among friends who understand the feelings, can be beneficial. And for those who feel they could use a little RL help in dealing with these emotions, here are some lists of links and numbers to helplines, therapy, etc.

This is a list provided by the National Mental Health Association of services in the U.S.:

This list also offers information about the UK:

Anyone who can suggest additional resources, either in the US or UK or especially in other countries, please feel free to add them here. (Australia, anybody? The list above contains a couple of Australia resources, but they're not quite on topic).


Offline serious crayons

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2008, 04:37:50 pm »
Also, anybody who has good ideas for do-it-yourself methods of relieving stress and grief -- music, exercise, talking to someone, getting away for a while -- please contribute those, too! Thanks.

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2008, 06:38:46 pm »
Also, anybody who has good ideas for do-it-yourself methods of relieving stress and grief -- music, exercise, talking to someone, getting away for a while -- please contribute those, too! Thanks.

I always recommend some sort of physical activity, usually one that has a point and a visible result that lets you feel that you have accomplished something. Like some sort of housework. I'm not joking about the housework. This usually helps me when I'm feeling depressed.
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

Offline Artiste

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2008, 07:28:39 pm »
Good ideas!! Thanks!! Vary one's activities, I did, since I could not sleep that much seeing his passing, and still it is very hard to cope daily and nightly!! Surely, that is  too for you and for all of us!!

Everyone can be more kind to others and oneself, not less, in such sadness!!

Everyone is one edge and it is easy to misunderstand another person and even oneself!!

Keep care... let's remember Heath joys he brought us all here and in our other homes!!

Hugs!! May we all help each other, Heath helped us all... as Ennis making his role real for love to everyone!!

Offline Kelda

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2008, 07:37:38 pm »
I find a walk often clears my head - and a good nights sleep is also useful - however much you might want to be attahced to the PC at the moment to get constant updates - its not that healthy - and I'm as guilty of this as anyone the last few days!

I also found this when googling 'dealing with grief celbrity death' as dealing with our grief for heath is different than having to deal with the grief of losing someone close physically.

Someone posted this after Steve Irwin died, but I think the suggestions, tweaked for Heath are just as sensible. This is from

Dealing with Grief - The Death of Steve Irwin

The whole world will be affected in some way by the death of Steve Irwin, “crocodile hunter” of Australia Zoo. We have watched him in our homes, sometimes every evening. We have laughed, perhaps cried, yelled and had conversations about who we think he is.

Steve Irwin, for many, became a part of the family.

Because of this fact, the familiarity with which many have surrounding the Irwin family, we identify strongly with the loss of his life. Such a shocking end as he met produces very strong emotions in our hearts BECAUSE of the fact that in his charisma, he became family.

It is normal to feel sadness, disbelief, grief and anger. Some may feel such overwhelming sadness that they cannot think about anything else at the time. Some may feel such shock and outrage at his seemingly untimely death that they will convey their anger and look for outlets to express how they feel. Some will cry, and probably more than once. Some will feel a very profound loss in their personal life.

Keep in mind that these reactions are all normal. However, if the symptoms continue for more than a few days to even a couple of weeks it would be wise to let someone know how you are feeling. Talk to a counselor, spouse or friend to help you come to peace or manage your feelings better. The grieving time for someone unrelated, uninvolved or unaware of you (like a celebrity) is expected to be much shorter than if it is someone directly involved in your life.

Below are some suggestions that you may or may not use to help be an outlet, or an expression of how you feel at this time.
~Donate your time at an animal shelter in honor of Steve
~Sponsor an animal at your local zoo in memory of Steve Irwin
~Post a memoir on your personal website or on a forum at one of the websites below
~Make a donation to one of the funds being initiated by Animal Planet or Australia Zoo
~Start a blog

My own condolences and sorrow are there for the Irwin family. Thank you Steve for your enthusiasm of life!

Interestingly from this - it seems Heath's charitable interests were childrens charities and AIDs charities - perhaps I'll try to find an ozzie childrens or aids charity to give some money to.

Or - if you dont already ahve one - perhaps you could start a blog - either here or elsewhere?

Please use the following links when shopping online -It will help us raise money without costing you a penny.

Offline Kelda

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2008, 07:40:46 pm »

R&B Icon Aaliyah Dead at Age 22
The power of celebrity, the difficulty of loss.

Dealing with the death of an idol can be a difficult thing. When a friend or family member dies, the other people in your life are sympathetic to your pain and confusion, but when a celebrity idol dies, the sympathy is not as forthcoming. What people don't often acknowledge is, that for teens, celebrities can feel like family. Teens often tie much of their identity to their favorite celebrities. They buy merchandise created or endorsed by the star, they dress like the star, they act like the star, they wrap themselves in the pop culture created by the celebrity, and in doing so, they adopt a part of that person. When a favored star dies suddenly, it can be a harrowing ordeal. The blow to the fan is both emotional, they miss the star, and personal, they have lost a part of their identity.

We choose which stars we like and which ones we do not. The celebrities we embrace say something to others about what we are like. The reasons why we like some celebrities and not others can come down to superficial things; like the sound of their music or the type of movies they make, or the draw can be more substantial; like a star's political views or their social conscience. We may choose to admire a celebrity simply because they are a vegetarian, or because they sang a song about living in poverty. We may come to adore a celebrity because of their image, because we want to take on a piece of that image for ourselves. In the teen years, when the struggle to find ones' identity is often at its greatest, the attachment to a star can be all consuming.

So what do you do when a favorite celebrity dies? The answer is simple; you mourn. You honor that celebrity in a positive way, remembering all the things you admired most about that person and all the reasons why you chose to be their fan. Let out your grief and ignore people who try to down play your loss. You may not have known the celebrity personally, but they were an intimate part of your life, it is natural and normal for you to feel sad. You have lost something; you gave the star a gift, you gave them your respect and admiration, and in return you got joy. Now the source of that joy is gone, and you have every right to feel a loss. You chose to let the celebrity in to your world by honoring them as a fan, and you have lost something special in their death.

While a celebrity may play an unorthodox role in your life, their death is no different than the death of anybody else whom you care about. Deal with the loss as you would any other, remember the good, take comfort in the memories, and go on with your life by making a positive contribution to society. Do not immerse yourself in the death, do not let it consume you, if you feel overwhelmed by your feelings of loss, seek help. Reach out to other fans, seek comfort on bulletin boards and in chats with other people who admired the star, there is strength in numbers. Most of all, be proud of who you are, the fact that you care so much about a person you hardly knew shows how amazing YOU are! What better way to honor a lost idol than to remember them with love in your heart?

Please use the following links when shopping online -It will help us raise money without costing you a penny.

Offline delalluvia

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2008, 09:07:02 pm »

Like the suggestion said - and though I was not expecting it to work, it really did help me - making a bulletin board, a scrap book, something about the one I loved who was lost.  It helped me cope and softened the blow.  I do recommend it. 

Offline serious crayons

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2008, 09:15:19 pm »
Thank you for all the great suggestions, Gary, Artiste, Jeff, Kelda and Del! I'm going to try some of them, myself.

I also wanted to mention that, for people seeking therapy or services in other countries, I wasn't able to look extensively because English, unfortunately, is the only language I'm very fluent in. But I found the lists above simply by googling "depression" and "services" or "hotline," and it only took a couple of minutes to find those lists.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2008, 09:18:51 pm »
Thanks for this thread.  I have wondered if there are Brokies who have gone silent in their grief, so that we don't know what a hard time they are having.

Offline Br. Patrick

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Re: For help dealing with sadness ...
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2008, 09:52:28 pm »
I am actively grieving but know through my near-death experience that Heath is now completely aware of how many lives he has and will forever change by the Classic Film "Brokeback Mountain."  If I listen prayerfully and carefully, 'I can hear the Angels singing..'

Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time,
Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long.
Who cares where we go on this rugged old road
In a world that may say that we're wrong.

...Cause I know - A love that will never grow old.

Gustavo Santaolalla & Bernie Taupin