Author Topic: Heath Ledger in his own Words  (Read 215701 times)

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #190 on: February 19, 2008, 03:49:22 pm »
I feel so angry about his passing today, I feel I could kick something or scream at somebody...  :'( >:(

I know what you mean hun. I often look at his picture, (this will sound crazy) and tell him off!! I say to him....."why didn,t you look after yourself you silly bugger?"  "why did you have to die and leave us?" Then I watch a clip of him and smile and I can,t be mad at him any more. It,s that killer smile of his, it does me right in every time. Then I feel sad, really really sad. Why did he have to die? ffs, it,s just so bloody awful and it,s not fair.  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline Delmardeb

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #191 on: February 21, 2008, 12:47:55 am »




{{{{{{{{{Brokies and Heathens}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

I am still sad and angry and wish that Heath was still here!!! I do agree with you Toycoon about this incredible movie and Heath and Jake (incredible actors) bringing us all together. Heath's legacy will continue to live on and on. Snavel- if you have to scream, just do it. If it'll make you feel better, do what you have to do. I feel your pain. :(

For how long? As long as we can ride it; ain't no reins on this one.

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #192 on: February 21, 2008, 02:57:13 pm »
Toycoon:  I had to post this magnificent video for the song, "Morning Yearning" by Ben Harper and directed by Heath Ledger.

Thank you for posting the Ben Harper video!  It's a nice addition to this thread!  (And yes, what a beautiful man Heath was...)

Artiste:  Did you find something about Heath NOT wanting to do the BM movie in the FIRST place??

Maybe you know that?

Hugs! Love your work, please keep on placing Heath in his own words!!

There is a story out there somewhere that Heath was going to take a pass on BbM, but that Naomi Watts (Heath girlfriend at the time) convinced him he should do it.  I do not recall that the story mentioned why Heath was going to pass on it, but actors pass on many projects for many reasons (both personal and professional) and no one should read too much into it.  I don't ever recall seeing a direct quote from Heath about it.

Snavel:  I feel so angry about his passing today, I feel I could kick something or scream at somebody... 

I understand.  It's all part of the process of dealing with grief.  Some of us are just at different stages.  Although Heath's death did have a profound impact on me, I have tried to find ways to deal with it by choosing positive ways to deal with the loss.  In starting this thread, I am making a choice to try to celebrate his life, rather than dwelling on his loss.   It is a necessary step for me in order to assimilate what he meant to me, and incorporate it into my own life.  In that way, we are all interconnected, and we live on through the lives of others.  You are not wrong to feel what you feel, and the feelings you have are real. 

I am not a religious person.  I have no great faith in an afterlife.  I believe that we come from nothing, and we return to nothing.  It is the way for all of us, though I think  it wrong to obsess on it.  To me, that makes life very precious indeed.  I celebrate life, because we don't get second chances.  I hope you can get to a place where you can let the anger go, and embrace and celebrate that which the absence of  has hurt you.  To appreciate someone who has gone too early, it helps for me to try to find a way to help to part of that person's life journey continue even without them. 

That is why I started this thread...
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 04:54:44 am by TOoP/Bruce »
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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #193 on: February 22, 2008, 12:27:23 am »

Behind the mask of masculinity
Two-day tribute to Heath Ledger at the Castro Theatre
by David Lamble

Our cinema church is in session for two days as the Castro hosts six screenings of Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain (Feb. 24, 25) while fans of the film grieve the inexplicable demise of its Oscar-nominated lead actor, Heath Ledger.

Perth-born, a man of the West (Western Australia), the lanky one-time teen idol (10 Things I Hate About You) would publicly disavow any serious trajectory to a career that began with a puppy-dog cute 17-year-old crossing the Outback to test the waters of Sydney TV. An early job popped up in the Olympic tryouts series Sweat. Interestingly, Ledger opted to play a gay cyclist, figuring that the role might catch the eye of American casting agents.

Ledger courted critical dismissal with performances that seemed to skate across the surface of his talent, hiding his depth of commitment to his art. The producer of the Revolutionary War epic The Patriot cited his graceful depiction of a young soldier's harrowing transition from adolescence to adulthood: "There's a natural nobility about him, standing toe-to-toe with Mel Gibson."

After Ledger's brief but memorable turn as the suicidal son from a family of racist Southern prison guards in Marc Forster's Monster's Ball, co-star Billy Bob Thornton noted, "Heath and I seem to have exactly the same sadness." In a brilliant touch, father and son are shown, in different scenes, fucking the same female prostitute, from the same camera angle, and in the same sleazy Louisiana motel. In just under a half-hour of screen time, Ledger's scarred loner passes through similarly perilous dramatic beats as his emblematic Brokeback character.

Repeated viewings of Ledger's beautifully tortured Ennis Del Mar reveal a man who has no language to express feelings he doesn't know he possesses until saddle buddy Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) makes the first move in their pup tent one cold night. Two years ago, during a phone chat from the Brooklyn flat he was sharing with girlfriend and fellow Brokeback cast member Michelle Williams, Ledger walked me through Ennis' head as he confronts an unspeakable passion.

"The first time Ennis and Jack get together in the tent, I wanted Ennis to be on the verge of just beating Jack up, because violence was pretty much the only form of expression Ennis had allowed himself. So the first time that Jack and Ennis confront each other, I wanted it to be somewhat explosive, when instincts and passions come into play. I wanted for it to be quick, over and done. Then there were more intimate moments where I wanted to flip the coin a little, to show a sliver of kindness, a small moment of Ennis being more vulnerable for the first time in his life, and actually allow himself to be guided deeper into love. It was important to show that for the tragedy of the story, but also to help portray this beautiful love."

"It was one of the most beautiful screenplays I've ever read. I was certainly drawn to Ennis as opposed to Jack. His silent complexities, there's a huge battle within him, and there were so little words to express this, so I knew there would have to be a thorough investigation into his character. There was a brilliant short story from Annie Proulx, incredibly descriptive, essentially it was a biopic. It was clear how we had to play it. It was going to be the most masculine person I'd played, telling a story which hadn't been told before."

"I think innate conservatism is a part of his genetic structure, the beliefs and fears of his father that have been passed on through him. I see this battle within him; the other half of his battle is that he hasn't recognized it as a battle. I had to capture it in his walk, or his inability to express love; I wanted his words to fight their way out; but while I'm playing Ennis in front of the camera, I had to pretend that I didn't know that this is occurring.

"Half the problem with today's society is that we like to label situations and people, and the term gay is just there to segregate a type of people. It has been overused and abused, and our point is that gay people, straight people: there are people at both ends of that title. Ennis and Jack are just two human beings who fall in love, so whether they're gay or not, I really couldn't care. The story is about two souls who connect."

Is there anything interesting up there in heaven?

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #194 on: February 22, 2008, 06:18:28 am »
This is a part of his speech at Santa Barbara..

Sometimes you must scream out loud to discover a whisper.

In my opinion this is the most beautiful acceptance speech I've ever heard.

In his speech you will read one of the most beautiful quotation and principle.

Sometimes you must scream out loud in order to discover a whisper.

Heath's speech at the Santa Barbara Film Festival:

"... Thank you very very much for this and it's extremely generous of the Santa Barbara International film festival to be honoring my work so far, and I really am sincerily touched by this gesture."

"I guess... where's my sheet of paper thing... I guess I'd like to take the shine away from myself for a minute and acknowledge the directors who have helped and continue to help me understand what it means to be an actor (and here he goes to mention all the directors that he'd worked with up till then). I truly feel that if anything, I should be honoring them tonight. I'm grateful that these directors have given me the opportunity to discover that to be an actor has nothing to do with the way you live your life and the choices you make while living, but rather the way you live and the choices you make in between "action" and "cut". And these directors gave me the opportunity to be bad, to make mistakes, and to study and learn from my mistakes. Fortunately or unfortunately I was never exposed to the safe environment of an acting school and a black pair of pyjamas, no I didn't have a black room to experiment in, to privately dance within my dances on the film. And these directors trusted me and offered me their film set and their friendship as the safe environment for me to study and make discoveries on. So I apologize for the bad discoveries made along the way, but I do stand by the theory that in order to evolve and further yourself as an actor, you have to be fearless enough to allow yourself room for error. Sometimes you must scream out loud in order to discover a whisper. So I thank all these beautiful minds and... (I missed a part here) for putting up with my screams, and I thank everyone for their patience in waiting for me to find the whisper within the words. And here's to making more mistakes."

Clear audio of Heath voice",,20173623,00.html

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #195 on: February 22, 2008, 06:26:35 am »
A video of Heath's speech at the Santa Barbara Film Festival

« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 03:24:04 am by Ellemeno »

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #196 on: February 22, 2008, 06:28:15 am »
This is a part of his speech at Santa Barbara..

Sometimes you must scream out loud to discover a whisper.

Welcome white_angel!

That is one of my favorite quotes as well.  Thank you very much for highlighting it!
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline white_angel

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #197 on: February 22, 2008, 06:52:50 am »
Welcome white_angel!

That is one of my favorite quotes as well.  Thank you very much for highlighting it!

 Thank you!

 It became my favorite quote when I read the speech.

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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #198 on: February 22, 2008, 12:51:41 pm »
Thanks    very much!!

I mean obviously Brokeback Mountain was an obstacle I felt I could never climb, I could never defeat, that it was too tough but ultimately decided to do it.  

To that, may I say that it is said that Heath did NOT want to do Brokeback Mountain in the first place, but his then girlfriend encouraged him to do so!!

So I guess that that is what he is referring to?

More please...


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Re: Heath Ledger in his own Words
« Reply #199 on: February 22, 2008, 02:16:09 pm »
To all of you who have expressed their thanks for this thread--

Rather than dwell in mourning, I choose to celebrate the life that was Heath Ledger. 

I thank you all for sharing in this celebration with me.

He was among us too briefly, but from the very first time I saw him on screen, I saw something real and raw, beautiful and sad, rich and complex -- and it moved me deeply. 

Our lives were richer for knowing you Heath, and the world seems emptier without you. 

Peace be with you all,


I'm only about halfway through this thread, but I just wanted to stop in and add my thanks, Bruce.

The well-said quote above is how I feel also. I have been attempting to celebrate his life with pictures we may not have seen before in the HHH thread, but this is infinitely better. Again, heartfelt thanks.  :)