Author Topic: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM  (Read 24203 times)

Offline Beckela

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2008, 08:06:47 am »
Yes, there are soooo many great moments! But I fell in love with Jack when Aguire rejects him the next summer. The subtle changes in Jake's face are astounding -- those eyes! My gawd! Seems like the very best moments are silent.
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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2008, 11:17:14 am »
Seems like the very best moments are silent.

So true!
That goes for life in general I think.
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Offline brokeplex

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2008, 12:20:40 pm »

The nuances in this scene alone should have won him the Oscar.

Also, when Cassie is tearing him a new one at the truckstop/diner (whatever it is) and he says "I'm sorry." Dear God. This was a totally broken man. You could tell at this moment that there was no fight left in him. He was done.

Ditto on the Ledger Oscar

I also saw how broken Ennis was, he was an emotional widow / widower even without Jack's death.

Offline jstephens9

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2008, 03:53:21 pm »
One of my favorite acting moments is when Ennis is talking about his life - "the more than I've spoken" scene - when Ennis realizes Jack is looking at him and says "Whut" with that puzzled look in his eyes. This scene is open of the most open Ennis scenes that I know of. It is incredible how he begins to open up to Jack.

Offline SamChez

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2008, 09:03:02 pm »
4 me, there is no "acting" in this movie - just honesty.

This from a former actor who sucked (thus former), so what do I know.

All examples cited are extraordinary.  Yet, every moment of this movie is so amazingly executed, it moves beyond "acting" into another category entirely.  2 cents.

Offline huntinbuddy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2008, 12:17:20 am »
Definitely agree with the scenes at the Twist house.  Not only Ledger and McRobbie, but Roberta Maxwell also.  Great performances.

Another that comes to mind for me is Ennis at the campfire after the reunion.....where he is explaining the demise of Earl to Jack.  This is good work also.

Offline Sandy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2008, 05:31:32 am »
One of my favorite acting moments is when Ennis is talking about his life - "the more than I've spoken" scene - when Ennis realizes Jack is looking at him and says "Whut" with that puzzled look in his eyes. This scene is open of the most open Ennis scenes that I know of. It is incredible how he begins to open up to Jack.

What I love about this scene is that he smiles without actually smiling?  He manages to look puzzled and amused, all with his eyes.   

Offline Mikaela

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2008, 07:53:23 am »
In honour of the day, MSN has compiled what they beleive are the 10 sexiest movie kisses of all time.

I surely do agree with them that the reunion kiss is on their list, though I don't agree with their no. 6 placement of my favourite movie kiss ever.....

Then again, 6 of the other kisses on their list are from the 1940's and 50's, so at least the reunion is up there with the big contemporary classics. I wonder whether Heath and Jake knew just how well they managed to nail that scene when they'd just made it.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2008, 11:30:08 am »
In honour of the day, MSN has compiled what they beleive are the 10 sexiest movie kisses of all time.

I surely do agree with them that the reunion kiss is on their list, though I don't agree with their no. 6 placement of my favourite movie kiss ever.....

Then again, 6 of the other kisses on their list are from the 1940's and 50's, so at least the reunion is up there with the big contemporary classics. I wonder whether Heath and Jake knew just how well they managed to nail that scene when they'd just made it.

That's great!  Thanks for posting this.  :)

Yes, I really do think the reunion kiss is one of the best acting moments.  It's interesting because (much like TS1) it's a moment of sort of explosive energy in such an otherwise quiet film.  Of course, the reunion kiss also stands out because it's such a moment of pure joy and relief.  The subtlty in facial expressions, etc. is just incredible.  The kissing scenes in TS2 are also just really lovely and just so intimate.

Does anyone have a clip of Jake accepting the "best kiss" award at the MTV Movie Awards?  Didn't he say something about the fact that both he and Heath were sort of hoping for the "best kiss" award while shooting it... of course, he was probably semi-joking based on the exact context of the award show.  And, do you all remember how much people were wondering and speculating about whether or not Jake and Heath would re-enact the kiss (as actors often to at the MTV Movie Awards)?

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2008, 12:35:13 pm »
Jakes voice in the post-divorce scene. Gawd, it almost broke my heart.

This is the one scene I can't watch; usually just leave the room when I'm watching the film on DVD.

There are so many moments, but Ennis' last scene with his daughter is the one that stands out.