Author Topic: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM  (Read 24210 times)

Offline Sandy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2008, 01:22:03 pm »
Of course, the reunion kiss also stands out because it's such a moment of pure joy and relief. 

I love when Ennis steps out of the house and says " Jack f***in' Twist": the pitch of Heath's voice is amazing.  As he works throughout the movie, his voice gets lower (to demonstrate age) but his voice in this scene is higher pitched than any other scene he is in.  He mingles Jack's name with laughter. 

I also love that when he sees Jack in this scene, he widens his arms (as if to envelope Jack) and then in his excitement, slaps the wall.  It's as if he is brimming over and has to do SOMETHING to contain himself.   

Offline Mikaela

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2008, 04:43:25 pm »

Does anyone have a clip of Jake accepting the "best kiss" award at the MTV Movie Awards?  Didn't he say something about the fact that both he and Heath were sort of hoping for the "best kiss" award while shooting it... of course, he was probably semi-joking based on the exact context of the award show.  And, do you all remember how much people were wondering and speculating about whether or not Jake and Heath would re-enact the kiss (as actors often to at the MTV Movie Awards)?

There's a clip down towards the end of this page:
The intro is terrible, with the lamest never-ending joke *ever* and it's all horrible until Jake makes his acceptance speech, which is both gracious, humorous, and sincere. He says that it's a big deal they won, and actually manages to make a case for that in just a sentence or two. Very well done.

He does say that he told Heath "if they'd only win the MTV best kiss award after this, then it would've been worth it" or some such. But it's a joke in context of the show.

I remember the speculations and I always felt sure that NO WAY Heath would appear and recreate any kiss onstage. With his level of discomfort during such award show things - and that setting where everything is being poked fun at at presented in a shallow light... so different from what Heath managed to create with Ennis - no way. And I was right. But Jake did a good job accepting on both their behalfs, though he's keeping Justin Timberlake on arm's length so he was obvisouly concerned that others than Heath might have an idea of recreating the kiss.  ::)

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2008, 04:53:11 pm »
Thanks Mikaela!  :D

I'm also not surprised/ sort-of-happy that they didn't try to recreate it.  I just remember everyone wondering about it.

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Offline Mikaela

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2008, 06:58:13 pm »
Erm... this probably doesn't belong here, perhaps we should have a separate thread for "lists of "best this and that" which include Brokeback and Jack&Ennis" - but anyway, I was happy to see this, too: Entertainment Weekly's random-order list of "Pop Culture's Best Couples" - 26 true fictional lovers. This includes J&E, on a list which otherwise includes such varied couples as Romeo and Juliet, Rhett and Scarlett, Han Solo and Leia, Arwen and Aragorn, Angel and Buffy, Kermit and Ms. Piggy...  ::)

The reason why I'm happy BBM is on this kind of not-especially-serious list is of course that it confirms that Brokeback and J&E have indeed entered public consciousness and made its mark on culture to the extent where they remain and come to mind when film couples in love/best movie romance/best kiss etc. etc.  is concerned. So J&E once more land on such a list...  thereby reminding heaps of random gossip/entertainment lists readers about Brokeback. If they haven't already seen the film that might make them curious...and less "nervous"  ::) about watching it -  and at any rate this hammers home again and again that it's obviously proper and right to include a gay couple (or two or more) on such lists without any fuss whatsoever in that connection.

All thanks to two marvellously acted characters (to somehow salvage the on-topicness of this post.  ;) )

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2008, 11:41:46 am »
Erm... this probably doesn't belong here, perhaps we should have a separate thread for "lists of "best this and that" which include Brokeback and Jack&Ennis" -

That's a great idea for a thread Mikaela!  It would certainly be a fun thread to construct... looking for examples of praise and awards for BBM.

And, thanks for posting about this "best couples" list.  That is nice.  :)

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Offline ennisjack

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2008, 01:28:00 pm »
Ok, Folks,

     Since you have intrigued me beyond a reasonable doubt, I guess I'll just have to tell you my list of "Most Memorable" scenes from the movie. They are:

1) The camp fire scene where Ennis has just completed telling Jack his life story. They look at each other silently for a moment. I really loved the smirk on Heath's face as if he's trying to decide whether or not to laugh. And Jake looks as if he can't decide whether or not to cry. To me, that would be considered the first look of love the two shared though they didn't know it yet.

2) The way Jack's face fell during the post-divorce scene. You could actually watch the look of utter devastation cross his face.

3) When Ennis first finds the shirts. You could almost hear his heart not just break, but shatter to pieces. And the look Mrs. Twist gives him when he returns downstairs.

4) Ennis' face when he asks Junior if Kurt loves her and she replies that yes he does. To me that's when he actually reliazed just what he and Jack had had all those years and what he's lost. That is when he finally gives up and grieves properly.

5) The finaly scene (which goes with scene 4) when he says, "Jack, I swear.." I just can't really describe it as there is so much involved that is on a purely physical level.

    Anyway, that's my top 5 scenes of all time.

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Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2008, 01:51:52 pm »
4) Ennis' face when he asks Junior if Kurt loves her and she replies that yes he does. To me that's when he actually reliazed just what he and Jack had had all those years and what he's lost. That is when he finally gives up and grieves properly.

Ennisjack, just when I thought no one was going to mention this! Although there are no un-fine acting moments in BBM, I would put this at the top. I interpret it a little different than you -- I think he has already realized and is just seized at that moment by a surge of regret and grief. But the emotions that go over his face in that maybe one-second sequence are so heartbreaking -- and that Heath could convey that intense emotion, wordlessly and in profile, is so amazing.

Another scene like that is in TS1, when Ennis bolts up from the ground and you can see the gears turning in his mind just before he grabs Jack's head. His first instinct is to push Jack away, but then he realizes this is his one big chance, that it's what he really wants, and he decides to reject everything he's ever been taught and go for it. Another amazing moment of acting -- and again, dialogue-free and in profile.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2008, 06:31:29 pm »
          Well I am going to mention one that has not been discussed.  It is however in my opinion a
very crucial, and pivotal part in the story.  I think she never received the credit that she was due.
I think it was because the rest of the cast was already nominated, they thought since her role was
a smaller one.  She didnt deserve the nomination.  Pity.

      I have always thought that Lureen on the phone to Ennis was perfection.  From her red, cracked
fingernails, and deep red lipstick.  Her big jewelry, her starched shirt.  To her over bleached hair.
It all showed her deep pain.  How she never got the love of a man she so evidently loved, returned in kind. Always  knowing he didnt love her back. But never until now, the why of it.   The hitch in her voice, when she tried to say..."I know you, you are the fishin buddy or the huntin buddy.  Woulda got hold of you but Jack always kept his friends numbers in his
head."  Always making me wonder how many other (buddies) he had. 
        She started to tighten the edges of her mouth and all the held back tears she had never let
out started to coagulate in her eyes.  I felt so bad for her too. Even though Ennis was the primary focus of the pain that everyone was supposed to identify with.   She finally had to come face to face
with the heart rending truth.  Her beloved husband, who "drank a lot."   Had another love, and she
now knew who it was.  How long it had gone on, and all of it.  Her pain was the counter point to Ennis or Heath* however you choose to see it.  He was so much better because of her play with him.  Anne Hathaway will always be a wonderful actress, to me.  If she never does anything more than the teen fair of the Princess Diaries again.  Simply because of the wonderful way she portrayed Lureen.  The beautiful
bouncy and sparkling Texas princess, to the lonely wife, "Why is it men never want to dance with their wives?"  To the obviously distraught widow.  She played it all, with perfection.

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Offline Sandy

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2008, 09:07:16 am »
I think Heath is amazing when he awakes in the tent after TS1.  He rubs his head as if to rub away his hangover, looks at Jack and you can see the memories of the night start to kick in.  After glancing at him, he moves his head to take in all of Jack and you can just see the thoughts flicking through his head!

The hitch in her voice

Yep, I agree.  I've always wondered if the hitch was used to demonstrate Lureen's attempt to not cry, or to stop her from saying something along the lines of "Ennis Nasty". Or indeed dealing with the conflicting emotions about whether or not to tell Ennis where half of Jack's ashes were.  She must have known that Ennis would try to get them and if he did get them from the Twists, she would have to live with the knowledge that her husband's lover had her husband, even in death. 

The way Jack's face fell during the post-divorce scene. You could actually watch the look of utter devastation cross his face.

And his subsequent attempt to regain control during the drive to Mexico.   

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: TOTW 04/08: Finest acting moments in BBM
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2008, 10:34:45 am »
To me the whole movie in general needs to be recognized for the finest acting all round.

That said, to distinguish five moments that i think are the finest, from the ones that has the most inmpact on me. Also i will provide a moment i find the not so greatest acting.

1) Alma's Confrontation With Ennis - This scene work on so meant levels. The way Alma starts off trying to be cold, but slowly becomes so detached and emotionally hurt to the situation. Michele hits Alma at the right levels and the scene could not of been done better. It was like i was reading the book. She hit the right note. In my option she deseverd the Oscar. Apparently she did'nt get it cause she wasnt in the movie enough. But this scene here makes a lot of the movie.

2) Ennis And Jack's Tent Scene 2 - This scene is so heartbreaking. Absolutely one of the greatest scenes in history. The fact Jake and Heath were able to get so much passion and "love" in this scene shows the abilities as actors. The really broke barriers. Heath lying in Jake's arms and caressing him. Really fantastic...

3) Ennis - "Jack, I Swear" - Heath here is amazing, he allows the tears to linger, shows us that the character is forcing to keep his emotions in. Heath hits it at the right level and even though it's sometimes missed. Far one of the best moments in the film.

4) Laureen's Phone Call - Anne Hathaway is amazing here. As limited as here character was to play. She took what she had and made it work for her. She comes across as cold and heartless and there is not once ounce of melodrama. The was she does exactly what Heath does and forces her emotions in is amazing.

5) Jack's Surprise Visit To Ennis - I had to mention Jake. Here when he turns up under mixed singles. And is slowly broken down by Ennis is great. Than when he burst out in pain only briefly is wonderful.

And the worst - Alma's "Hello" To Jack - For some reason this really bugs me the way she delivers this line. It seems forced and fake. I know she's trying to be cold and stuff. But it really bugs me when i hear it.

There the moments that have the greatest impact on me.

What do you guys think?
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.