Yikes, Jess, you had me scared about whitening strips, too.
And re pills ... I saw the BC pill Lybrel advertised on TV and when my previous pill, Seasonale, came up for represcription I asked the doctor in a phone message to switch me to Lybrel, which she did. Lybrel is that pill that, if you take it, you never get periods.
Sorry, David, I'm sure this is way TMI for you. Hope you're not reading this over dinner. Some of this probably belongs on the "men enter at your own risk" thread.
But anyway, I really like Lybrel. My life is much easier! And after all, I'm 50 and already have two kids, so my doctor probably figured that if the pill were going to screw up my reproductive system at this point it doesn't matter.
But I wonder: Would she have prescribed it as readily to a younger woman? And would that be a good thing?