Body Betrayal.
We've heard all the sayings
you should treat your body
like it's a temple
If you are good to it
it will be good to you
I treated my body like trash
and didn't care about it
and finally realized one day
that I needed to fix this
when I ran out of energy dancing
at the wedding of some friends
The next day, changes started
Heathy food in, and energy out
being rewarded with losses
shrinking weight and waist
and suddenly to my surprise
energy that I never had before
So imagine my surprise
when I woke up to find out
I had been betrayed by my body
even though I'm doing as I should
and I have yet
to reach the goals that I've set
feeling like a bowl of cereal
as my body "snaps" "crackles" and "pops"
and walking around with doubt
as my knee feels better now
but I know it's a bomb
ready to blow at any time
Keeping myself stocked with pain killers
just in case
and a knee brace in my bedroom
and in my workout bag
so I always have one, if needed
I don't want to be caught by surprise
I started this lifestyle change
because I wanted to dance
and with each step I take
I hear my knee crack and I wonder
If I'll be able to dance
when my own wedding day comes.