Author Topic: A Question of Virtue or Vanity  (Read 2476 times)

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A Question of Virtue or Vanity
« on: February 21, 2008, 02:18:48 am »
We haven't had one of these in a while, you know th drill copy and paste this set of questions into your post and answer them honestly... if you dare  ;)

If you could be the most stunning, beautiful person & die at 45, would you?
If you won $50,000 worth of cosmetic surgery/make-over OR could donate it  to SmileTrain to fix 200 3rd-world kids with cleft palates and hare lips, what would you do?
What if no one had to know about the the charity option?
You go to the Dr's office and see an open file on an enemy & discover she  has had lots of cosmetic work done. Would you tell anyone?
What if she had STD's? What if you found out she was terminally ill?
Do the contents of her file change how you feel about her?
Your guy is perfect inside & out-Beautiful! He has a horribly disfiguring  accident to his face. Do you still feel the same & stick with him forever?
What if the tables were turned and your face was marred beyond repair?
Do you spend more time improving your inside or outside?
Do you consider yourself vain? Do you spend more money on looks or charity?
How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Really think about it. 
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Re: A Question of Virtue or Vanity
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 02:28:16 am »
If you could be the most stunning, beautiful person & die at 45, would you?  No I don't think so, I want to live long enough to be a grandma...and I want every minute I can have with my husband.
If you won $50,000 worth of cosmetic surgery/make-over OR could donate it  to SmileTrain to fix 200 3rd-world kids with cleft palates and hare lips, what would you do?   Hmmmmm I'd like to think I'd use half for a peel to removed years of skin damage and give what was left to the kids.
What if no one had to know about the the charity option?  Don't think wither or not anyone knew would make difference to my decision.
You go to the Dr's office and see an open file on an enemy & discover she  has had lots of cosmetic work done. Would you tell anyone?  No, I'm a firm believer in treating people how you would like to be treated.
What if she had STD's? What if you found out she was terminally ill?  No
Do the contents of her file change how you feel about her?  I'd feel sorry for her if she had an STD or was terminally ill but  if we didn't like each other before that wouldn't change now, it would seem kind of hypocritical to me.

Your guy is perfect inside & out-Beautiful! He has a horribly disfiguring  accident to his face. Do you still feel the same & stick with him forever?  Yes, love is blind at least to me.
What if the tables were turned and your face was marred beyond repair? I would hope he still loved me, but if he didn't then I would be better off without him in the long run because he never truly loved me to begin with.
Do you spend more time improving your inside or outside?  Inside, the outside is hopeless :P
Do you consider yourself vain? No Do you spend more money on looks or charity? I don't know, I love clothes and nice things, but I do give regularly to charity too
How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Really think about it.  between 3 and 5 times a day, when I get up and brush my teeth, when I put on my make-up, just before my husband comes home or before I leave the house to run errands
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Offline delalluvia

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Re: A Question of Virtue or Vanity
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 08:59:55 pm »
If you could be the most stunning, beautiful person & die at 45, would you?

No.  Your life isn't going to be much better being stunning and beautiful.  Instead you're fending off multitudes of wannabe paramours you have to sift through to determine who really likes you for you - instead of your looks.
If you won $50,000 worth of cosmetic surgery/make-over OR could donate it  to SmileTrain to fix 200 3rd-world kids with cleft palates and hare lips, what would you do?

I'd take a little, do some maintenance work on myself then give the rest to charity.
What if no one had to know about the the charity option?

Doesn't matter - I'm not that bad off that I need soooooooooooo much work.  ;D
You go to the Dr's office and see an open file on an enemy & discover she  has had lots of cosmetic work done. Would you tell anyone?

Don't have any enemies.
What if she had STD's? What if you found out she was terminally ill?

I have been in this situation - I have had access to medical and financial records of the rich and famous and every day people.  No, it's none of my business.
Do the contents of her file change how you feel about her?

No, why would it?
Your guy is perfect inside & out-Beautiful! He has a horribly disfiguring  accident to his face. Do you still feel the same & stick with him forever?

Don't know what I'd do.  Love isn't completely blind.  Obviously I was attracted to him first because his looks appealed to me.
What if the tables were turned and your face was marred beyond repair?

I wouldn't expect anyone to stick with me.
Do you spend more time improving your inside or outside?

Inside - outside doesn't last.
Do you consider yourself vain? Do you spend more money on looks or charity?

I consider - heck, I don't know.  It's complicated.  I am very concerned with my looks, but only because of the effect it has on other people and how they relate to me.  So in that way, yes I'm vain, but when I'm at home, feeling tired or yucky, hair all tangled, legs unshaved, haven't showered yet or put on any makeup, I usually believe I look as bad as I feel, and am shocked to see that I don't - so in that respect, I don't normally think I'm all that.

I spend more money on looks than charity because my job requires that I look professional and well kempt and that costs money.
How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Really think about it.

Morning - 3 times
when I first get up to make sure nothing untoward has happened bodily to me during the night
when I put on my makeup
right before I leave so I can make sure my outfit is working

Day - 3 times
when I first get to work to make sure my makeup is holding up
after lunch when I reapply my lipstick
mid afternoon to reapply lipstick

Evening - 2 times at least
whenever I go in the bathroom.  I'm not actually looking, but one whole wall of my bathroom is mirrored, so I can't help but see myself whether I'm looking or not
and before bed when I clean my face, etc