someone may have to! And call the exterminator!
Here's chapter 29:
SPOILERSAdd "call the phone company" to that list! Holy Shit, Louise. Laura has seriously gone off the deep end and she's digging herself in deeper and deeper by the minute! Doesn't she have a young son at home with her? I'm not sure she's capable of caring for him at this point. And when will it hit her that Ellery knows she's pregnant and that Edna must've spilled the beans?
You’d best make sure I stay close by so Pam don’t get herself in a heap a trouble...I think you've got that backwards, Laura. Thank God Ellery knows the law and can't be intimidated by her crazy rantings! He handled her perfectly (have I mentioned lately how much I love Ellery?). No, it's certainly not in the best interest of the prosecutor to make Pam look bad, but the defense attorney .........

. Well, deep breath. One step at a time.
This is some story! Thanks!
P.S. Lauren is sweet, but if I hear one more word about those effin' mice, I may have to kick his ass along with Wayne's! LOL!