Author Topic: Shelter: The "gay surfer movie" (it's so much more!). See it now and discuss it!  (Read 395527 times)

Offline mactwck

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Where would I see that film?  I have seen the British film "Beautiful Thing" really liked that coming out and of age film.

I think Zach knew Shaun was gay but it sounds like the book Shaun wrote filled in a lot of gaps.  He said, "just changed the names?"  Maybe that is why he never told Gabe he read the book. 


Offline David In Indy

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Where would I see that film?  I have seen the British film "Beautiful Thing" really liked that coming out and of age film.

I think Zach knew Shaun was gay but it sounds like the book Shaun wrote filled in a lot of gaps.  He said, "just changed the names?"  Maybe that is why he never told Gabe he read the book. 


Hi Michelle!

It's to be released on May 28th in the US, and I'm hoping Best Buy, Circuit City (or similar) will sell it. If not, I'll order it from Amazon. It never showed at any of the theaters in my state, nor in any of the surrounding states. I would have gladly driven 100 miles or so in order to see it on the big screen.

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Offline David In Indy

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Ooops! I just read through the thread a little, and I noticed you've already seen this movie. You must have been asking about something else.

Anyway, my "welcome to bettermost" still stands! ;) :)

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Offline mactwck

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Thanks for the welcome.  I have been a bad girl. I have been lurking for a while just not too much to say I guess.  Considering I live in the 5th largest city in the US Shelter is not showing here either.  But I have here!v so I can watch it but plan to buy the dvd once it comes out. *girly squeal*  Sorry it just slipped out.


Offline David In Indy

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Thanks for the welcome.  I have been a bad girl. I have been lurking for a while just not too much to say I guess.  Considering I live in the 5th largest city in the US Shelter is not showing here either.  But I have here!v so I can watch it but plan to buy the dvd once it comes out. *girly squeal*  Sorry it just slipped out.


Oh that's okay if you squealed. I get excited when I think about it too! ;)

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Thanks for the welcome.  I have been a bad girl. I have been lurking for a while just not too much to say I guess.  Considering I live in the 5th largest city in the US Shelter is not showing here either.  But I have here!v so I can watch it but plan to buy the dvd once it comes out. *girly squeal*  Sorry it just slipped out.


I am going to buy the DVD too. I have seen most of it on the net but I think it would be nice to see it all in one piece!  :laugh: :laugh:

also I bet the ocean scenes will be fantastic on the the ocean.

I like the ease they have with one another in the love scenes although it sure seems like Zack went from 0 to 60 in nothing flat!!  :o :o


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I liked the chemistry between the two male leads. I like that they told the story without resorting to 'stereotypical' behaviour...this is just two guys that happen to fall in love.

(although I think Shaun was already in love to start with...I love the scene where he is watching home movies of Gabe and Zack while he was talking to Zack on the walkie talkie....that was very erotic to me for some reason...)

Offline David In Indy

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I liked the chemistry between the two male leads. I like that they told the story without resorting to 'stereotypical' behaviour...this is just two guys that happen to fall in love.

(although I think Shaun was already in love to start with...I love the scene where he is watching home movies of Gabe and Zack while he was talking to Zack on the walkie talkie....that was very erotic to me for some reason...)

I'm so jealous ya'll have seen it and I HAVEN'T!! >:(

I really don't even know what ya'll are talking about! lol

Things will change on May 28th when I get my OWN copy of Shelter!! :D

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Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Thanks Snork for the links, i would not have been able to it if you had of helped me. So i really appreciate it. To cleanse myself of my overwhelming amount of guilt, i plan to buy it on DVD.

Here's what i thought,

If you looking for another Brokeback Mountain than Shelter is not for you, actually there like the alpha - omega of gay cinema. Here i was thinking that it wasn't possible to get away from Brokeback. Apart from different generations, stereotypes and themes. Brokeback Mountain and Sheleter only share the fact the main characters are gay. Lets face it, Sheleter doesnt require much thought and you can safely put the Kleenex tissues away. Unless you a twelfth you old who cries at soppy drama.

If Shelter was a mainstream straight movie about boy meets girl, boy has issues to deal with before he can let go and they resolve this by living happily ever after in a kingdom far away. You'd have Patrick Dempsey and Drew Barrymore as the leads. This is the same formula, just boy meets boy. Unfortunality or thankfully Shelter does not leave out the soppy melodrama, the crisis that eats the main character up and the much older-wiser eye candy that is here to save him. I dont think anyone would have bother unless it held the title "Gay Surfer Movie" Thankfully there is something sweet, touching and binding that makes Sheleter that much better.

First there's the lead that looks similar to Paul Walker. He has all the trimmings, the cute eyes, the sensitivity and honesty. He cares about his family and you just want him to park his slippers under your bed. Than there's the much older guy, who's already out, looks stern, is muscular and honestly who wouldn't fall for this guy. It's a easy formula to create a good gay film, with out the society hates us theme. Cue the i have to much baggage to let go theme, which for me is hard to forget it's not an episode of the OC.

I've decided i wont go into what i dont like about this film, for it doesnt warrant much after we see the ending. The end of this film is what makes it all worth it. I'm talking about the last thirty seconds. It just wraps the movie up for me, it makes it all the worth, it takes away all the melodrama, the stereotypes and predictability. I'm not sure what it is, but i know it brought the only tear to my eye. Simply beautiful.....

If Brokeback was mango cheesecake, Sheleter is vanilla ice cream. Worth it when you eat it all up, it's just the guilt comes a little hard after ward...

Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.


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OMG I love this movie.I have here!tv and I have sen it a bunch of times.  I can not wait fot the dvd to come out.  Maybe they will have deleted scenes.

I have read the whole thread and I have so many thoughts and everything but they are really jumbled.

Somebody ask me a question about the movie or what I thought so I can just answer one thing at a time.

I do not see this as a anit brokeback.  I see it as a possibility in this day and age.  Hopefully we have come a long way from the 1960's when it was not even talked about.

I thnk that Zach had leanings that way and knew about Shaun and maybe had "fantasies" about him so when they had the arguement in the car he was saying how HE (Zach) felt but lashed out at Shaun and turned it on him. Sort of like the guy at school who calls every one "fag" because he does not want anyone to know that he is.  Make sense?

Hey Michelle, nice to see you here! That is a really interesting theory! There's a lot of those guys around, I think in every country and in every school. Zach seemed pretty laidback and I couldn't see him calling other people fags, but I do feel that he would probably not correct anybody for fear of being found out!