(OMG is this the genisis of Shelter fan fic?)

Welllllllllll, you never know.... Yeah I am really wondering if Gabe already knew by the time that he saw Zach with Shaun's shirt. But hadn't he not seen his brother in a while, how would he know that that is his shirt?
Oh, and I laughed when I saw Shaun and Zach jump out of the bed WEARING THEIR BOXERS!!
That wasn't very realistic I thought. But maybe that's just me of course. 
A lot of people seem to comment on that, but I didn't think it was that strange. The director said in an interview that with the scene of them in bed (right before Gabe almost finds them there), he was trying to convey how you sometimes just don't want to get out of bed out of laziness and happiness with being with the right person. They might have been in bed all day, only to get out to get food, during which you would put on your boxers.
I liked "Shelter" a lot - there's a wonderful simplicity about it. As for the Dad, I guess his only purpose is to show just one more person that Zach is responsible for - he's become the parent to everyone, his nephew, his sister and his own dad.
I'm looking forward to watching it again - I always catch more things on a second viewing!
Hey Marie!

I'm so glad you liked the movie as much as I do and that we liked the same things in it. The smile after the first night. The walkie-talkies. "You're my daddy, you're my daddy, you're my daddy...".