Author Topic: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?  (Read 13151 times)

Offline optom3

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This post combines the most important,preciuos things in my life. My children,BBM, Heath and music.
In the film Ennis famously says  "If you can't fix it you got a stand it"
There is a beautiful Coldplay song called "Fix you"

When you try your best but you don't succeed,
when you get what you want but not what you need,
when you feel so tired that you cn't sleep,
stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face,
when you lose something you can't replace,
when you love someone and it goes to waste,
could it be worse?

lights will guide you home,
and ignite your bones,
and I will try to fix you.

High up above and down below
when your'e too in love to let it go,
but if you never try you'll never know
just what your worth.

So much of this resonates for me, both with the film and my life.

For my eldest son, "when you try so hard and you don't succed"  but "I will try to fix you"

For Heath 'when you feel so tired that you can't sleep"
also  "when you get what you want" (critical and artistic success)  "but not what you need" (all the fame that went with it ,
which he seemed not made to cope with)

For Jack "when you love someone and it goes to waste" When your'e too in love to let it go"

For Ennis "and the tears come streaming down your face when you lose something you cant replace"

For me ,I would give anything to be able to fix my son,instead of standing it.

I wish that someone had been able to fix Heath,instead of him having to stand it.

It goes without saying,that for BBM I would have loved for them both to be able to fix it. But then would it have impacted the way it has.Had that been the case.

For me personally I would love to be able to fix my personal life instead of standing it.

I would love to hear from you all,who or waht you would like to fix,in any context.Also if the words of the song resonate with you, re the film in the same way they do with me.

All opinions, agree,disagree welcome. I like to see things from others point of view.If you dont know the song try, to listen to it,its on you tube and I just love it!!!!

Offline Mandy21

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 11:22:52 am »
Good morning, Fiona, I loved your post, and the analogy you made with the Coldplay song.  I lived in Britain for about a year, got very much into Coldplay while over there, and love this particular song and its lyrics.

What I wish I could fix, rather than stand, is the fact that I let so many people break my heart.  I'm not just talking about actual people that I know.  I'm talking about everywhere I go, I see some stranger, someone working at the library that recognizes me cause I go there every day, some checker at the grocery store cause I go there every day, some elderly woman that I stop to help, some loose dog that comes into my yard that I get back home, some old man walking down my street with his cane.  Just anybody, basically.  My heart breaks, just like that.  I want to help everybody.  And all the while, my life, by most people's standards, is so ridiculously pathetic....  I've always been the kind of person who thinks of others first, long before any thoughts of themself.  Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I don't know.  All I know is it hurts, to feel so much for so many.

Dawn is coming,
Open your eyes...

Offline forsythia12

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 12:52:50 pm »
well, i'm not sure if my answer suits the question, but i'm a fixer.  i run to the nearest solution, or quick fix when something goes wrong.  i'm not one for 'standing' stuff.
i get a headache, i pop a tylenol
my kids get sick, i worry, i medicate, i take them to doctor's, even if it's minor.
something breaks, i need it fixed right away.
things don't work out the way i want them to, i'll give up or try something else. 

in fact, i'm not sure what i've 'stood'.  i guess there have been times when i've had no other choice and i just can't fix something, and like ennis said, if you can't, then you've got to stand it....but i scramble....that's for sure.
i don't think i'm one for tolerating things.  frankly , i think if i were jack, i wouldv'e left ennis 'cause i couldn't stand the heartache anymore.......not because i think he should've, or that i blame ennis, i just know myself, and i'm not good at enduring things. 

i think i'm the person who wants everything fixed, and fast because tolerance, patience, acceptance, and all those other attributes it takes to 'stand' something are my weaknesses......unfortunately.

Offline elomelo

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 01:24:42 pm »
'Fix You' is a beautiful song - thanks for sharing! I think another song by Coldplay that could fit the universe/theme of Brokeback..hmm...possibly 'The Scientist' and the following lines from the song:

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
Nobody said it would be this hard

As for fixing rather than standing...maybe extend Jack and Ennis's stay on the mountain by that whole month they miss out. It would give them more time to bond and to come to term with their feelings, and though the parking lot scene may reoccur, they'd leave with more memories of each other and perhaps, the three year wait could be shortened by...well, a lot!

I wouldn't really 'fix' much in the movie because, as someone pointed out, it would lose its impact and overall 'BAM'-ness. Everything was subtle yet so apparent...ah, I drive myself in circles with this!

I know I can't fix this but if I could, Heath wouldn't have passed away and would have grown and given the world more tastes of his talent, and truly make a mark in the world of cinema.

Offline Artiste

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2008, 02:09:45 pm »
Interesting optom!

Would I fix it so we, the viewers, would see l o n g e r sex scene?

Would you?

Au revoir,

Offline optom3

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2008, 04:13:31 pm »
Interesting optom!

Would I fix it so we, the viewers, would see l o n g e r sex scene?

Would you?

Au revoir,

I think the only thing I would fix in the movie is to see more of the 2 of them and their "fishing trips" More of Ennis and Jack, but then I am just plain greedy.More for the  emotional/loving scenes,(like the motel) and also just some of the rare glimpses of camaraderie we saw.
Oh to see more of that smile of Ennis,gentle,shy and wry !!!!
Ok and some more glimpses of toned flesh and mad unreigned pasion would not go amiss.But I guess mainstream film viewers were not ready for that.
But I guess most of all I would like to have had it fixed that Heath had not died.
Even watching Casanova now makes me cry.He smiles a lot in that.
In real life as said I would love to fix my son.

Offline Artiste

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 04:22:47 pm »
Thanks optom!

I think the only thing I would fix in the movie is to see more of the 2 of them and their "fishing trips" More of Ennis and Jack, but then I am just plain greedy.More for the  emotional/loving scenes,(like the motel) and also just some of the rare glimpses of camaraderie we saw.
Oh to see more of that smile of Ennis,gentle,shy and wry !!!!
Ok and some more glimpses of toned flesh and mad unreigned pasion would not go amiss.But I guess mainstream film viewers were not ready for that.
But I guess most of all I would like to have had it fixed that Heath had not died.
Even watching Casanova now makes me cry.He smiles a lot in that.
In real life as said I would love to fix my son.


And would you add some fish in some of those scenes?

Or only one fish to the basket so that will puzzle Alma? Dare I ask?

Would you have Ennis and Jack in a boat as in this pic herein?

And like the enclosed flower for Alma or Lureen??

Au revoir Fiona,

hugs!!   P.S. Be happy how is you son lately and to-day!! Hugs to him, your husband, all you family and friends... from moi!!

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2008, 05:03:49 pm »
In BBM, I would have Lureen to answer Ennis's phone call with "Jack? Sure, he's just in the other room. Wait a minute, I'll get him on the phone."

I've always been convinced Ennis was almost there, almost all the way around the coffeepot, almost had found the handle. Not that he would have made any big announcements or would have told Jack he'd like to move in with him first thing on November, 7 - but something was beginning to shift in Ennis, and with babysteps, he would have finally made it.
And getting such a postcard (wrongly) stamped 'deceased' would have been quite a smack on the head for Ennis.

This would be all right, Jack would answer, had to answer.

If only....

Stepping back and taking a look on the story from the outside perspective - no, I wouldn't change the slightest thing. It's perfect as it is.

Offline optom3

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2008, 05:29:08 pm »
To Artiste.
I would give the flowers to Ennis to put on Jacks grave,sad I know.But I would have Ennis keep just one bloom and have him press it to preseve it with the shirts,there forever.
Personally I think the boat picture is stunning almost like a Turner, but I would not have had the 2 of them in it. Nor would I have had any real fishing.
I just love the analogy of the 2 of them 'fishing" for love.But never quite catching each other,a bit like Alma notes they never catch any fish.

On a serous note I guess I would not change a thing a it is just perfect as it is.Tht's why I till cry every time I watch it ans still obsess over it.

Son is not bad at moment,have a look at your post is jack dead and you will see in my reply all about my sons latest exploits.

Offline Artiste

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Re: who/what in BBBM/real life would you like to "fix "rather than stand?
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2008, 07:14:23 pm »
Thanks Penthesilea !!

  Stepping back and taking a look on the story from the outside perspective - no, I wouldn't change the slightest thing. It's perfect as it is.


Yes! Nice to dream as you did, too!
