I have a co-worker, very conservative, very active in a fundamentalist church, who took his son to see TDK. Wasn't crazy about it but he was impressed with Heath's performance. I questioned him about whether he'd seen any other movies with Heath Ledger and he was very surprised to hear that this was the same actor who'd played the son in
The Patriot. He then asked if this wasn't the guy who was in
Brokeback Mountain, and remarked that he'd seen some movies that had generated some controversy. He then remarked that he'd thought of watching BBM (whose title he had trouble remembering) and I told him I had the DVD and to let me know if he wanted to borrow it.
The subject didn't come up again for awhile, but again this week people started discussing movies in a general way and he suddenly asked me if I'd lend him my copy of
Brokeback for the weekend. Needless to say, I told him I'd bring it in the next work day, which will be Saturday.
Wish me luck! or more appropriately, wish BBM and Heath luck. This is someone who isn't real close-minded and I doubt it will convert him to supporting marriage equality, etc. but it would be a good non-confrontational way to give him some food for thought.
If anyone has any opinion on which would be the best version to lend -- full-screen or wide screen -- let me know. I have both versions -- wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything.