Well considering the movie is based on a true story, I think I'm going to read the book and see what's real and what's Hollywood. Truth is stranger than fiction. Besides, that's just what the preview is showing. The man is obviously a con. Was his wife a beard? He used the accident as an excuse? No way to tell.
I liked the Birdcage. My sister loved the French version. We're hardly hardly narrow-minded [shrug]
I loved the original French "Birdcage" (can't remember the correct French title). It had me in fits of laughter all those years ago, when it first came out. Wasn't so fond of the Hollywood remake with, I think, Robyn Williams.
Re "I Love You Phillip Morris," I was just wondering if it could have, more successfully, been made as a legitimate true-life story with real drama and pathos, being as it's a true story, rather than as this ludicrous, vapid comedy? I think it would have worked better as a drama.
And is it only me who thinks this must be the
worst case of miscasting in the history of Hollywood? Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor? Hunh? What on earth was the Casting Director thinking? Instant flop!