Author Topic: I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS  (Read 74246 times)

Offline SFEnnisSF

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« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2009, 03:21:12 am »
Ugh, more unflattering gay stereotypes pushed by straight actors.  (BARF)

"Good Christian Man and then oops, bang your head and now your gay..."(as if it's a disease you contract)  How fucking insulting!!  >:(

I may have to wage a boycott....  >:(

At first I thought this won't appeal to straights nor gays, and It won't make a dime, and will probably ruin Jim Carrey's career, which is on it's way out anyway...  But, I'm guessing this will appeal to the narrow-minded folks who saw The Birdcage.  Terrible terrible unflattering stereotypes that only hurt us... :(

Offline delalluvia

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« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2009, 08:49:26 pm »
Ugh, more unflattering gay stereotypes pushed by straight actors.  (BARF)

Money talks.

"Good Christian Man and then oops, bang your head and now your gay..."(as if it's a disease you contract)  How fucking insulting!!  >:(

I may have to wage a boycott....  >:(

Well considering the movie is based on a true story, I think I'm going to read the book and see what's real and what's Hollywood.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  Besides, that's just what the preview is showing.  The man is obviously a con.  Was his wife a beard?  He used the accident as an excuse?  No way to tell.

At first I thought this won't appeal to straights nor gays, and It won't make a dime, and will probably ruin Jim Carrey's career, which is on it's way out anyway...  But, I'm guessing this will appeal to the narrow-minded folks who saw The Birdcage.  Terrible terrible unflattering stereotypes that only hurt us... :(

I liked the Birdcage.  My sister loved the French version.  We're hardly narrow-minded [shrug]

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« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2009, 09:25:52 pm »
Well considering the movie is based on a true story, I think I'm going to read the book and see what's real and what's Hollywood.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  Besides, that's just what the preview is showing.  The man is obviously a con.  Was his wife a beard?  He used the accident as an excuse?  No way to tell.

I liked the Birdcage.  My sister loved the French version.  We're hardly hardly narrow-minded [shrug]

I loved the original French "Birdcage" (can't remember the correct French title). It had me in fits of laughter all those years ago, when it first came out. Wasn't so fond of the Hollywood remake with, I think, Robyn Williams.

Re "I Love You Phillip Morris," I was just wondering if it could have, more successfully, been made as a legitimate true-life story with real drama and pathos, being as it's a true story, rather than as this ludicrous, vapid comedy? I think it would have worked better as a drama.

And is it only me who thinks this must be the worst  case of miscasting in the history of Hollywood? Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor? Hunh? What on earth was the Casting Director thinking? Instant flop!  :-\
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Offline delalluvia

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« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2009, 09:37:14 pm »

Re "I Love You Phillip Morris," I was just wondering if it could have, more successfully, been made as a legitimate true-life story with real drama and pathos, being as it's a true story, rather than as this ludicrous, vapid comedy? I think it would have worked better as a drama.

And is it only me who thinks this must be the worst  case of miscasting in the history of Hollywood? Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor? Hunh? What on earth was the Casting Director thinking? Instant flop!  :-\

I would have though so too, considering this opening entry to his Wikipedia article, but if you read the entire article, his life starts to read like a farce.  Truth is stranger than fiction:

Steven Jay Russell (born September 14, 1957) is a US con artist and impostor who has escaped from prison a number of times. He has been nicknamed "Houdini" and "King Con". His IQ was measured at 169.

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« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2009, 03:22:34 pm »

GLAAD loved the movie, so I guess it must be better than it looks.  Guess we'll see how Sundance likes it.,0,6442245.story

They recently showed the film to GLAAD, the gay and lesbian advocacy group, and "they loved it," says Requa.

"They're hosting our Sundance press conference. They were really into it. Most gay movies with gay people are about being gay and treat being gay as this affliction," says Ficarra. "That's got nothing to do with it. It's about two people in love."

"We wanted to do a movie that wasn't about gay and suffering," says Requa.

Jim Carrey was their first choice to play Russell, perhaps because of his ability to blend comedic high jinks with pathological neediness, and he immediately signed on, explaining that there have been only three scripts that he truly felt compelled to do: "The Truman Show," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and this.

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« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2009, 10:44:30 pm »
I'll admit, my reaction to the trailer might have been a little harsh.  I will try to have an open mind about this project.  I mean, the more and more gay folks are protrayed in mainstream movies, the more and more exposure we get, perhaps the insecurities and doubts about us will finally erode away.  I just hope this doesn't protray us in a negative light. 

And you know it's funny, sometimes I have absolutely hated movies when I first watched them or heard about them, and then they went on to become some of my favorite movies.  :laugh:  So... I should really shouldn't pay no attention to my initial knee-jerk reactions.   ;)

Offline delalluvia

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« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2009, 01:24:13 pm »
I'll admit, my reaction to the trailer might have been a little harsh.  I will try to have an open mind about this project.  I mean, the more and more gay folks are protrayed in mainstream movies, the more and more exposure we get, perhaps the insecurities and doubts about us will finally erode away.  I just hope this doesn't protray us in a negative light.

Umm, not quite sure what you mean by this.  The main character Steven is going to be shown as the con-man, embezzler, liar, and thief that he is and it's also going to show that he is gay.  It will probably portray Steven in a negative light, but not because he's gay.  It will show his lover as naive and easily duped.  Is that negative?

Offline delalluvia

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« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2009, 09:15:37 pm »
What was it like for Carrey to lock lips with McGregor?

"A dream come true. I mean, look at the guy," Carrey said, gesturing at McGregor during a question-and-answer session with the audience after the film's Sundance premiere Sunday night.

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« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2009, 12:43:42 am »
Another short trailer.  Its premiere at Sundance apparently went quite well.

Offline delalluvia

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« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2009, 01:17:01 am »
 >:( >:( >:(

We may never see I love you Phillip Morris

March 2, 2009
By Eric Kohn

The prospect of Jim Carrey making out with Ewan McGregor was just the kind of thing that got the media buzzing during the Sundance Film Festival.

But four weeks later, “I Love You Phillip Morris,” a dark comedy featuring Carrey as a gay con man and McGregor as his prison lover, is still not sold, and the producer says it has been taken off the market.

He added: "If it's a film that has somebody with marketing value, but it's a more difficult film, the price may not be large. Whoever's handling the sale of the film may take a while to come to terms with that."

"I Love You Phillip Morris" is a case in point. It marked the directorial debut of "Bad Santa" scribes Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, and features Jim Carrey as a gay con man and Ewan McGregor as his prison lover.

Considered a hot property in the weeks prior to the festival, the tonally complex film left many distributors scratching their heads after its Sundance premiere -- even though some of those who passed said they enjoyed it. The simple fact: They could not envision the film finding an audience.

According to producer Andrew Lazar, it is no longer on the market and the production company plans to announce a theatrical deal "very soon." But during the festival, the filmmakers said they intended to continue editing the film -- turning its premiere into a de facto work-in-progress screening -- so it remains unclear how the newer version will play.