Author Topic: Fantasy Scenes  (Read 84842 times)

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #270 on: October 31, 2006, 11:05:58 pm »
Daddy...Jenny 'n we were worried agout you payin' for her college and givin' Kurt an me a fancy weddin' recption..."

Now sweetheart....told you not ta worry none...

But Daddy...we thought you might be takin' out a loan or something, didn't wan't....

Now hush sweetheart....not that way at all. Guess Ah should be givin' credit where it's due 'n want ya restin' easy 'bout it. remember my friend Ah ...used ta go fishinng with...Jack met him that one time? Well...well we met up back in '63 both of us herdin' sheep up on Brokeback Mountain. We wuz both poor back then. Anyways he moved on to Childress Texas married into a well ta do family, worked real hard in their business, did real well fer himself.....always had a nice new truck 'n all...Well....well...last killed in an accident....

Oh daddy...I'm so sorry, I know he was such a good friend of must miss him...

...Ah....Ah do sweetheart.....sometimes I look toward those Big Horns thinking we still be going up there ...and then....


It's ok....Thing is he bought this life insurance policy, payable ta me...wanted me ta use it ta buy a ranch....started it long time ago back in '68 after we got reunited again, always talk 'bout us ranchin' up together someday....So you see you don't hav'ta
worry none.

But daddy, you should get a ranch if you still can....we don't need...

Shhh....I wanna take care of my girls first....'n sides Ah think there's plenty enough Ah can....get a real nice place...I know that what he want me ta do.  But ya know what ? ....I c'n help with your children's schoolin'....and their cousin's you see, ya got nothin ta worry ya.


Yes sweetheart

I'm...I'm real sorry you never got to ranch up with your friend....Jack....He was real nice.

Ah...Ah am too sweetheart 
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 10:45:47 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline HerrKaiser

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #271 on: November 01, 2006, 02:27:19 pm »
the idea of jack's insurance policy and how Ennis would act having received it is a nice way to see Ennis go on, and a nice way to know how Jack 'took care' of him.

but, it is interesting how it seems money and its uses ever so frequently (always?) endsup a solution to our issues. Good or bad, right or wrong, the old dollar trumps the pure humanness all to often.

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #272 on: November 02, 2006, 03:52:10 pm »

January 15, 1984

Mr. Ennis Del Mar
1800 Hwy 287 #17
Riverton, CO 82501

Dear Mr. Del Mar(Ennis)

I know how hard Jacks death has been on us and must surly been on yourself. Had some things of his I thought I would send up to you that I think he would want you to have. Please let me know if I can send them care of this address. They are as follows.

-Saddle, Jack had a couple of nice saddles this one he had the longest and Bobby said this was the one he always took on yourfishing trips.
-Hooded heavy coat, nearly new thought you would like wearing it when it gets cold.
-30 30 shotgun, this is the one he took hunting and had the longest. Bobby got another one.
-Seiko wristwatch.
-Thought you might want this, it's just and old belt way to small for Jack for a long time ,but its has a bullridding buckle.
-Several shirts you should get good use out of, take the ones to Goodwill you don't want.
-Two pairs of cowboy boots.
Jack thought an a lot of you and spoke very well of you. Hope the letter finds you well and please give my regards to your family. If there is anyting I can do for you please let me know.

Lureen Newsome Twist
Childress, Tx
« Last Edit: November 03, 2006, 10:47:07 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Arad-3

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #273 on: November 02, 2006, 04:03:08 pm »
What wonderful alternatives. I love the one about the will and life insurance, It's easier to think about Ennis being at least comfortable and sad than poor and sad.  The last one with Alma jr. was a treasure!  Thanks
" Save a horse... ride a cowboy "

Offline Noviani

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #274 on: November 09, 2006, 02:32:14 am »
Hi M,

thanks for this subject...let's celebrate the greatest love of all time!!

wanna see Jack and Ennis driving after the reunion heading for the fishing place or so they called it. wanna see how they spent couple of hours in the car..maybe both of them can't stop stroking the other. some tlks or nothing at all, just njoy other's company.

hik hik.. still can't accept Jack is dead.

January 15, 1984

Mr. Ennis Del Mar
1800 Hwy 287 #17
Riverton, CO 82501

Dear Mr. Del Mar(Ennis)

I know how hard Jacks death has been on us and must surly been on yourself. Had some things of his I thought I would send up to you that I think he would want you to have. Please let me know if I can send them care of this address. They are as follows.

-Saddle, Jack had a couple of nice saddles this one he had the longest and Bobby said this was the one he always took on yourfishing trips.
-Hooded heavy coat, nearly new thought you would like wearing it when it gets cold.
-30 30 shotgun, this is the one he took hunting and had the longest. Bobby got another one.
-Seiko wristwatch.
-Thought you might want this, it's just and old belt way to small for Jack for a long time ,but its has a bullridding buckle.
-Several shirts you should get good use out of, take the ones to Goodwill you don't want.
-Two pairs of cowboy boots.
Jack thought an a lot of you and spoke very well of you. Hope the letter finds you well and please give my regards to your family. If there is anyting I can do for you please let me know.

Lureen Newsome Twist
Childress, Tx

:'( :'( :'(
"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it..."

I finally found an Indonesian-translated version of BBM short story!!!!!

Offline Noviani

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #275 on: November 09, 2006, 03:35:50 am »
I don't like jack's mustache. makes him  looking old.

Jack to himself:
Damn you Ennis,  I wish I could tell you how much ya mean to me, if I could make you understand how much I missed you, even that first summer so long ago lookin' down at our camp from the mountian at Brokeback. When I try I say it, I f**k it up, say things I never ment you to hear, cause you anger and pain, I forget how scared you are and end up hurting you more. Ennis I hope you can forgive me and you will be here in the fall, I'm so afraid you won't, just like I was so afraid you would send me away if I tried see you after Brokeback. If I could only tell you how I cry my eyes out on side of the road every time we part, and wish that I could be in your arms just like up here always. I live for the days I am with you, and if that's all you can give, I'll accept and treasure those few, let it be till next time, maybe then I can say it right.... I love you so much Ennis Del Mar.

"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it..."

I finally found an Indonesian-translated version of BBM short story!!!!!

Offline Noviani

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #276 on: November 09, 2006, 03:39:22 am »
could't agree more!! hate that mustache!!!!!!!!!!!!

so funny... you're brilliant!


thought I would give you a laugh instead of maybe shed a tear.

Jack to himself: Been here all day and Ennis didn't say a thing about my new mustache. Grew it just fer him. Didn't even notice it when I laid one on him good. Damn thing itches all to hell.

Ennis to himself: What's with Jack and that mustache of his. Looks like a catapillar crawled up and died under his nose. Handsome face he got, goes a spoil 't, can't even see that mole he got above that mouth of his. Damn thing itches all to hell.

"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it..."

I finally found an Indonesian-translated version of BBM short story!!!!!

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #277 on: November 09, 2006, 12:19:17 pm »
Jack 'n me, we wuz always so sad at the end of one of our trips. Even if it wuz only gonna be a couple of months till next time.
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline jpwagoneer1964

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #278 on: November 09, 2006, 12:36:38 pm »
Jack and me, we always held on ta each other real tight just before we got in our pickups, couldn't hardly breathe. We would silence our ears , each pretending we didn't hear the other bawlin', just hangin' on. That last time was the only time I fell down against Jack, kept me from fallin'. We both said some things the other could hardly stand ta hear, hurt each other kinda bad. But by the time we wuz ready ta drive away things were ok again. Jack stayed squeezin' me real warm, makin sure I wuz ok.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 01:31:06 pm by jpwagoneer1964 »
Thank you Heath and Jake for showing us Ennis and Jack,  teaching us how much they loved one another.

Offline Noviani

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Re: Fantasy Scenes
« Reply #279 on: November 09, 2006, 10:55:24 pm »

Boss is not around and i am corrupting office internet to dive in betterMost. gotta explain my co-workers why tears shed on the paperwork...erasing the signatures

Ennis thinking:

Oh Jack...Jack ya saved our shirts all these years, yours over mine. This is what you wanted me to find. Bet ya didn't think I remember but we was wearin' these same shirts that day we met, I held on ta ya with this blue one that night I came to the tent and ya took my hand and...that next night ya took this one of mine off ah me so carefully askin' me if it was ok, saying s'alright. I promise Jack I will always take care of 'm, only thing I have left of ya. I'm so sorry I punched ya that day, I was just so scared an upset 'bout havin' ta leave early, leaving our home we had on Brokeback. Jack. I never meant ta hurt ya Jack, never would do anything ta cause ya pain, ya always been so good ta me. I wish I had that day back, never wudda let ya go Jack, and mebe just mebe ya would still be here.I didn't mean it when I said leave me be, didn't ever want that, hope ya forgive me. Missing ya awful bad Jack, don't know if I'll ever be goin' ta the mountians again without ya there.

Dear Lord: Be with Jack, treat him special, he deserves it. Tell him how much I loved him, how much I needed him, don't knew if he ever knew. He was the very best fried I ever had. Please Lord let 'm know.

Ennis....Ennis can ya hear me?...Ennis? I know Ennis, I know ya loved me, s'alright. I saw it in your smile when I did that rodeo dance by the campfire, I saw in your eyes when ya came into the tent that night so frightned, I saw it whenever we'd meet squeezing me to tight I'd thought I'da bust, I saw it in your face by our campfire. I see it now that day ya got that first postcard, how excited you were to pack for a trip, I see it now when ya dream of me, I see how much your missing me now Ennis. You found the shirts Ennis, most valuable thing I'd ever owned were those two shirts, yours and mine, no fancy truck or house could ever take their place. I know they mean the same to you, keep them close ta remember those days we had on Brokeback,I know you'll take care of 'm. Ennis it's really me in your dreams, don't worry they won't never stop, and sometimes when you sleep you'll feel my arms around you tight, may face against yours, just like when we were together. Be ah watching over you Ennis, till were dancing together in heaven. Ennis ....Ennis Del Mar know this, you were loved more that ya can ever know, take that with you always, get ya through the years ahead, look back and remember the joy. Ennis I could  never quit you, never. Never meant to say it, hope ya forgive me. You Ennis will always be my cowboy.

"Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it..."

I finally found an Indonesian-translated version of BBM short story!!!!!