Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 2048577 times)

Offline Meryl

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  • There's no reins on this one....

((TIMMY puts on The Jeans, singing to himself))

** You put yer right foot in, you put yer left foot out, you put yer both legs in, and you shake 'em all about.... **
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline alec716

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(( TERRY CLOTH has noticed MR. RAYMILLE's suspicious absence from the BAM set.  Since Our Beloved Director's previous hiatus involved enhancement of certain supposed-to-be-private-but-heck-what-are-boundaries-here-on-the-Performance-Thread parts, TERRY CLOTH cannot help but wonder if MR. RAYMILLE has had facial reconstruction surgery in an attempt to lure ever more talent talented actors onto the casting couch into the BAM production family.  If so, this would be just one more example of MR. RAYMILLE's willingness to suffer for our art.  (Clarification:  the AUDIENCE suffers due to our art, the Director suffers for it.  ;) ) ))


**  MR. RAYMILLE, if you don't want folks to recognize you, you'd better change your wardrobe color...  **


« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 12:23:30 am by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline alec716

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**  I just want to be clear, before MR. RAYMILLE's legal department contacts me, that I am IN NO WAY insinuating that MR. RAYMILLE had any cheeks enhanced other than those on his face.    ;)  TIMMY is not MR. RAYMILLE, he just borrows occasionally from his wardrobe.  **

(( TIMMY tries on his costume ))

« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 12:34:38 am by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline Pipedream

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**  C'mon, OWLMA, you an' OLLIE ain't married.  You don't want JUNIOR to grow up the product of a broken nest, do ya?  I'm saving money for a small tree, got a tobacco can with two dryer sheets inside.  Not a big nest egg, but a start.  And maybe either the HIGHLY AVAILABLE PRIESTESS or her HIGHLY OVEREXPOSED BUTTY BUDDY TIMMY would officiate when we buy our vOWLs take our vows.  So c'mon for a spin on life's wheel a fortune with me!  And don't give me a pat "no" for an answer... gimme a pat and say JACK .... I mean say yes!  **

Owl Olivia:

** Wait a second, Terry! I'll be right back! **

((In the owl-partment...))

Offline Pipedream

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((A little later...))

Owl Olivia:

Okay, Terry F*ckin Cloth, I agree to marry you and move to Riverton, but I have the following conditioners:

1. You are the warshrag, so you’ll keep the house clean. You are used to hangin around anyway, aren’t ya?
2. I will go out for hunting or else whenever I like. You don’t ask where I fly and I won’t make you eat mice...
3. None of your butt lotion buddies in our house, please! 
4. You pay all the bills, and we use your fees to get our kid a good education.

Can we agree on all that? Fine then. Here I am.  ;D

Offline Ann

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Hello everyone.

Daniel asked me to come play a part, so here I am. I'm still not sure what all is going on, but I'd like to help out. Does anyone know how to change your name. I was having some problems with the activation e-mail earlier.

Offline alec716

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((A little later...))

Owl Olivia:

Okay, Terry F*ckin Cloth, I agree to marry you and move to Riverton, but I have the following conditioners:

1. You are the warshrag, so you’ll keep the house clean. You are used to hangin around anyway, aren’t ya?
2. I will go out for hunting or else whenever I like. You don’t ask where I fly and I won’t make you eat mice...
3. None of your butt lotion buddies in our house, please! 
4. You pay all the bills, and we use your fees to get our kid a good education.

Can we agree on all that? Fine then. Here I am.  ;D

(( TERRY CLOTH shudders as he ponders this Critical Plot Juncture.  ))


&&  Uh-oh, OWLMA is one tough old youthful and blushingly radiant bird.  This ain't gonna be easy like I thought.  But I gotta make it work.  I don't want a be lonely and eatin' all pie by myself forever, gettin crusty.  I told JBB that I ain't sequined lame', and he told me he weren't no K-Y Jelly.  He said it weren't nobody's business but ours, but I know that everyone on this Thread had a pair a 10x42 binoculars on us until he capped up and I pulled my loops in.  And now I ain't heard from him in a BLUE HEELER's age, what with OWLMA's cousin, that STRUNG-OUT CARRIER PIGEON, droppin' out a the sky and into some TIMMY'S crack ... house somewhere. 

So I guess it was a one-tube deal we had goin on.  JBB sure left me with a Broken Arse heart.  And there is JUNIOR to think about.  Now that he's outta the shell, I'll be shellin' out owlet support iff'n I don't marry his effen mother.  &&

**  Alright, OWLMA, you got yerself a deal!  What you ask is fine, and besides I can't eat no mice right now.  And when we get married, I think JUNIOR should be the wing-bearer.  **
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 11:39:09 am by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline Front-Ranger

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**Welcome to our merry band of playerz, dansmom! Which part did U want to play? There are several available! To change yr name U will have to go into your profile. U can change yr avatar, signature, etc. but I'm not sure U can change yr name. U might just delete yr account and join again with the name U prefer. Let's see, dansmom, would that be like Daniel's Mom?? Anyway, welcome!!**
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Ellemeno

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Hello everyone.

Daniel asked me to come play a part, so here I am. I'm still not sure what all is going on, but I'd like to help out. Does anyone know how to change your name. I was having some problems with the activation e-mail earlier.

** Hi dansmom,

Welcome to BetterMost!  I am a moderator here, and also The Casting Director for the Performance thread, so I am happy to help you change your username, and to help you pick the role you want.  I'm sending you a Private Message (PM) now, with info on both.

Anytime you want to ask me a question, you can send me a PM, by clicking on my username in blue (Ellemeno), and then clicking on "Send user a private message." 


Offline Meryl

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  • There's no reins on this one....
OSCAR is astounded:

And so is the crew:

But, OWL plus CLOTH = I LOVE YOU!  :-*


Ich bin ein Brokie...