((A little later...))
Owl Olivia:
Okay, Terry F*ckin Cloth, I agree to marry you and move to Riverton, but I have the following conditioners:
1. You are the warshrag, so you’ll keep the house clean. You are used to hangin around anyway, aren’t ya?
2. I will go out for hunting or else whenever I like. You don’t ask where I fly and I won’t make you eat mice...
3. None of your butt lotion buddies in our house, please!
4. You pay all the bills, and we use your fees to get our kid a good education.
Can we agree on all that? Fine then. Here I am. 

(( TERRY CLOTH shudders as he ponders this Critical Plot Juncture. ))
&& Uh-oh, OWLMA is one
tough old youthful and blushingly radiant bird. This ain't gonna be easy like I thought. But I gotta make it work. I don't want a be lonely and eatin' all
pie by myself forever, gettin crusty. I told JBB that I ain't sequined lame', and he told me he weren't no K-Y Jelly. He said it weren't nobody's business but ours, but I know that everyone on this Thread had a pair a 10x42 binoculars on us until he capped up and I pulled my loops in. And now I ain't heard from him in a BLUE HEELER's age, what with OWLMA's cousin, that STRUNG-OUT CARRIER PIGEON, droppin' out a the sky and into some
TIMMY'S crack ... house somewhere.

So I guess it was a one-tube deal we had goin on. JBB sure left me with a Broken
Arse heart. And there is JUNIOR to think about. Now that he's outta the shell, I'll be shellin' out owlet support iff'n I don't marry his effen mother. &&
** Alright, OWLMA, you got yerself a deal! What you ask is fine, and besides I can't eat no mice right now. And when we get married, I think JUNIOR should be the wing-bearer. **